• Yahoo adding ymail.com and rocketmail.com.
  • Apple sold 5 billion songs and wants to top itself with movie downloads.
  • China says no, we have no plans to bust Microsoft.
  • Verizon upping speeds of FiOS to 50 down and 20 up. Nice! Should be perfect for peer-to-peer.
  • Suddenly propaganda machine cranks up the noise to develop car mileage benchmark called gallons per 10,000 miles. Why?
  • ATI forces nVidia to cut prices.
  • One in three IT people are spying on each other.
  • Kids busted for changing grades. May do 38 years in prison. Peachy.

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  1. -Verizon: I switched away from them last year as they started tampering with VOIP and large file transfers, at least in my area. Hence wouldn’t trust them even with 50/20 Mbps… (I switched to COPOWI who leases the same lines and all VOIP and large transfer interruptions ceased immediately. Proof enough for me.)

    – Gallons per 10000 miles gives the same information as miles per gallon. However, proponents might like oversea standards which are typically liters per 100 km. Wouldn’t hurt to post both mpg and gallons per 60 miles… 10000 miles – likely they want to do scare tactics social engineering .

  2. chuck says:

    Here in Canada, where we’ve had metric for years, we have have liters per 100km.

    Now, maybe I’m old, but I have forced myself to figure out how far a kilometer (or kilometre) really is.

    But no one here understands liters per 100km.
    So on the car stickers they put both the metric (liters per 100km) as well as miles per gallon.

    But they use imperial (not U.S.) gallons, so the mileage on cars in Canada are all 25% higher than in the U.S. !!

  3. Arthur says:

    I guess a unit of gallons per 10000 miles is less prone to manipulation. Say if a car supposedly does 21 mpg that number is probably under ideal conditions only, and will not be true for realistic use over time. With the proposed new system car manufacturers are probably more likely to give realistic numbers.

  4. tmiller51 says:

    This is the reason for the gallons per 10,000 miles thing (from Reuters article):

    “Larrick said most people think improvements in miles per gallon are all the same, where a 5 gallon per mile improvement would yield the same gas savings in a car that gets 10 miles per gallon or 20 miles per gallon. (One mile equals 1.61 kilometers, and one U.S. gallon equals 3.79 liters.)

    “The reality that few people appreciate is that improving fuel efficiency from 10 to 20 miles per gallon is actually a more significant savings than improving from 25 to 50 miles per gallon for the same distance of driving,” Larrick said.”

    Doing the math:
    Going from 10 to 20 MPG saves 500 gallons over 10,000 miles ($2,000 @ $4/gal).
    Going from 25 to 50 MPG saves 200 gallons over 10,000 miles ($800 @ $4/gal).

    Gallons per 10,000 mi is a better quick & dirty estimate of how your budget will be effected by a new vehicle purchase vs. just knowing MPG.

  5. Balbas says:

    If only Earthlink would kick the speeds up — then that would be something!

  6. Rider says:

    Can someone explain why all of a sudden ISP’s out of nowhere are able to start offering these huge speeds? One day they say they need to go to metered bandwidth because bandwidth is limited and certain people are hogging it, then in certain areas they up speeds insane amounts. Somethings not adding up here.

  7. Its all one big con job
    Like the Neil Young song – “You ask for this and they give you that”
    Not unlike the product tech descriptions on wi fi networking adapter boxes – 3 zillion whatever
    In the end it means nothing or very little
    All marketing
    Nothing to do with anything – or nothing you can drive your car home on
    Its all similar to buying car or house insurance
    When it comes time to collect on the insurance claim – there is very little service if any service what so ever
    So much for service levels
    Its all smoke and mirrors

  8. JimD says:

    Golly !!! “Always-On” – “Broadband” – “50 Mbps” – with a 5 Gig Cap (come to a SCREACHING HALT !!!), so you can use your “Always-on, 50 Mbps Broadband” to play SOLITARE, INSTEAD OF CRUSING THE NET !!! Well, SO LONG INTERNET, IT WAS FUN WHILE IT LASTED !!! Can’t wait for the TELCO EXECUTIVE DINOSAURS, WITH THEIR “BY THE MINUTE” MENTALITY TO ***DROP DEAD*** AND LET THE BROADBAND REVOLUTION TAKE HOLD !!!


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