1. huh says:

    From a Gatorade commercial. Fake w/wires, etc.

  2. ZARk says:

    Mmmh, whats a ball girl ?
    Is it like the boys/girls in tennis that run and get the ball once it’s out ?

  3. HMeyers says:

    Too bad it’s fake from a commercial, I wanted to believe it was real.

  4. UncleLar says:

    Your track record at detecting hoaxes seems to be awfully poor. Do you even try to verify the stuff you put up at all?

    [Maybe I’m trying to fool you but you’re just too damned smart for me. – ed.]

  5. Noel says:

    …And then she would be fired for interfering with the game.

  6. 4,

    They obviously don’t do any verification.
    This is the problem with blogs and new-age media. There’s no follow-up to news, or any fact-checking. Somewhere down the line, a person omits some information (fake commercial) and it gets passed down as the truth.

    I guarantee that a percentage of blog readers would watch the video and never read the comments believing that this “incredible catch” did occur and was real. Is this so bad to believe in this dumb video? Not really… but things we see and believe can have unpredictable results.

    Yeah, critical thinking is a skill we should all have, but is it too much to ask that things be labeled clearly with at least some verification? I hope not.


    [Geez, I wouldn’t want to spoil the magic. – ed.]

  7. English Vibrato says:

    Its a mad world.
    Or not.

  8. The Warden says:

    Should see how she takes balls to the face!

  9. QB says:

    CBC is working on podcasting the Age of Persuasion, but in the meantime they’re streaming it. Episode on the myth of mass marketing: http://tinyurl.com/6afc89

  10. supraman215 says:


    Ok. So you find this video, 10 other people post it, you don’t. You spend a day or so maybe a few hours, I’m no journalist but I’m guessing fact checking doesn’t happen in a few hours, also I’m not talking about fact checking on the internet cause that will just be more bloggers. Then you post it, saying it’s fake or legit. But no one cares because it was already posted on 10 other blogs before and now it’s old news.

    So just post it when you find it and who cares if it’s real or fake.

    [Thank you. My sentiments exactly. When I find what I think is a cool video, I post it. If it’s fake or set up, so be it. It’s for entertainment, not enlightenment. – ed.]

  11. UNKN says:

    Still neat even if it’s fake.

  12. OvenMaster says:

    #9: Thanks a lot. Now I need to clean coffee off my monitor. Spit-take of the day.

  13. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    I find it increasingly surprising that anyone can see any “amazing” video online and not stop to think that it is fake. The saying “if it is too good to be true it probably is” doesn’t only apply to investment deal or sales.

  14. bobbo says:

    Hopper—this is pretty serious criticism coming your way. Did you post that video a few weeks ago of Hancock throwing that whale off the beach and on top of that sail boat? No warning on that fake video either.

    Standards must be raised if Super Heroes and Ball Girls are going to be presented without sufficient explanation.

  15. McCullough says:

    #16. The Hancock thing was fake? Really?

  16. bobbo says:

    #16–McCullough–from reviews I have read on the web, I’m pretty sure the whale was real but the sailboat wasn’t that far away==it was a trick done with short focus camera lenses and slow motion photography. This is confirmed by the statement that no whales were hurt during the filming of Hancock.

    PS–I just saw a promo for Hancock. He stopped a speeding train in 4 feet? Can’t tell but that had to kill a few people as the cars tumbled around. It’ll be fun to see how that is handled in the picture.

  17. WhoCares says:

    #6, #15

    Who cares, you bore me, #6 especially.
    Its fun to stretch the imagination however fake it maybe. Go pop some popcorn with your cellphones.

  18. hhopper says:

    My God, it’s fun being an editor on DU.

  19. Freyar says:

    I still liked it initially, even if it was an advertisement. the possibility would be awesome, and it looked sweet even if it was staged.

  20. These complaints about this being a hoax are total bullshit. Why? Because this is not an important event!

    Oh golly, let’s run a fact-checker out there since so much is at stake. The fact is you run the vid. It’s a fake. People chime in and say it is BS and it’s over. That is the way it NOW WORKS. Get over yourself.

    Consider it a form of entertainment and get used to it.

  21. jccalhoun hates the spam filter says:

    You forgot an important step. Once people point out it is fake then the original post is edited to note that it is fake.

  22. Mr. Catshit says:

    My daughter swears that Hannah Montana and Mylie Cyrus are the same person. Could we have one of you “fact checkers” investigate for me please.

    Geeze, their hair is totally different for cripes sake.


    Hopper, I thought it was a cool video. I would have liked a close-up on the fielder’s face though.

  23. Rick Cain says:

    I’ve seen Jackie Chan do this with a wall for real. Of course he’s been a Wing Chun master for 40 years…


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