• Google Android delayed.
  • Bill Gates getting ink everywhere. It’s ridiculous.
  • The Mac finally gets hit with a couple of Trojan Horse programs. Welcome to the club boys!
  • MPAA thinks evidence is over-rated. What?
  • Toshiba uses Cell chip in a laptop. Prediction: dead-end.
  • Chinese ripping off themselves. Chinese brand-name phones being copied by Chinese.
  • One billion computers now in use.

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  1. moss says:

    Unsurprising – the OSX/Hovdy-A trojan horse is only a danger if you’re dumber than the guy putting the wrong paper into the office copy machine.

    You have to decide the “social engineering” label is so slick that you will dash into downloading the file. I suppose this means something for “free”.

    Then, you have to install it.

    Do all that – you probably deserve what you get.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    The MPAA has exceeded it’s mandate. Anyone who denies that, is a party to the abuse of power and the subordination of law.

  3. McCullough says:

    #1. Moss- those of us on the PC side of the equation knows this all too well. Sorry but most end users can and will click that button if they think they will get something for nothing and they will, my Mac users are no exception. Watch for this as their market share expands.

    “Do all that – you probably deserve what you get.”

    It’s what I preach, and what happens as a result.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    What’s a Toshiba Laptop equiped with a Cell processor called? WHAT A MACBOOK PRO SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

    No, really; imagine a Mac Mini equipped with that powerhorse rather than the bland intel processors.

  5. RedpawGraphics says:

    I agree with Moss.

    First you have to surf the Porn sites, then you have to be DUPED into thinking that your MACINTOSH could not straight outta the box run a video of any codec, then fill in with Moss’ statement.

    A stupid Mac user is just a noob recent ex-windows user who hasn’t quite got the big picture yet of what they possess.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “I’m somebody, I’m somebody!” – Apple


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