A Danish appeals court has rejected a lawsuit against the newspaper that first printed controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, saying the cartoons were not intended to insult Muslims…
The decision Thursday upheld a ruling last year by a lower court, which rejected claims by Danish Muslims that the 12 drawings were meant to insult the Prophet Muhammad and make a mockery of Islam.
The court ruled that terror acts had been carried out in the name of Islam and that it was not illegal under Danish law to make satirical drawings to illustrate that…
The Muslim groups filed the defamation suit in March 2007 after the top prosecutor in Denmark declined to press criminal charges, saying the drawings did not violate laws against racism or blasphemy.
The central issue remains protecting the public right to be critical, to speak out, to have an opinion.
Perfect justice, or at least a sound national defense outlook, would now call for prosecution of the plaintiffs for being a terrorist support group.
The Danes have a long way to go to catch up with America’s lead on anti-terrorism.
Love the cartoon! Brilliant. Thank you.
And what’s wrong with insulting the Prophet Muhammad and making a mockery of Islam?
Sounds like good clean fun to me.
Oh..and the cartoon posted is ok..at least as long as one of the teddy bears doesn’t happen to be named Muhammad…if one is..it’s the chop for you, matey….^_^
“the drawings did not violate laws against racism or blasphemy.”
Denmark has laws against blasphemy?
They ought to make a “Western Civilization for Dummies” book and give it to any Muslim who moves to a Western country.
I’m not saying this to be “mean”, but rather Muslims have a difficult time adjusting and understanding the West and their 3rd world countries and their substandard educational systems are part of the problem.
#6, HMeyers,
And I suppose American teachers branding the cross onto school children’s arms is fine?
I grew up in a very cosmopolitan city. Yes, they all want to blend in to the new culture, BUT will always tend to bring and retain some of their old country. Most large cities have their ethnic neighborhoods: Little Italy, Chinatown, Spanish Harlem, and whatever. It is usually not until the third generation that the offspring look outside their ethnicity for friends, food, past times, and marriage.
I’m not defending the practice, just explaining it. Most immigrants have an inferior education compared to similar Westerners.
Now if they could just bring free speech to Canada. Right now they are prosecuting Maclean’s for anti-Islamic statements.
Well, I guess this means that Denmark is now officially on the hit list for radical Islamists. Bombs away!
They don’t let you promote Naziism in many places in Europe. Why not this restriction on speech too?