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McCain denounced Black’s comments saying, “its not true.” Black also apologized for his remarks, saying he “deeply regrets the comments” and calling them “inappropriate.”
Sounds like a big dose of CYA to me. The only thing “inappropriate” to Mr. Black and Sen. McCain is that Black actually said these things out loud. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that McCain’s campaign is built on one theme and one theme only–national security. It is to scare the American people into thinking that Barack Obama is too inexperienced to deal with what might happen, and that McCain would be the steady hand at the wheel.
This wasn’t an impulsive sound bite. It was part of a reasoned, reviewed and edited magazine article.
Let’s face it, he didn’t say anything outside our already existing concerns about the politics of fear that have become the hallmark of neocon politics.
Thanks, K B
Regret his comments about terror attack helping McCain? Bullshit and you fell for it.
They get the word out and they say “I’m sorry”? What a crock. THAT’s the strategy.
Terrorists will LIKELY attack us later this year. They want another Bush to serve the role of “The Great Satan” .
This is great for Iran too. “A saber-rattling foe distracts the Iranian people from their utter incompetence” – see TIME magazine. The last thing Iran, terrorists and other goofballs is Obama.
They’re not supposed to reveal the “October Surprise,” before it is supposed to happen. What a blunder!
Sadly, its true. If there was another attack, the focus would be on another “War time” president. Sadly, McCain would get a boost.
Similar to what happened to the Republicans after 9/11. They had all the weight they needed after the attack to remove and strip the rights of the Citizens of the country “For their own good”. The attacks also came at a time where the USA was still a mover and shaker in the world, unlike now where we are all suffering multiple bubbles bursting at the same time. Funny how it is all happening JUST before BushCo leaves the Administration.
Obama is too inexperienced. More importantly his stated positions reveal that he is naive. Hopefully he will flipflop on this prior to the election.
MikeN… McDisneyMac is simply too old to be president of this country. I would rather have someone who is a bit naive… with the ability to learn, rather than having a hate filled old man take the reigns as our commander in chief and wage a number of wars because he suffers from old persons disease. I feel sorry for whoever he picks as his VP because it is likely going to be contagious.
I hardly think they are wishing for a terrorist attack so that they can get a boost in the polls.
Being purely objective, when the question is posed about whether such an attack would have an effect on a presidential campaign, it seems clear that many realize that it would. It makes me glad that the guy answered honestly rather than trying to brush it off and give the politically correct answer.
Unfortunately youngster Obama will learn at our expense.
0. So now we need Democrat strategists to also come clean and admit Obama’s campaign success will be built upon some hoped-for racism.
The truth is McCain would benefit if there was a terrorist attack. No reason we can’t admit a truth without a dramatic feign of outrage.
Since the terrorist organizations know this and have openly backed Obama we can safely conclude that there will be no attacks before the election.
Afterwards, you guess is as good as mine.
Mutt and Jeff, Sorry. I mean MikeN & Jeff,
What gives you the idea that Obama is naive? I have not seen anything about him that makes me think so. I think he’s bright and experienced. McBush is experienced and still not bright. He contradicts himself all the time. Nothing’s going to change that at his age. His brain has already ossified.
There is nothing naive or inexperienced about Obama. He is a 46 year old college educated happily married man with two kids, multi-culture exposed word traveled adult male.
Much better than a draft dodging coke snorting failure given everything by daddy who never traveled outside of the USA and turned to religion for salvation.
Much better than a sold-out flip flopping evangelical ass kissing failure living out what could have been war hero.
Actually, they all suck.
#10 bobbo
Obama’s inexperience can be seen as he searches for a clear thought without prepared notes or a teleprompter.
If a question doesn’t meet the answer of a prepared talking point he is lost and begins to babble.
#11–Dr D==how do you know? Just because that might be true for you, doesn’t mean thats whats happening with Obama.
Editor of the Harvard Law School Newspaper and he’s lost for words?
No–more likely he is flooded with 15 different thinks to say probably starting with “Why do I have to deal with these dumb ass honky’s?” and then he goes down the list considering what to say.
Not surprising you don’t know how to interpret the expression of a thoughtful man.
#11 – Dr Dodd,
Obama’s inexperience can be seen as he searches for a clear thought without prepared notes or a teleprompter.
If a question doesn’t meet the answer of a prepared talking point he is lost and begins to babble.
And McBush with prepared speeches repeatedly contradicts himself. This is experience? I think taking a moment to get one’s thoughts clear is a sign that one has thoughts. Contradicting what one said very recently is not even flip-flopping, which might involve a change of thought. Contradictions of the nature that McBush has had are indicative of a truly weak mind. And, again, they happen when he is reading prepared speeches.
So, choice 1: A vibrant 46 year old very bright candidate with a vision for the future.
Or, choice 2: A decrepit old fart who could be called set in his ways if he didn’t keep contradicting himself, but otherwise can only be called a senile old fart looking to continue Bush’s policies for 8 more years (if he lives that long) and mislead us with whatever rhetoric strikes his fancy at the moment.
Hey, new idea for a McCain bumper sticker (well sort of new, really just a remake of an old theme):
McBillionaires for McBush!!
Mr. Dodd, have you heard a McCain speech recently? I think you might be getting the two of them confused.
Yes, Obama does stumble over his words at times… while he is thinking of something to say, but McCain… he often looks like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck.
Second, I was not aware of the connections or at least political favoritism that many terrorist organizations show Obama. I guess since you said it… it must be true.
