Your Uncle Dave started watching the HBO mini-series, John Adams, on DVD this weekend. Watching part II that ends with the Declaration of Independence, three things came to mind. First, politics were a lot different and a lot the same 232 years ago compared to today. Second, how proud I am of what our forefathers believed in to create a nation founded on the principle of freedom for all. And third, how far we have fallen since then.

On Fox News Sunday this morning, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said that President Bush is more likely to attack Iran if he believes Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is going to be elected.

However, “if the president thought John McCain was going to be the next president, he would think it more appropriate to let the next president make that decision than do it on his way out,” Kristol said, reinforcing the fact that McCain is offering a third Bush term on Iran.

“I do wonder with Senator Obama, if President Bush thinks Senator Obama’s going to win, does he somehow think — does he worry that Obama won’t follow through on that policy,” Kristol added.

  1. Personality says:

    Sounds like conservative FOX is trying to scare people into voting for the republican. Same old bag of tricks.

  2. deowll says:

    I would describe the article as dirty politics at usual meant to motivate the brain dead.

    No matter which side they are on anybody who isn’t brain dead should recognize the article for the total BS it is.

  3. Thomas says:

    You might also ask UD, where we went wrong along the way. IMO, there were two pivotal changes that forever changed the country:

    1. Preventing States from leaving the Union by force. The precedents for many of Presidential privileges that people currently chide Bush for using were initiated by Lincoln. He suspended habeas corpus, threw people into prison without trial, spied on other Americans (both North and South) and used military tribunals instead of the Courts. Sound familiar?

    2. Direct taxation. The Founding Fathers were so leery of allowing the Federal government to tax people directly, they specifically prohibited it in the Constitution. Yet, here we are 95 years after misinterpreting a dodgy Amendment passed under questionable circumstances dealing with an overbearing government with the ability to tax people directly and thus having a veritably limitless supply of money and power.

  4. Noel says:

    You’re country was founded on slave labour, Uncle Dave, not freedom for all in the least.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: It was when we decided to become what we fought against. We became the tyrants against whom others fight. We even went further by becoming the teachers of tyrants on how to do their jobs better, all in the name of profit. Not that our War of Independence wasn’t about profit as it was, in many ways, about taxation and business. It’s that profit at the expense of anyone else became all. ‘Profiteering From War and Peace For Over 200 Years’ should be on the flag since it’s our guiding principle now.

    #4: True, it took a while to correct that, and we are now on the verge of electing a black man president.

  6. MikeN says:

    I thought you guys were due for a bomb Iran post.
    The statement is true based on the rules of logic
    Bush will bomb Iran no matter what, therefore he will bomb Iran if Obama is about to be elected.

    In other news, when is Bush going to bring back the draft?

  7. ECA says:

    told ya’ so…

  8. Jägermeister says:

    The White House probably have a briefcase full of evidence.

  9. lou says:

    Anyone who thinks Irans plant is for hydro is brain dead.
    Blow the fucker up !!
    This costs me cash every day in high oil prices.
    No one can short oil until this plant is gone.
    If you have one oil futures contract and oil goes up a buck you make 1,000.00. So when they blow up the plant, oil will go up 40 bucks a barrel. If you are short oil you will be wiped out. After you blow the plant up, everyone will see It’s allot to do about nothing. Oil will bail and once it starts selling. More sellers will sell short to cash in on the downside trade.
    I’m waiting for that trade and it will be a beauty. I can’t short oil until we see the plant in flames. Oil goes higher until we do it.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – lou

    WMD – Part II

  11. Patrick says:

    “Will Bush Bomb Iran If It Looks Like Obama Will Win?”

    No, Israel will. Just like they did in Iraq.

  12. Dallas says:

    I wouldn’t put this past the slime bag to do that. The Republipukes will cheer him on wrapped in the American flag.

  13. doug says:

    the US bombs Iran, Iran responds by sending 10k Revolutionary Guards suicide bombers into Iraq. And so much for all that ‘surge’ progress …

    the mess the neocons made pursuing an imaginary WMD threat in Iraq has made it much tougher to deal with a more realistic one in Iran.

  14. Pofoz says:

    Isn’t Bill Kristol the one who predicted that Barack Obama would not win a single primary?

  15. Lou Minatti says:

    The answer to your question is “no.”

    Got anything to discuss that’s related to tech?

