Hmmm. Can you spell ‘creepy?”

Children fed ‘silly pills,’ forced to perform sex shows –

MINEOLA, Texas — In the windowless front rooms of a former day care center in a tiny Texas community, children as young as 5 were fed powerful painkillers they knew as “silly pills” and forced to perform sex shows for a crowd of adults.

Two people have already been convicted in the case. Now a third person with ties to the club, previously known in town only as a swingers group, is set to go on trial Monday not far from Mineola, population 5,100.

“This really shook this town,” said Shirley Chadwick, a longtime resident of Mineola. “This was horrible.”

Patrick Kelly, 41, is charged with aggravated sexual assault of a child, tampering with physical evidence and engaging in organized criminal activity.

In all, six adults have been charged in connection with the case, including a parent of the three siblings involved.

Jurors this year deliberated less than five minutes before returning guilty verdicts against the first two defendants, who were accused of grooming the kids for sex shows in “kindergarten” classes and passing off Vicodin as “silly pills” to help the children perform.

Found by Mark Parker via Twitter.

  1. morram says:

    Since there was a bible in the room it’s being considered a religious event.

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I know the bible thumpers are against
    >>the death penalty

    Come on, Red Man. The Bible thumpers are for the death penalty, and against gun control.

    You’re confusing the death penalty with abortion; they’re against that.

    Get with the program, my minor condimental bretheren.

  3. Named says:


    There are some cases which are obviously clear cut and ready for wrap up. No doubt about that. But, as I’ve said, the show itself lends the potential to abusing the application of justice. Read the link I sent from Esquire. It’s a very interesting case that had a suicide at the end of it.

    And, stop with the personal comments. I’ve only asked you to check your brain when you alluded to me being a supported of such people. I refrain from personal comments as best I can.

    I’m trying to look from 50000 feet. Justice becomes much more tricky when you remove people and abstract it. And even in that view, there are some that are patently guilty.

    Anyhoo, I never said that these people are innocent. What I HAVE said is that the show is a shameful exploiter of a tragic reality. And justice shouldn’t be a part of that.

  4. bobbo says:

    #31–morram==one of the perps was a jewish rabbi wishing to give his counsel. Another a boy-scout leader, but not in uniform. Doctors, Lawyers, Guard==all types. Makes me distrust all men.

    #33–Name==you assume what you need. The show has nothing to do with the criminal prosecutions except showing the cops show no interest in preventing the worst crimes, only the easy cases after the crime is committed.

    Bad cases make bad law from 50K feet, or right up close. Ideas, words, definitions avoid most of that which is why they are so avoided.

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    #23 – Well, it’s a shame his mother didn’t have an abortion to save us from having to kill him.

  6. bobbo says:

    21–Name==yes, the man had his devils.

    With full view of this particular case, what is its import? Should anything be changed? Every system, every code, will produce unintended bad consequences. Do you want the errors to fall on the side of protecting the kiddies, or the criminal class that preys on them?

  7. amodedoma says:

    Personally I wouldn’t mind giving up a few personal freedoms in favour of protecting children from sexual predators. Ah yes, but it is a very slippery slope. Parents need to be more protective than ever and the future doesn’t look bright. Sure we can sit around and hope that the wisdom of our forefathers and the laws they established were foresighted enough to take care of our ever more complex modern world, or we can take measures to adapt to the present and do what’s necessary to protect our most treasured resource.

  8. Chuck Steak says:

    They will put on some great sex shows for him in prison, and he will be the star.

  9. Judge Jewdy says:

    Don’t miss this!

  10. Mark Parker says:

    #26: Onion peeler – YES! Like you, if my kids were victims of this kind of depravity, I can’t imagine responding in a “civilized way.”

    #38: That may be the only place where some kind of balancing of the scales might be had. And it shouldn’t stop with the organizer. All the sick MFs who sat in the audience deserve a similar fate.

    This and the cannibal story have made it a bad news month for kids. But how do we protect kids from these people without seriously intruding on the freedoms of the rest of us? Would a better mental healthcare system be the answer, in which we might — emphasis on the word “might” — more quickly identify dangerous sociopaths? I don’t know… Very depressing…

  11. Dallas says:

    #37 No thanks. I consider “our most precious resource” as exactly being my freedom.

    So, we have a stalemate. You would vote to give up our freedoms (permanently, by the way) for the off chance of ‘protecting’ our children from this year’s danger? No thanks.

  12. Named says:


    Now that you’ve read it, you see that it’s not as simple as erring on the kids or the criminals, but making sure that erring on the kids DOESN’T create criminals unnecessarily, and conversely, erring on the criminals makes crime a profitable enterprise… Well, white collar, white crime is very profitable and lightly punished… bad example.

    Again, the show exploits a small subset of the weirdos out there for the uniquely American puritanical peepshow that is loved so much…


    You know, I wonder if the number of tragedies the children are enduring are of the same volume as in the past, but reporting of it and consequently the use of the Interwebitubes to get the media across is making it seem like there is “more.” I dare say that I bet the home sex assault of the bygone era were probably more prevalent than now…

  13. Mark Parker says:

    #42: I ponder that every time we go through one of these especially ugly news cycles. Bad shit has always happened. I get that. The technology can amplify these events in the public consciousness. I get that too. Still miserable to read about. Still worth exploring ways to prevent in the future.

    One thing we’ve kind of ignored so far was the size of this town. It was very small. Which makes me wonder, how much did the “good people” in town know and when did they know it? Some of these parties allegedly had 100 people in attendance. Each and every one of these individuals should be prosecuted to the max.

  14. Named says:


    As I said previously… it’s like a thieves den. Lots of people are guilty, but they know each other and they know their guilt, so everyone shuts up. Just like government.

    And it’s sad to read about these stories. Maybe DU should do a feel good story about kids overcoming? Like this one?

  15. Rick Cain says:

    Michael Jackson got his kids drunk with ‘jesus juice’. I guess this perv needed something a bit stronger.


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