A man whose teething infant died after apparently sucking on his father’s cocaine-tainted fingers has been sentenced to life in prison.
Dennis Ray Driver, 26, was convicted Wednesday of felony murder for the overdose death of his 8-month-old son…
Driver had told investigators that he had chopped up cocaine and the baby later sucked on his fingers.
Driver had at least eight previous convictions, including six that were related to cocaine. The Houston Chronicle reported Wednesday in its online edition that when the baby died, Driver was free on bail on a cocaine possession charge.
That’s a really successful rehab program for drug offenders in Houston. Eh?
Doesn’t sound like he was the type of person we should have breeding anyways. Murder is murder. don’t drop the soap buddy.
Shame it took the death of a baby to get him out of circulation permanently.
This is really just a sixth trimester abortion, criminal negligence causing death at the most.
Just another example of how our justice system doesn’t make people better. The justice system just makes “better” criminals. I guess “better” is a relative term.
I guess the kid died of second hand coke.
Bring on the BOOs.
So, it was the city of Houston that killed the baby??? Brilliant. Again.
I don’t mind people doing what they want behind closed doors. But when your actions harm others like this . . . it’s time to die.
You need a liscense to drive, gotta pass some kind of fitness exam for just about any social responsibilty you can think of. So why is it the most important social responsibility is completely uncontrolled. In god we trust? I’m all for personal freedoms but not to the point that the defenseless an infirm are placed in danger. Gotta be some middle ground where babies don’t get abused or neglected.
Sounds like BS to sway a jury. If you’re cutting out coke, you don’t leave it on your fingers for anyone else… That stuff is the ring to Gollum… Not a rings groupie, but it is the best comparison I could think of… This Jackass likely thought, “when i’m all jammed up, my whole face gets numb…” Too bad for the kid that Dad burned out the grey matter prior to procreating…
#4, your reason for including the image of Dennis Ray Driver, is to …what? Show us what kind of people we should be wary of?
How Willie Horton of you.
#12. That’s what I’m thinking. He purposefully put a little cocaine on his finger to soothe his baby’s teething. Evidently, a little cocaine is too much.
With the courts allowing him to be a father, what chance do the rest of us have when the other parent only has one conviction behind them to “saving” our children from this kind of outcome?
I call BS on this one, he could not have had enough coke on his fingers to kill a baby. I think there is something missing here, like he gave higher doses to the baby.
#13 – Peter iNova
Tell me why I shouldn’t link to an image of the creep?
#17, because you are expressing an opinion of him by making sure you identify his race and appearance as a primary perception. Most of the news stories, including the one that created this thread, didn’t.
It appears on the surface that your intention was to make SURE we all saw him as a black man, not judging him on the (lack of) content of his character, but on the attribute of race.
It’s one thing to have the opinion that this jerk deserves your commentary, but it is another thing to hang up a picture of him to present a racial reference. Or didn’t you think of that?
Most of the editors of the news stories about the incident could easily have presented his picture, but didn’t. It certainly would be appropriate as an adjunct to a news story. But in a comment?
I hope you did it without thinking. I wish you greater consciousness—and sensitivity—in the future.
#18 – The problem with the media nowadays is that if it had been a white guy who OD’d his kid, the Leftwing Media would have certainly posted his picture. The double-standard shouldn’t exist at all. Post a pic for this crime, but not that one.
I’m all in favor of keeping race our of stories like that…if only the Leftwing Media would exercise that thought across the boards.
You find the most horrible crimes are whitewashed when reported on (The Knoxville Murders last year and the Witchita Massacre) if the subject(s) are black, but even the most mundane crimes are detailed if the subject is white.