Maybe they should try a few of these?

Drivers caught speeding in this north Atlanta suburb soon will have to pay an extra $12 to cover $4-a-gallon gas costs for the police officers who stop them.

The Holly Springs City Council passed the fee hike, effective July 1, to offset fuel prices that have eaten up nearly 60% of the police department’s 2008 fuel budget, Police Chief Ken Ball says…

Ball says he was seeking ways to maintain patrols despite record high gas prices. “I was hearing that Delta (Air Lines), pizza deliverers, florists were adding fuel charges to their services, and I thought, why not police departments…?”

I really like the quote from the mayor: “This is a self-taxing system. If you don’t break the law, you don’t pay the tax.”

Thanks, Mister Justin

  1. K B says:

    Next there’ll be a donut fee.

  2. Named says:


    Isn’t that the “victim surcharge”?

  3. Improbus says:

    Has anyone noticed that the “law enforcement” industry is running a protection racket?

    1) Stop a citizen.
    2) Shake them down.
    3) Profit!!!

    How I loath the forces of “order”.

  4. Peter iNova says:

    Why not fold in expenses for law breakers? If a case goes to court, there often are “court fees.”

    Of course, there would have to be scrupulously tracked costs. CSI tests alone could slam a murderer with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cost-accounting derived fees.

    For a logical breakdown on the costs of law enforcement, check out the THX 1138 movie.

  5. chuck says:

    How about a mileage surcharge for the extra distance the police car must drive if the speeder fails to stop?

  6. Sean says:

    Seems like an unreasonable charge. They slam on the gas to catch you – fine, we’ll assume 5 mpg since it’s mostly accelerating. We’ll even give 2 full miles before they could get you to pull over. That’s still only $2.00.

    How in the world did they arrive at $12.00?

    I love how, with adding in these surcharges, municipalities are just picking numbers out of the air. It’s just stupid.

  7. Sean says:

    …One more thing. If I call the Police for my loud neighbor, is my neighbor going to have to pay a trip charge? What if they see the cop coming and turn of the music – am I stuck with the trip charge?

    I guarantee speeders are not the source of high fuel usage.

  8. Named says:

    I find that most speed traps are just cops standing on the side of the road. When they nail you, they walk out onto the street, point at your car and you pull over. Maybe there should be a charge discount since they are getting exercise walking 2 meters back and forth?

  9. iBanker says:

    next there’ll be a surcharge for bullets when they shoot you

  10. Michael says:

    “Or we could just shoot out their tires and consider the 12 bucks well spent.”

    Or you could just not break the law, then you’d have nothing to complain about.

  11. Improbus says:

    Or you could just not break the law, then you’d have nothing to complain about.

    You can’t wake up in the morning in America with out breaking some law. The “Law” is just another way to control the public. I say screw “the Man”.

  12. Michael says:

    “The “Law” is just another way to control the public”

    Correct – would you prefer anarchy?

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #11 #13 Michael

    All laws should be obeyed, but when the law is an ass then free people that wish to remain so must voice their disdain and seek to repeal it.

    This abusive law is one that should never see the light of day on the rest of the country.

  14. Named says:


    You know, if no one drove with seatbelts or airbags, what do you think would happen to road safety?

  15. rabsten says:

    C’mon, all you police officer/department apologists! Defend this one. 🙂

  16. J says:

    Don’t people already pay this “tax” with their property Taxes? I assume they budget in the cost of fuel. Gas has been above $3.00 for over a year now so and it has been increasing at a predictable rate. Given that isn’t it already paid for in their budgets?

    $12.00???? I would like to see the work on that arithmetic.

    I have NEVER received a ticket in my entire life. EVER! Even I think this is kind of bullshit. It seems like another attempt for them to profiteer the government so they can collect larger salaries.

  17. Don says:

    They are just raising the fine, but without saying they are raising the fine.

    Do not try and make sense out of the math. This is the Government.

    At what point are they going to remove the surcharge? Hmm, prolly like NEVER!

    Maybe the defendant should ask for an itemised receipt explaining how the 12 bux was spent to apprehend them. That would be fun watching how the cops try to explain how they drove 60 miles to apprehend 1 speeder.


  18. lou says:

    Another crock of Shit from your local police dept.

  19. JimD says:

    Will the “Perp” have to pay the “Surcharge” to the Cop in CASH(or Doughnuts) or GET TASED ON THE SPOT ???

  20. JimD says:

    P.S. – The Cops shouldn’t be using those GAS-GUZZLING PRIUS’S – They ought to use these:

  21. crossfire says:

    I wish the all the cops in this country would stop working for just 24 hours! It would be total chaos!!! THEN WE WOULD SEE HOW MUCH YOU IDIOTS WOULD BE WILLING TO PAY TO GET THEM BACK! Yall are the first ones to call a cop when some thug comes after you or breaks in your home, or looks like they might. And your the first ones to cry like a baby when you get arrested for doing a crime. Who ya gonna call if the cops are not there>>YO MOMMA! Like they say don’t do the crime and you pay no fine, or fuel charge. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


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