Welcome to a new kind of space race, where the earthly guest will be a machine and the goal is as much exploration as seeking out new business ventures.

The quest is part of the Google Lunar X Prize, which will put $20 million into the hands of the first privately funded team that can land a rover on the moon; have it travel on the surface for 500 meters or more; send back data, photos and video; and do it all by December 31, 2012…

One of the main requirements is to have as little government involvement in the project as possible…

Google, which is paying the main prize purse — $30 million total, including bonus prizes — hopes the competition will result in education, “interesting new content” and inspiration, she added…

Celestis, a company that launches cremated human remains into Earth’s orbit, recently announced that it has reached an agreement with two of the teams, Astrobotic and Odyssey Moon, to carry human ashes to the moon.

Hey, it’s only been 37 years since the first Lunar Rover was switched on – on the moon. Consistent pace for modernism in this neck of the gene pool.

Thanks, K B

  1. MikeN says:

    Your fellow tech columnist Bob Cringely was a participant, but he couldn’t handle the rules and dropped out. He’s now doing it independently, and still thinks he will win.

  2. Rickem says:

    “send back data, photos and video”
    Cool, Google maps and directions for tourists on the moon.

  3. JimD says:

    Hey !!! NO DUMPING ON THE MOON !!! Launch remains into solar orbit, don’t start littering the moon !!!

  4. JimD says:

    I wonder, is there any bonus for finding evidence of ETs or LGM on the Moon ? That would certainly embarass NASA, and demand they do some ‘splaining !!!


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