Strolling along Beijing’s Chang’an Avenue in May, Kevin Born was drawn to an ancient Chinese-style building with delicate wooden carvings and wash paintings — only to find it was a public toilet.

Inside, he found a granite floor, remote-sensor flushing, automatic hand drier and piped music. He found it difficult to believe that only three years ago when he first came to China, answering nature’s call was an experience not for the faint-hearted.

“You had to take a deep breath and dash into the toilet. You held your breath and your head high, and never looked down. Then you’d dash out quickly for another gasp of fresh air. All within 30 seconds,” recalls Kevin, 30, an engineer from Germany…

Now, Beijing is flushed with pride that all the 5,333 public toilets, boasting standardized white male and female figure signs, are available within a five-minute walk of any downtown location.

Har! Reminds me of my first travels to Mediterranean shores, decades ago. The search for lodging on the cheap always included a requirement for what were called “English toilets”.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Then you’d dash out quickly for another
    >>gasp of fresh air.

    Now that the air INSIDE the toilets is better than the air OUTSIDE, I predict a lot of lines for the crappers; people will need to take a break from the befouled Chinese air and replenish their O2.

  2. Dauragon says:

    Yeah and if its like any public bathroom by next year its gonna be all kind of fucked up

  3. Improbus says:

    Just make sure there are no Republican law makers lounging about.

  4. Hmeyers says:

    Hosting the Olympics has really done all kinds of wonders for China.

  5. Dyok says:

    OMG! LOL! You should see some public toilets here in Canada. You need an oxygen mask…don’t they ever clean?

  6. Improbus says:


    You should try a Texas Interstate (highway) rest area bathroom in July. O. M. G.

  7. edwinrogers says:

    #6. Try removing a dead wild goat from a rural public toilet in New Zealand.

  8. TeH eGyPt says:

    Try to come to Egypt and you will not find public toilets at all.
    If you were lucky will find one, with couple bad boys outside it who will take all your changes to let you in.
    NEVER forget yur oxygen mask AND ton of soap to clean the toilet seat before you sit on it..or…you are the responsibe for what will happen…
    That in case you found English toilet 😛
    Most areas if you found one it will be the direct to earth “balady” toilet 😛 😛
    That was 1 good reason 2010 world soccer was not held in Egypt.

  9. Rick Cain says:

    How the heck do they handle the poop from 1 billion people anyway?


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