What about the children if this happens?

Research by the Orthodox Jewish organisation Aish found that just over a third of people thought religions like Christianity and Judaism would still be practiced in Britain in 100 years’ time.

Although four in 10 people said they would choose to be a member of the Christian religion, almost the same number said they would rather practice no religion at all.

Buddhism however, proved more attractive than both Islam and Judaism, and was chosen by nine per cent of those questioned.

Aish UK’s executive director Rabbi Naftali Schiff said the results of the YouGov poll of 2,000 people were alarming.

“It clearly demonstrates that religion, including Judaism, is becoming unattractive to the British public.”

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #30 – bobbo

    No problem. It’s all too easy to see them as a bigger threat than they actually are. Perhaps it’s because their fundies are screaming for attention all the time (similar to the Christian fundies)?

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    #27 – Cubie

    >>How do you feel about Muslims who demand that
    >>they are judged by Sharia law and not French,
    >>German, or English law?

    Fuck ’em, and the camel they rode in on. If they don’t like their new home, they can either work to change the laws, or go back to the medieval hell hole they came from. I don’t know any Muslims who demand that. I realize that there are some, and my feelings are “fuck ’em”.

    #28 – Jäg

    >>How can we be against this “God” if we’re of
    >>the opinion that he/she/it doesn’t exist?

    Come on, my cough-syrup surrogate friend; we’ve danced this polka too many times.

  3. Personality says:

    #26 and #32, I thought you turned off the computer? Keep it off!

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    #29 – The graphic is from Westboro Church. These are supposedly Christians. Stop complaining, these are of your ilk: http://www.godhatesfags.com/

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #32 – Misster

    Yeah, and you usually trip on your feet…

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #29 – Matt Garrett – Why don’t you just put up a graphic that says “CHRISTIANS NOT WELCOME?!”

    I don’t usually do requests, but here you go

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #35 – Mister Meister

    >>And you usually trip on your feet.

    Heh. Hehehheheheheheh! I think you must be drinking your own blood, Jägermeister! Remember, impairment starts with the first drink. BTW, you taste like shit. How can you live with yourself, knowing that your flavour is reminiscent of NyQuil, with a hint of paregoric?

    #33 – Personality

    Over and over
    I tried to prove my love to you
    Over and over
    What more can I do
    Over and over
    My friends say I’m a fool
    But over and over
    I’ll be a fool for you

    `cause you got personality
    Walk, personality
    Talk, Personality
    Smile, Personality
    Charm, personality
    Love, personality
    And of Cause you’ve got
    A great big heart
    So over and over
    Oh, I’ll be a fool to you
    Now over and over
    What more can I do

    Over and over
    I said that I loved you
    Over and over, honey
    Now it’s the truth
    Over and over
    They still say I’m a fool
    But Over and over
    I’ll be a fool for you

  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    Jäg – I’m turning that into a window decal for my cars.

  9. QB says:

    “Fuck ‘em, and the camel they rode in on. If they don’t like their new home, they can either work to change the laws, or go back to the medieval hell hole they came from.”

    Well it’s so refreshing to see that Christians aren’t the only group under a flaming attack here. 😉

  10. Mister Ketchup says:

    Here’s another Matt: http://tinyurl.com/6bqt4w

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    #29 – Mr. Garrett

    >>Why don’t you just put up a graphic that

    Oh we’re welcome, as long as we are willing to read through the unending juvenile jabs at Christianity manifested in the increasingly large number of entries worthy of the National Enquirer. Seems that [Eds.] spend an inordinate amount of time searching the internet for wacky stories involving Christians, and then post them.

    Sort of a hatemongering troll thing. But hey, they’re hip, happening, slightly dangerous, nonconformist, groovy, faux-intellectual latter-day beatniks.

    But never forget, most of the kids here live in Mommy’s basement, and only post between marathon sessions of WoW, Halo 3, or GTA IV. You can tell from the quality of their posts. Too many sugary carbonated beverages.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #39 – Cubie

    >>Well it’s so refreshing to see that
    >>Christians aren’t the only group under a
    >>flaming attack here. 😉

    Hey, I’m an equal opportunity flamer. I’m just as happy to flame the “godhatesfags” weirdos and the meth-and-man-ass hypocrites as I am the religion-of-peace mass murderers.

