A powerful Hindu-nationalist political party in western India has called for Hindu suicide squads to counter Islamic terrorism, causing outrage and embarrassing the national opposition with which it is allied.
“Islamic terrorism is on the rise in India and in order to counter Islamic terrorism, we should match it with Hindu terrorism,” the unsigned editorial said in Marathi.
“Just like Islamic extremism, to safeguard the country and Hindus we must create Hindu suicide squads if Hindu society is to be saved…”
The editorial, titled “The dud bombs of Hindus! Why embarrass us?”, was prompted partly by two low-intensity bombs that were planted in theatres in northern suburbs of Mumbai earlier this month. One exploded and injured a handful of people, the other was defused by police…
The Saamana editorial called the bombs “ridiculous and stupid” because they succeeded only in hurting a few people who were Hindus, and had no impact against Islamic extremism.
Theocrats and anarchists share the same demented and counter-productive ideology. History always records direct action against a civilian population as an admission of political weakness and arrogance .
these Hindu fanatics are total embarrasment for the democratic India. They cobtinously burn churches and mosques in India claiming that foreign religions are converting India to Christianity and Islam.
Few years earlier, a Christian preacher from Australia or some western country was burned alive in his car with his family by these same Hindu fanatics.
The war on terror should include these Hindu fanatics too.
Eideard? You know the link connects to the image, not the story, right?
One religious fanatic is much like another. The sooner they are out of the gene pool the better.
This is not really surprising. My family were Protestants in Norther Ireland. If someone is bombing you after a little while you start bombing back. I am sure that there would have been a similar call to arms in any Ulster Unionist sympathetic paper of the time.
There is also the fact that, I am sorry to say, life is cheaper on the sub continent and some of this has to come from the Hindu beliefs of reincarnation, karma, and a touch predestination along with the major factors of population/poverty/education.
Have you seen the way ‘those people’ ride trains? Drive scooters?
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
A bomb for a bomb makes for population control.
Aw come on. Hindu was one of those “cool” religions. Don’t ruin it man…
I dont think the Hindus should complain.
Muslim terrorists are responsible for killing more Muslims than anyone.
Yeah, let’s send a greetings to Pakistan!
That’s kinda like fighting fire with gasoline thinking if you make the fire big enough it’ll smother itself by sucking up all the oxygen… :/
How come no Atheist terrorists?
>>How come no Atheist terrorists?
Oh, there are plenty. They just don’t advertise.
#12–Ok Mustard. Name one. I think you can do it, I’m curious as to what form it takes.
Bobster, ALL terrorists are Atheists. They have forsaken the tenets of their religion for political, personal, or financial gain. Anyone who engages in the activities of terrorism is, by definition, a godless fuck.
#14–Mustard, you surprise me. The “definitional approach.” Excellent. Please provide a link to any dictionary with that idea? I hope this is more your attempt at humor than the product of your intellect, although, you do post fairly consistently with your own made up defintions.
I’m seeing a pattern. Not a pretty picture.
#3 – fixed.
#14 – almost as bad as stupidity like “there are NO atheists in foxholes”. Superstitious creeps never seem to mind (or notice) how often they contradict themselves.
#15, #17
I have no idea what the fuck youse guys are talking about.
Anyone who bilks people out of their money, cheats on their wife with gay hookers, blows up innocent civilians, whatever, is by definition in flagrante delicto vis-a-vis their religion.
By definition, they are not people of faith.
I guess they might be agnostic, but their militancy suggests to me that they’re Atheists.
People seem ignorant of the fact that Israel was founded in part, with the help of terrorism directed at the British.
End yet Israel endlessly cries about terrorism directed at themselves…
Lehi (IPA: [‘lɛxi], Hebrew acronym for Lohamei Herut Israel, “Fighters for the Freedom of Israel”, לח”י – לוחמי חירות ישראל), also known as the Stern Gang, was an armed underground Zionist faction in Mandatory Palestine that had as its goal the eviction of the British authorities from Palestine to allow unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. Although the name of the group became “Lehi” only after the death of its founder, Avraham Stern, this article follows the common practice of referring to it by that name throughout its history.
Lehi was described as a terrorist organization by the British authorities, the mainstream Yishuv, by the United Nations mediator Ralph Bunche and by the Israeli Government on September 20th 1948. Lehi was responsible for the assassination of Lord Moyne, and other attacks on the British authorities. Jews were sometimes killed in these attacks, and occasionally targeted for assassination. Israel has honored the group by instituting the military decoration of the Lehi ribbon, which may be worn by the organization’s former members.
I don’t see anywhere in that description above the use of suicide bombers against large masses of civilians in civilian gathering places…and I don’t see where it was not only condoned, but instigated, by the religious leaders of their faith.
Can you see any differences?
#20 – Google is your friend. Try “Irgun” and try “King David Hotel”. For that matter, try the “Stern gang”.
You may not know any history, you still might learn some.
Right-wing Israelis still laud the bombing and the nation elected a head of state who was a leader of Irgun.
#18 – of course, you have no idea what others are talking about. It’s called egregious solypsism. It’s how you function in your tiny world.
#23–god==are you at the center of your own egregious solipsism yourself?
The core quality of analytical thinking is to spot the similarities which you have done, THEN spot the dissimilarities which you have NOT DONE, THEN compare, weigh, match, rate, evaluate the two and reach a balanced, considered opinion==which you have NOT DONE.
So, let all us informed, not informed, disinformed students of history recognize that all contesting waring groups use terrorism. The winners speak of heroism and call the losers terrorists all while doing pretty much the same thing.
So what at all is new? Not a thing. By diverting attention from the Palestinian terrorism to the Israeli terrorism of 50 years ago, you simply reveal a bias. Thats ok too, we all have them.
So–if I were a country, or a group of like minded people, and someone was waging terrorism on me, I would recognize I was in a war and I would move to exterminate the opposition.
Why Israels doesn’t do this is beyond me. Wipe them out–not for any religious or moral reasons. Simply stated, the Palestinians have identified themselves as being at war. Israeli should deal with it decisively or act in a wishy-washy way just like the usa does.
Time will tell.
#14 Senor’ Mustard
“Anyone who engages in the activities of terrorism is, by definition, a godless f***.”
That has got to be the truest statement I’ve ever read on this blog!
#26–Sying==most people are hypocrites, including the religious ones, all in the image of god.
Who else says “worship me because I love you and I am all merciful” and then puts you in hell for eternity for who knows what reasons? You can’t believe in god and NOT be a hypocrite when those are the rules of the game. Only atheists have truth as their guide.
Theocrats and anarchists? Oh, you cheap little statist hoodlum. Anarchists have nothing to do with terrorism. We’re not looking to take over anything. We just want you mothers to leave us alone.
Well i think a bit differently. I beleiver that yes we indians or rather hindus should obstruct terrorism strongly and at the same time not allow few muslims to divide our country which is known for ourunity. At the same time i also do not support terrorist attack on muslim countries or pakistan for that matter….coz in one explosion if we notice the actual culprits do not get victimised but the people who get affected are the poor & the innocent people, who suffer in between the outrage of the two religion or rather two communities.
Mustard, just stop. It’s obvious that you’re wrong, so just shut the f**k up and go away.