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Where are the wackos proclaiming the salmonella in tomatoes mess is a terrorist attack? Given the financial loss ineffective and under financed inspection of tomatoes cost, the following concerns are no surprise, especially when you remember the revelations last year about meat inspection cutbacks. |
The government acknowledged that an outbreak of one of the most contagious animal diseases from any of five locations being considered for a new high-security laboratory – an event it considered highly unlikely – would be more devastating to the U.S. economy than an outbreak from the isolated island lab where such research is now conducted.
The 1,005-page Homeland Security Department study, released Friday, calculated that economic losses in an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease could surpass $4 billion if the lab were built near livestock herds in Kansas or Texas, two options the Bush administration is considering. That would be roughly $1 billion higher than the government’s estimate of losses blamed on a hypothetical outbreak from its existing laboratory on Plum Island, N.Y.
The administration is studying the safest place to move its research on such dangerous pathogens from Plum Island to the U.S. mainland near herds of livestock, raising concerns about a catastrophic outbreak. A final choice is expected by late fall.
A simulated outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease – part of an earlier U.S. government exercise called “Crimson Sky” – ended with fictional riots in the streets after the simulation’s National Guardsmen were ordered to kill tens of millions of farm animals, so many that troops ran out of bullets. In the exercise, the government said it would have been forced to dig a ditch in Kansas 25 miles long to bury carcasses.
Similarly, it is incredible that terrorists have not unleashed a WMD bio assault onto our food and water supply. For instance, a fruit fly attack could devastate the Florida orange crop costing billions.
Thank goodness Dick and Bush have secured our borders. Kudos, guys.
An incident exactly like the possibility mentioned in the article, highly infectious animal pathogens escaping from a research facility infecting nearby herds, did happen last year in England. I believe it was reported on this blog. (I believe it was hoof-and-mouth disease.)
Put it down in Crawford Texas.
Maybe nobody in government ever read The Hot Zone?
Putting such a lab on an Island is reasonible and prudent. Even considering putting such a station on the mainland is foolish. You have way, way to much to lose and next to nothing to gain.
Since everybody seems to be agreed the idea is compeletely lack witted and since Bush is anti-science and disregards any fact he doesn’t like he will most likely recommend it and Congress has a well earned reputation for going for the most lame brained ideas presented so… Hallo hoof and mouth.