This is how the Cell Phone Popcorn Hoax is done.

  1. Skippy says:

    #29, “I know that this is a straw man argument, but many people do not seem to want to acknowledge that just because the excess of something is dangerous it does not follow that it is dangerous in a moderate (or even small) amount.”

    Damn straight. This applies especially to people who claim that certain pesticides or food additives are bad for you just because some scientist injected a mouse with 1000x the dose you would normally have over the course of your life, and the mouse developed cancer.

  2. You says:

    Given that this is about as safe as going swimming in a nuclear reactor, this video should aid in natural selection over the course of the next few days.

  3. Doug Jackson says:


    I suspect that you have all been well and truly done.

    The terminals that were connected in the video are the HEATER connections for the magnetron.

    There are 3 connections required to make a Magnetron operate – 2 heater connections and a third ground connection (via the metal jacket) – The heater is biased at a couple of KV with respect to ground – If there is no ground connection (as in this case), then all that the Magnetron will be doing is getting warm, and producing a shock hazard for the unsuspecting child trying the trick. The Bell wire used for the connection in the video is certainly not rated at a few KV, so yes, there would be sparks….

    Hmmm – At least there is no risk of the kiddies hurting their eyes….

    Have fun.

  4. Fik says:

    #30, I think #27 is right, there would be sparks from the cellphones because the circuit traces would act as antennas.
    Have you ever heated something in a microwave that’s on a metallic rimmed plate? Or “cooked” a CD? Neither contains H2O, just closed circuits.

  5. Noel says:

    #30-Mike in Newark,

    Try putting anything metal or plastic into a microwave. Unless the cellphones are made of glass or porcelain etc. I think they would be affected by microwaves.

  6. Noel says:


    Al Gore was taken out of context.

  7. lou says:

    This Vid has been paid for by Nextel.

  8. Smartalix says:


    Great catch, Doug. My face is red. I was so freaked out at the insanity of the action I didn’t even look at how they were hooking it up. I got snookered. (I don’t feel that bad because I showed it to several of my staff who also missed that small but significant item.)

  9. onairguy says:

    This really can quickly be very dangerous. What happens to the clear portion of the human eye is similar to how the clear portion of a raw egg turns white, forever, when heated. You can easily go blind doing this stuff. Not kidding. There have been microwave incidents where people have gone blind due to small leaks. I would not play with this stuff. Way to easy to do permanent damage. Microwave ovens have interlocks that blow the internal fuse if the door opens while the magnetron is on. That’s for a good reason.

  10. lauren and katherine...the only smarties on this site :] says:

    ya’ll are all dumb.


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