Hmmm. Can you spell ‘creepy?”

Children fed ‘silly pills,’ forced to perform sex shows –

MINEOLA, Texas — In the windowless front rooms of a former day care center in a tiny Texas community, children as young as 5 were fed powerful painkillers they knew as “silly pills” and forced to perform sex shows for a crowd of adults.

Two people have already been convicted in the case. Now a third person with ties to the club, previously known in town only as a swingers group, is set to go on trial Monday not far from Mineola, population 5,100.

“This really shook this town,” said Shirley Chadwick, a longtime resident of Mineola. “This was horrible.”

Patrick Kelly, 41, is charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child, tampering with physical evidence and engaging in organized criminal activity.

In all, six adults have been charged in connection with the case, including a parent of the three siblings involved.

Jurors this year deliberated less than five minutes before returning guilty verdicts against the first two defendants, who were accused of grooming the kids for sex shows in “kindergarten” classes and passing off Vicodin as “silly pills” to help the children perform.

Found by Mark Parker via Twitter.

  1. bobbo says:

    Gawd save the little kiddies.

    Not to be too perverse about it, but I wonder what the “sex shows” were—in detail?

    The child services working saying they were “heinously abused” but already recovering successfully after counseling of a few weeks is just a bit inconsistent?

    As a result, I won’t look at a kid. The village raising them is full of nuts===from the nutjob arrested above, to those over sensationalizing whatever did happen.

  2. MikeN says:

    Despite the guilty verdict, I’m not so quick to believe the charges after all the bogus prosecutions in the 1980s. They had one day care center accused of animal slaughter and raping the girl with knives, but no evidence that either occurred. The prosecutors would bring in experts who would feed the kids with leading questions.

  3. Dallas says:

    “Yeah, that’s really fucked up, the guy must be a Christian”, or something like that.

  4. I love reading this blog but I find it really annoying that when I click the links to the article in the RSS reader (since only snippets are shown) that I get directed to the leave a comment page for the post instead of the full post page which is what I want…since I haven’t yet read the full post. I would have sent this elsewhere but there was no email or contact page on the site either 😉

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #3 – Dallas

    Good one! 🙂

  6. Named says:


    Why don’t you have a seat over there…

  7. bobbo says:

    #3–Steers and Queers==well, I was going to rag on you and call Mustard Sauce, but if our Champion in Chief declines, what can I do but follow sheeplishly?

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    #7 – Bobbo

    Hey come on. That was funny! You Atheist are so lacking in a sense of humor.

  9. bobbo says:

    #6–named==I assume DU would provide the details if they were available. I’ve seen some pretty drastic details posted on some crimes and when details aren’t mentioned, I wonder if the details actually support the headline. Could be sitting for quite a while.

    Speaking of Hansen, it does amaze me how pathetic the criminals are, still, I think Hansen is doing a valuable public service. Why the public isn’t outraged the police don’t do more is beyond me.

    #8–Mustard, of course it was funny but only in the context of a christian bashing blog? == or just your contributions of the last few weeks?

    Actually, I do agree with some of your statements==just not most of them.

  10. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “Permanent custody of the three siblings was given to John and Margie Cantrell. This week, prosecutors in California charged John Cantrell with sexually assaulting a child in the state 18 years ago. Margie Cantrell said her husband is

  11. Named says:

    Duplicate Entry.

  12. Named says:


    Hansen is basically working the entrapment angle to the fullest. In a tragic way it reminds me of this joke…

    Even if some idiot is tempted, and tries to back out, the program will try and force the issue to make sure he shows up…

    And you’re desire for detail of child abuse could make a good Predator show… especially if they spin it the right way…

  13. bobbo says:

    #12–named==entrapment is misunderstood by too many who simply don’t wish to be responsible for their own actions. The line does get approached if the criminal expresses doubts and becomes “convinced” by the undercover agents to go ahead===except maybe when those agents are posing as minors?