    No spiritual person of faith that I know acts in that manner though, so it’s somewhat troubling when the dvorak dot org slash blog anti-religion police lump me in with cannibals who eat their babies and crystal meth addicts who just happen to check “Christian” on the census form.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Here’s another Matt: http://tinyurl.com/6bqt4w

    So let me get this straight, O Watery Tomato Pulp One:

    You’re different from the Sharia Law suicide bombers in what way, exactly?

    It’s certainly not on the “tolerance” axis. Must be that you go to a different tailor than they do.

  14. QB says:

    “Sort of a hatemongering troll thing. But hey, they’re hip, happening, slightly dangerous, nonconformist, groovy, faux-intellectual latter-day beatniks.”

    I really resent the beatnik remark.

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I really resent the beatnik remark.

    Then take off the damned Raspberry Beret, ya metrosexual!

  16. HMeyers says:

    Let’s get real:

    Christianity is a civilized religion. Islam is an uncivil religion with fascism built-in.

    There may isolated incidents of the carefree and live-and-let-live Muslims, but I’ve met plenty of Muslims with thinly veiled contempt for the West.

    There isn’t much room for misinterpreting “There is no God but Allah” and the reams of passages in the Koran filled with contempt of other religions.

    If/When Islam takes over Europe, even atheist Europeans will be missing the mostly gentle and kind religion of Christianity with a heartache.

  17. bobbo says:

    #42–Mustard, you repeat an interesting point of religion and ethics when you say: “No spiritual person of faith that I know acts in that manner though” /// Well that may be true but your personal experience is highly selective and doesn’t mean much.

    Broaden the question just a bit==what relationship do mainstream belief systems have for their splinter extremist groups? I think saying “None” is fair on one level but hypocritical on another.

    Mainstream religions may not “cause” people to go nuts, but certainly people who are nuts are drawn to religion==and then called splinter groups.

    I asked the question before “is a religions minority/splinter group a valid revelation of what the group may really be about, or is it totally unrelated?” If so, how come its christain fundies that blow up abortion centers but its Hindu’s that walk to Nepal on their fingertips?

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #37 – Mister Mustard – BTW, you taste like shit.

    I don’t know about that. I’ve never tried eating shit, but I’ll take your word on it since you’ve got plenty of experience of getting it by the spoon from the pulpit.

    #38 – Mister Ketchup – I’m turning that into a window decal for my cars.

    Not a bad idea. Would have been cool to slap one of those on a car at a parking lot of one of the mega churches. 😀

    #40 – Mister Ketchup

    Splash page material! 😀

  19. Mister Ketchup says:

    Mustard said “Seems that [Eds.] spend an inordinate amount of time searching the internet for wacky stories involving Christians, and then post them.”

    No Mustard. These surface at such a rapid pace that it is hard to keep up. We could start a “Wacky Religion” channel on cable, there is that much material. I wouldn’t see it though because I use Parental Lock to block the evangelists.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #46 – HMeyers – Christianity is a civilized religion. Islam is an uncivil religion with fascism built-in.

    I’m sure the Muslims share your opinion of Christianity being a religion of love, peace and understanding.

    There may isolated incidents of the carefree and live-and-let-live Muslims, but I’ve met plenty of Muslims with thinly veiled contempt for the West.

    …the Koran filled with contempt of other religions.

    And we see the TV evangelists spreading their everlasting love over over religions, don’t we?

    If/When Islam takes over Europe…

    You’ve been spoon fed this propaganda from your preacher, haven’t you?

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #50 – “over over religions” – “over other religions”

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Christianity is a civilized religion. Islam
    >>is an uncivil religion with fascism built-in.

    I guess you don’t get out much, do ya?

    >>There isn’t much room for misinterpreting
    >>“There is no God but Allah” and the reams of
    >>passages in the Koran filled with contempt of
    >>other religions.

    And this differs from a literal interpretation of the Old Testament Bible how, exactly?

    >>even atheist Europeans will be missing the
    >>mostly gentle and kind religion of
    >>Christianity with a heartache.

    Perhaps they had enough of the mostly gentle and kind religion of Christianity during the Inquisitions (Roman, Spanish, Portuguese, Medieval, etc.)

