
Tampabays10.com | Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater | God arrested near Tampa church — Have the readers noticed an inordinate number of crackpot stories from Florida yet? I’m personally stunned by it all.

Police say a man named God was arrested near a Tampa church for selling cocaine.

Found by Mr. Cursor.

  1. Noel says:

    Is a cocaine charge really the best they could dig up on god?

  2. ChimpMaster says:

    In the name of our Lord, snuff that cocaine!

  3. green says:

    Cool. My name is christ (creased). I also have a crack.

  4. Calin says:

    The guy’s name is “God Lucky Howard”. Seems his parents were wrong on two counts.

  5. Mister Ketchup says:

    Nice picture of James Hill.

  6. bugmenot says:

    Yeah, the it seems like the past week or so, there’s been a ton. Maybe some gases in swamps get released this time of year.

  7. Blizzy says:

    How dare he blasphemes and uses God’s name like that!?!? oh yeah the drug selling part is also bad.

  8. oddbob says:

    I bought a hamberger from Jesus last year!

    This isn’t a lie. If you go to the Walmart in
    Exton PA, there is an in-store McDonalds.
    A latino man working there has a name tag
    that says “JESUS”
    Well , he says it as “hay-suse”

  9. John Paradox says:

    I wonder what the church he was near got when they passed the collection plate…


  10. ol,waterman says:

    Hey we just busted the pope for the same thing.Maybe it is a new sacrement.


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