    Your wedding day hypo is a good example. No entrapment at all. When you pledge to one person, you should be secure from all the rest, assuming thats the deal you strike with your betrothed.

    Most cases are no more entrapment in its valid legal sense than keeping money in a bank unfairly tempts criminals to rob from it.

  14. Named says:

    Ah, the infallible and always recommended exception to the rule…
    The line does get approached if the criminal expresses doubts and becomes “convinced” by the undercover agents to go ahead===except maybe when those agents are posing as minors?

    But, it wasn’t REALLY entrapment because we were trying to catch really bad people! Honest! Law enforcement needs a very strict boundary to work in…

  15. bobbo says:

    #14–Named==I can see you are trying. Totality of circumstances probably would clear up most ambiguity unless you are an advocate of minor children getting raped and murdered because they urged their predators to come over and visit.

  16. Mr. Catshit says:

    I am a little apprehensive about all this. As was shown with the child sex abuse scandals of 15 – 20 years ago, children can be easily manipulated to fabricate evidence.

    Several shows with 50 to 100 adults and no one said anything? No, that is a little hard to believe.

  17. Named says:


    By recommending that rules be followed explicitly without exception means that I’m an advocate of child rapists and murderers? Unless you’re run on statement was a little unclear, you need a brain check.


    Methinks, like a thieves den, more people were involved that care to admit, and therefore it becomes the old “I stole, but I know you stole too, so we’ll both shut up.” It’s how government works too.

  18. bobbo says:

    #17–Named==I apologize. I take your entry at #14 as saying that if the undercover agents posing as a minor “implore” the internet stalker to come over then that is a valid case of entrapment meaning the perp has no criminal culpability?

    I think there is “some” validity to that position==just not on balance.

    Sorry I couldn’t follow your thoughts on the subject.

  19. Named says:


    I see now. Yes, the perp may have criminal intent, but being coerced by law enforcement posing as a minor should be discouraged. It should be a win for law enforcement that some potential perp “saw the light” as it were and decided that it’s wrong. Entertainment folks with camera’s running would see that as a failure. So, who’s really pulling the strings? Replace the hot topic of child abusers and put in convenience store robbers. What would the cops do if unmolested by vested interests, if they had tried to convince a guy to break into a store and he refuses at the last minute?

  20. bobbo says:

    #19–Named==I think I understand everything you are expressing and I further think you don’t understand what “personal responsibility” means. Sad, as you are likely otherwise intelligent?

    Maybe the subtle difference is the distinction between “coercion” and “enticement?” Coercion would actually be a totally different crime committed by the police, whereas entrapment is a defense to a crime committed by the defendant?

    Anyway, I doubt many people can be entrapped into robbing a convenience store==only criminals. And few can be entrapped into going to the home of a minor to visit after sending pictures of his penis over the internet and listing what he wants to do to the child==only criminals and perverts.

    But, if you think “rob the store or we will kidnap your wife” coercion is the same as “oh please come over I’d like to meet you” enticement is the same thing, then you have me.

  21. Named says:


    Anyway, I doubt many people can be entrapped into robbing a convenience store==only criminals. And few can be entrapped into going to the home of a minor to visit after sending pictures of his penis over the internet and listing what he wants to do to the child==only criminals and perverts.

    Again, before it actually happens it’s not real. I don’t think that it’s right, but if it’s just text on a screen… And yes, only a certain type of person would do that, maybe even a mentally challenged person, not only criminal and the perverted…

    A very good read on the subject…

    And to be honest, I’ve never seen the show… I’m not big on TV in general, and one that seems to be patently exploitative.

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    #18 – Bobbo

    >>Sorry I couldn’t follow your thoughts
    >>on the subject.

    Now you know what we feel like, Mista Bobbolina.

    Maybe if you cleaned up your punctuation a little bit, the posts would make more sense.

