Eulogy by Uncle Dave:

I saw George Carlin’s show here in Vegas a few years ago. He had clearly slowed down and a lot of his act seemed so down pat that it didn’t feel as intense as those TV concerts I had seen in decades past. But that only meant he had dropped to being better than 95% of the comics out there. His ability to demonstrate how the English language is used and abused and can become magically hilarious from the mouth of a verbal magician such as himself was not diminished.

I grew up in Milwaukee and remember when Carlin was arrested there for uttering the ‘seven dirty words’ in a concert in 1972. My mother, who had walked out of the movie Patton because of the “naughty language,” was glad he was arrested. But given that the Vietnam war was still raging, one of his points afterwards was that many people more interested in words than the bullets that were killing their young men.

Many hated his politics, his style, his intelligence. And many more, like me, loved him for all that. We need someone like him to point out how we are manipulated by words more than ever. And his humor. He will be missed.

  1. Likes2LOL says:

    Terry Gross of Fresh Air reprised her 1990 and 2004 interviews with “Remembering George Carlin” on NPR today:

    At 37:00 he reads the final passage “The Secret News” from his book “When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?”

    RIP, George, and give ’em hell in heaven! 🙂

  2. ol,waterman says:

    He was funny in the 80s and 90s but the last few times I saw him he just came off as bitter and mean. Hope he has found some peace.

  3. BigCarbonFoot says:

    The man will be missed.

    #30 – George never said a thing a priest shouldn’t say.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    #32, Likes2LOL, Thanks for the link.


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