It must be the same connections that Bush has every time he is in trouble (economy, other issues) and calls upon his buddies (select members of the intel community) to instill fear in the American public for political gain. It further does not hurt to have a conduit of the majority of the American talk radio networks to spew your nasty phobias and conspiracies to the American population.
#16 Jeff
“I was not aware of the connections or at least political favoritism that many terrorist organizations show Obama. I guess since you said it… it must be true.”
The news organizations have been reporting for some time now that many of the middle east terrorist organizations are hoping for an Obama victory. This also goes for several countries that are considered terrorist nations. Don’t take my word for it – watch the news.
#18–Dr D==so what? Why do you care what some middle east terrorist says? Do you think they can predict the future world political events with any more precision than betting which way a camel will piss?
No–just more mindless word association games. Troubling that such decrepit mind stool goes for political insight in this country.
If you are capable of it, you should do better.
#17 bobbo
The majority don’t agree on the government taking over health care. Government never, ever does anything right – so why on earth would we give them free reign to destroy the best health system in the world.
#19 bobbo
“Why do you care what some middle east terrorist says?”
I don’t. But I do find it interesting that the talking points of the democrat party and terrorist are exactly the same. This alone should make us all ask what’s going on?
Docta, you seem to be full of shit.
Medicare is better at running healthcare than any private business.
a 2001 survey discovered that Medicare beneficiaries are generally more satisfied with their health care than are persons under age sixty-five who are covered by private insurance. Medicare beneficiaries report fewer problems getting access to care, greater confidence about their access, and fewer instances of financial hardship as a result of medical bills.
It’s the same old story. Make stupid claims often enough and they look like the truth. You and others are trying to get us to believe a 46-year-old minority male elected multiple times to state and national office, editor-in-chief of one of the nation’s most respected university-level legal journals, and survivor of one of the worst primary seasons in recent history, is naive?
I have a new foe. His name is Dr. Dodd. LOL I will be coming for you Dodd if you continue with your nonsense. Dr.? Don’t make me laugh. Your posts prove otherwise.
#27 J
Cool! But it’s a shame that you must work at such a disadvantage. How agonizing it must be to depend on that putrid meat farm you call a brain. Still, it should be great fun. Just hope you got the fare to ride the train.
#27–J==He won’t reveal what his degree is in, so everything is suspect. I did think he said something intelligent once and I checked back to find it was one posting where he admitted he agreed with me. That was it.
I can’t tell. Lyin Mike, Dr D, they give “conservative” a bad name. More a knee jerk caricature of stupidity than a rational position. Mike has his lucid moments, haven’t seen the same from Doddie.
“I don’t care, but its interesting and I post it as my own opinion” is certainly the mark of a failed propagandist or a nutbag.
Have fun, not much there.
#10 “There is nothing naive or inexperienced about Obama. He is a 46 year old college educated happily married man with two kids, multi-culture exposed word traveled adult male.”
I think experience as an executive is being referenced. POTUS is an executive position. It has to do with being experienced in SUCCESSFULLY running very large organizations. Neither candidate qualifies. Being a legislator doesn’t give you the needed experience. Obama has the intelligence (no doubt) but pretty much zero requisite experience. You need both. Witness Shrub.
All bets are off if McCain selects Alaska Gov Sarah Palin as his Veep-mate. If that were to happen, I think the GOP would take this thing in November.
#29 bobbo
Since Mustard verbally and mentally slaps you around on a daily basis it would seem to be in your best interest not to order a second round.
14 MS:
McBillionaires for McBush!!
It needs more snap. Like:
McFormer-Democrat-Vice-President-Nominees for McBush!!
But I like my home-grown & more poignant:
BO Stinks
# 28 Dr Dodd
“Cool! But it’s a shame that you must work at such a disadvantage. ”
Yes having to debate someone as hebetudinous as you is a disadvantage to my intelligence.
“How agonizing it must be to depend on that putrid meat farm you call a brain. ”
First. I never called you a brain. Yes. It agonizing depending on your wit to entertain me.
“Still, it should be great fun. Just hope you got the fare to ride the train.”
Pal. I own the railroad. Good day to you sir.
# 29 bobbo
“He won’t reveal what his degree is in, so everything is suspect.”
I find those who call themselves Dr. are lacking in self esteem and overcompensate by letting everyone know that they somehow managed to received an advanced degree. Bully for him. When he has 2 let him get back to me.
Doesn’t really matter if he has one or not. His posts speak volumes about his knowledge, or lack there of, and how he has blinded himself with the equivalent of a religious “belief”. No insult meant to those who seek spiritual guidance.
“I did think he said something intelligent once and I checked back to find it was one posting where he admitted he agreed with me. That was it.”
“I can’t tell. Lyin Mike, Dr D, they give “conservative” a bad name. ”
I agree. I know many conservatives that are very reasonable and nice people and don’t allow their political view to cloud their judgment.
# 32 Dr Dodd
That shows your lack of observational skills. I tend to tell bobbo his lips are so close to Mr. Mustards ass that he better hope Mustard doesn’t stop abruptly
“it would seem to be in your best interest not to order a second round.”
From you? I hardly think so! Bobbo may not be the sharpest toothpick all the time but he has you beat by miles even on his worst day.
Mac Pick Palin Veep BEFORE Hil Campaigns w/Obama!
In addition to her overwhelming attraction on the oil/energy issue and the female/disaffected Hillary voters, her human interest story will generate millions and millions of dollars worth of publicity and media coverage — essentially free to the McCain campaign — more than offsetting Obama’s reported money advantage.