    (Shaking Magic 8 ball)

    The answer is “No.”

    This means another “Christians are sickos who wear God Hates Fags shirts” post. Or maybe another YouTube video that was cool 6 months ago.

  16. Pmitchell says:

    I hope and pray that we finally grow a pair and let loose on those smarmy little Persian bastards and put them back in their place

    what is the use of being the lone super power in the world if you let every one kick dirt in your face

  17. Mister Mayonnaise says:

    Bush will do whatever his Israeli masters tell him to do.

  18. MikeN says:

    Hey I thought he was owned by the Saudis. Make up your minds.

  19. Mr. Catshit says:

    He might try. The big question is will the Pentagon comply when there is no obvious threat and the operation is most likely illegal.

    Will Iran use Russian and Chinese technology to detect / shoot down the American or Israeli planes? Would Iran retaliate with Russian cruise missiles against Saudi and Kuwait oil shipments? Would Russia, China, and the EU retaliate militarily and or economically?

  20. Brian says:

    16-How exactly is Iran kicking dirt in our face? Oh wait they’re not, your talking points are simply faux news ones-ones with no basis in reality.

    What a great idea you propose-throw our 150k troops who have been run into the ground in iraq and put them into another flustercuck in Iran.


  21. Skippy says:

    #16: good idea. After all, you continue to be very successful at putting those Iraqis in their place. Look at them, they’re all submitting to authority…

  22. Angus says:

    Clinton’s boxload of outgoing exective orders have nothing on this potential poison pill from Bush. I think it’s very possible that SOMEONE, either the U.S. or Israel, will attack Iran’s nuclear facilities before the end of Bush’s presidency, given the common view that a Democratic administration would not do it. He won’t “suspend” elections, but he’ll give Obama his first real test instantly after the inaguration.

  23. JimD says:

    The attack on Iraq only disrupted the Petroluem supplies, driving prices through the roof !!! Something the Bush/Cheney “Energy Policy” was intended to do !!! Now to FINISH THE JOB, AND FORCE GAS TO 10 DOLLARS PER GALLON OR EVEN MORE, Dumbya and Prick Cheney will ATTACK IRAN !!! Pelosi do you hear this ??? Lets get IMPEACHMENT BACK ON THE TABLE, WITH ARREST AND RENDITION (BY WAY OF GITMO !!!) TO THE WORLD COURT AT THE HAGUE HANGING OVERHEAD AS WELL !!!

  24. lou says:

    # 10 jagermeister

    When you have a Gov and It’s people chanting death to America.
    It may be time to pay attention.
    If the guys who pulled off 911 could have got their hands on Nuks. I think they would have used them. Why would you want to take that chance.
    Never under estamate a religious nut.

  25. MikeN says:

    I think it’s more likely Europe will attack Iran if they see Obama winning. Despite all the talk of getting respect abroad, his pacifism has Europe nervous that he will surrender on the nuke issue. Already, they have frozen the assets of a large Iranian bank.

  26. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    MikeN – You’re wrong again of course but it would be bad how?

  27. Nimby says:

    “…reinforcing the fact that McCain is offering a third Bush term on Iran.” Uh, excuse me? What “fact” is being referenced?

    # 4 Noel: “You’re (sic) country was founded on slave labour (siccer), Uncle Dave, not freedom for all in the least.” Can you name a country founded before the 20th century that was NOT founded on salve or, at least, feudal labor? Certainly not the UK…

  28. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #27, Nimby

    Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Iceland, and others did not use salve labor. They might have used salve for their aches and pains, but not labor. Before general anesthetics, they usually went through labor without anything.

  29. deowll says:

    #27 needs to recheck the list on who didn’t use slave labor. South Africa did before the British stole it and they used forced labor long after the British stole it besides the Bristish doing an outstanding job of showing what can happen when you run concentration camps badly.

    #11 most likely hit the nail on the head Isreal isn’t going to wait for the nut cases in Iran to hit them. They aren’t going to do anything stupid like invade and try to take over the mad house either.

    #24 also has a very scary point. A lot of people seem to think we can just forget the whole thing, come home and everything will be fine. I have grave reservations about that, pun intended.

  30. Greg Allen says:

    I wonder if the “surge” was a cynical “look over here” so that congress would get a tied up, rather than getting ahead of this INSANE obsession to bomb Iran.


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