    Not to get all Bible-thumper on you or anything, but the devil is in the details.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    And not to diminish the horror of this situation, but I’ve taken Vicodin, and it would never have occurred to me to call them “silly pills”. While the experience was somewhat pleasant (except for the pain the Vicodin was alleviating), it sure didn’t lead to a loss of inhibition like e.g., shots and beers.

  24. bobbo says:

    #21–Name==now you are confusing me, with perfect punctuation. What you are now saying is anything short of an actual full on crime is invalid law enforcement? So–a terrorist cannot be arrested just because they get on a plane with bomb equipment because they haven’t done anything? Or in the instant case, you want the undercover agent to actually get attacked before the rape crime is committed?

    Again, most likely we need the totality of the circumstances, especially if you haven’t even seen the program? Several shows have commented that it is already a crime to solicit the child over the internets, to send porn to a child over the internet and so forth. Not actually sure what crimes the perps are charged with. Would it make a difference to you?

    What is it you think you are trying to protect?

  25. Mister Ketchup says:

    I know the bible thumpers are against the death penalty but I’d execute this scumbag with malice. You church people are probably thinking, “well, it’s just children and our priests do shit like this all the time.” Get me an ax handle – I’d start at his feet and work up, real slowly.

    Bobbo, if he’s not a christian now he will be while he is in jail trying to get parole. Jurors only took five minutes, that is about how long it takes 12 people to say fuck these guys.

  26. amodedoma says:

    Hmm, let’s see, a day care center where adults were dosing 5 yo’s with vicodin, and then made ‘sex shows’ probrably taped and with lots of witnesses. This kind of activity needs to be discouraged in the strongest terms possible. Death penalty’s too good for these creatures. If it was a kid of mine, I’d peel ’em like an onion.

  27. Named says:


    Yes, my perfect punctuation gets me all sorts of accolades; i digress.

    Intent is a powerful part of the conviction / legal apparatus when you get caught in them. Unfortunately, there are some aspects of intent which become much grayer when text becomes the medium, as is the case with various school kids drawing pictures of guns and getting expelled. A terrorist with a bomb is a physical manifestation of a crime. A terrorist with a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of water is called a passenger / customer. And law enforcement is forever releasing potential perps because they can’t do anything about it. In fact, in TO there was a much discussed case about the woman who pled with police that her husband was going to kill her. But, you can’t always go with intent or what someone says. Some loser on the end of a keyboard typing things into a console to a pretend teenager at the other end hoping to reclaim his high school days or his fantasy is a very gray area. Why don’t law enforcement just set up BOTS on the pedophile IRC channel and let the pervs have fun without anyone getting hurt or arrested?

    I guess what I’m trying to defend is the application of justice. What that show does is glamorize law enforcement and bring up the EVERYBODY PANIC level to push ratings and dollars higher. It’s not justice that’s being served, but shareholders and advertisers, and they’ll be damned to let a potential catch get away… and the cops will feel they have to help.

  28. Named says:


    I don’t know if that’s good enough. You need Prometheus style torture.

  29. bobbo says:

    Well boys, this is Texas. Sex show could include getting the kiddies silly on pills and cough syrup and have them recite the vagina monologue.

    or–simply being skimpily dressed and doing otherwise totally ok things with other kiddies==like dancing around a maypole?

    Much different, same description could be naked kiddies playing “find the quarter” a la that comedy guy Buck Henry on Saturday Night Live

    to–live on stage intercourse with adults.

    It is in the details we don’t have.

  30. bobbo says:

    #27–Named==your mind is pretty well made up huh? How do new facts affect your determinations?

    Guy talking to minor. Says he wants to do 5 different things to her. Sends a picture of his penis to her. Invites her to his house, She declines. He invites himself over. Drives 500 miles. Has liquor and condoms. One dude took his clothes off outside before coming into the house.

    Yes, lets view this from the perspective of “justice.” Maybe you are overly focused on what you thing the automatic penalty for this should be?

    What about mandatory counseling? Too humane?


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