Sorry to the hypersensitive, but this is too funny to pass up. Good weekend material.

Found by Bily via Twitter.

  1. earlwallace says:

    I know that this is a parody, right?

  2. Freyar says:

    Oh, that was too hilarious to pass up. I’m just glad no one that would have been offended wasn’t listening at the time.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Now THAT is a post worthy of dvorak dot org slash blog. HAW! Hi-fucking-larious!

  4. Hope says:

    This incident was documented in the book “The Real McCain” by Cliff Schecter which came out a couple of months ago. Mr. Schecter was all over the media talking about his book….NOT.
    Here’s a link to the story:

    It’s never been mentioned on Mainstream Media that I know of.
    Hey, they had no trouble discussing oral sex for almost a year night after night.
    The witnesses have been named…you can google it.
    If that’s what he says to her in public, one wonders what he says to her in private. People have remarked that she looks like she’s afraid of him.

  5. right says:

    That was hilarious, thanks. Let’s ask Bill O’Reilly to add it to his “News” segments.
    FOX, we’re smearly #1. If there’s smear, we’ll either get it or make it up!

  6. snuffmuffler says:

    He was only trying to divert attention from the fact that he had just called the bitch a trollop which would have instantly caused an international incident followed by divorce without parole.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Very funny! 😀

  8. Future Sounds of America says:

    Nice guy. Comes back from war, finds his pretty wife disfigured from a car accident, and forgetting his vows (for better or WORSE), ditches her for a pretty younger rich thing. And Republican think gays are destroying marriage. LOL

  9. Jim W. says:

    funny video,

    but just to be “fair and balanced” to Hope’s link.

    Liberals Smear John McCain And Wife With ‘C*nt’ Allegation

  10. Jägermeister says:

    McCain on his love for America.

  11. GF says:

    Funny? Hmm. Ironic is the word that comes to mind. Feminist sympathizers making a video about the c word and using it frequently. It’s no wonder so many Hillary supporters are turning away from the Democratic party.

  12. Cursor_ says:

    I love the U.S.!

    That is why I bitch about it.

    If I didn’t complain about it needing improvement, I would be just like all the rest of the apathic fools that happily stand by and allow crap to happen.

    I find it strange how Michelle Obama and John McCain wil, say they LEARNED to love the U.S.

    What is wrong with these people?


  13. Fubiz says:

    Thanks for the share!

  14. Hope says:

    @Jim W.
    “Fair and balanced” doesn’t mean you have to distort facts to support your position. As, John Adams said: “Facts are stubborn things.”

    Here are two names of witnesses to the event. You call them. They are still alive. After you talk with them, ask them the names of the three Arizona reporters standing in the group with them.

    Doug Cole
    Wes Gullett.

    BTW, This came straight out of Cliff Schecter’s, The Real McCain, page 49. Copywrite 2008 by Clifford Schecter, published by Polipointpress, LLC.

  15. Cinaedh says:

    Pardon me for asking but other than this video being hilarious, what’s this ‘issue’ got do with anything?

    LBJ. How soon you’ve been forgotten!

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #10 – Jägermeister

    >>McCain on his love for America.

    Ooooh nooooo! Are you saying McCain has flip-flopped? AGAIN? Are you saying that the worst thing the right-wingnut hacks can come up with to slander Michelle Obama is that she said exactly what McCain has been saying all along????

    Gosh, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that the Repubs were lying, two-faced, hypocritical sacks of shit.

  17. Cinaedh says:

    #16 – MM

    Gosh, if I didn’t know better, I’d think that the Repubs were lying, two-faced, hypocritical sacks of shit.

    Now that reads exactly like LBJ would have said it. Perhaps he hasn’t been totally forgotten after all.


  18. James Hill says:

    Such angry liberals. I like how JCD occasionally throws you a bone to keep your dumb asses coming here.

  19. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #12, Curser,

    I find it strange how Michelle Obama and John McCain wil, say they LEARNED to love the U.S.

    What is wrong with these people?

    Because unlike most red-neck, neo-con, right-wing, Evangelical, conservative, Republican radio-head, shut-ins, they don’t take their country for granted. If you have to question that, you take your country for granted. If you have to wear a flag lapel pin, you don’t know patriotism.

  20. Mr. Catshit says:

    #18, James Hill

    Somewhere in Utah there is a village looking for their idiot. Please go home, they miss you.

  21. Mr. Catshit says:

    RE: #20,

    James, sorry about that. I was just informed, wrong idiot. They wanted the pretend idiot, not the real one. My bad.

  22. Sea Lawyer says:

    It’s interesting that “cunt” has such an elevated status on the vulgar scale over any other derogatory word used for women. Would have been better if he had called her a “cum dumpster.”

    More seriously, why is a person calling somebody else a name 16 years (if it is true) news anyway?

  23. Sohbet says:

    thanks my friend..

  24. myth says:

    That is part of the Obama smear campaign. Obama snorts coke, avoided military service and belonged to a hate church. He loses the character contest so he has to dirty McCain.

  25. The Warden says:

    Hold on for a second. So what if he did call her a cunt? Maybe she likes being called a cunt because she can retort with, “Watch it John or i’ll break out the Viet Cong outfit and we’ll have a session where I make you confess about all those 527’s you have going.”

  26. Chat says:

    thank you

  27. Sohbet says:

    tesekkurler hafız


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