    The issue here is not whether you believe in Jesus Christ or Allah or Yaweh or the FSM, or if your religious faith is “there is no God”.

    There are intolerant hatemongers in every denomination of every church (and that certainly includes Atheism). Intolerance and hatemongering are the problems.

    But isn’t it so much more fun to point fingers and say “Oh lookie, they stoned their daughter to death for chatting with an infidel soldier!” or “OMG, that lady fed her baby to friends at Sunday brunch!”?

    Me, I prefer to jeer at Atheist Pol Pot and point out how he systematically executed Buddhist monks, Western-educated intellectuals, religious adherents, educated people in general, people who had contact with Western countries or with Vietnam, the crippled and lame, and the ethnic Chinese, Laotians and Vietnamese.

    But hey. Every religion has their black sheep.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #49 – Tomatillo

    >>These surface at such a rapid pace that it
    >>is hard to keep up.

    Well, it’s hard to keep up here on dvorak dot org slash blog.

    In the local, national, and international news sources I read daily, I very seldom see stories like this. Granted, I don’t read the National Enquirer and the like. Other than my visits to dvorak dot org slash blog, where there are a half-dozen brazenly anti-religion stories a day, this kind of wacky shit seems to be pretty sparse.

    Where are the stories about the soup kitchens? The educational programs? The homeless shelters? The homes built by HfF? The counseling of troubled souls? The assistance provided to victims of natural disasters? The mosquito netting given to African villages to prevent malaria? The ministering to the sick and dying?

    Oh no, instead “here’s a nutty Czech lady that ate her baby and just happens to belong to some splinter Monty-Pythonesque religious cult; let’s headline that one and pretend that everyone who blieves in God does the same!”

    Sad. Pathetic, even.

  24. bobbo says:

    #52–Mustard. Totally discredited. Assuming Pol Pot was an atheist, I’ve never heard except from you that the Killing Fields were an attempt to establish atheism. Just a coincidental characteristic as he killed atheists too?

    So why not say it was a savage attack by a short person against the world? Not spicy enough?

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    #54 – BooBoo

    Who said anything about “an attempt to establish Atheism”? As our Logic Overlord, you should know better than anyone not to make a straw-man argument like that?

    He just killed ’em because they were different. According to the Rules of Religious Engagement here on dvorak dot org slash blog, any act perpetrated by an adherent to a religion (Christian, Muslim, FSM, Holy Grail, whatever) is automatically assumed to be a defining tenet of that religion.

    What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, m’hijito. So if the Eastern European broad eating her get is representative of Christianity, mass murder/ genocide is a defining characteristic of Atheism.


  26. Jägermeister says:

    Quite interesting that you mention Pol Pot. I had a conversation with a Cambodian friend yesterday on the subject of Pol Pot and the genocide. She told me that it was all about consolidation of power. But then again, Mister Mustard got his truth from God.

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #55 – Mister Mustard – Checkmate

    More like short circuit.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    #56 – Jägermeister

    You’re starting to wither and fade, son. Maybe time for another hit of that fabulous cough syrup that runs through your veins?

    The kooky Czech bitch didn’t eat her baby because she was a “Christian”, she ate him because she was hungry. BFD.

    Ted Haggard didn’t take crystal meth and fuck male prostitutes up the ass because he was a “Christian”, he did it because he was a drug addict and a horny fag.

    And all this differs from Pol Pot HOW, exactly? Oh, I guess if your anonymous Cambodian “friend” says it’s unrelated to his belief in Atheism, then the case is closed. Right?


  29. Mister Mustard says:

    #47 – BooBoo

    >>Mainstream religions may not “cause” people
    >>to go nuts, but certainly people who are nuts
    >>are drawn to religion==and then called
    >>splinter groups.

    Hey, I agree with you, Boob! That explanation certainly works for Atheism!

  30. Jägermeister says:

    #58 – Mister Mustard – Ted Haggard didn’t take crystal meth and fuck male prostitutes up the ass because he was a “Christian”, he did it because he was a drug addict and a horny fag.

    Bashing gays and then being one seems to be a Christian virtue.

    Oh, I guess if your anonymous Cambodian “friend” says it’s unrelated to his belief in Atheism, then the case is closed. Right?

    Do you understand the difference between “he” and “she”?. And where did I tell you that she’s an atheist?


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