Southwest Cove is on public land that isn’t visible from the highway. In the summertime, the beach offers a different view: naked sunbathers. Southwest Cove is one of the most famous nude beaches in the country, but there’s a move under way to make people put their suits back on.

For decades, people have come to visit the beach, which is listed in nudist guides and on Web sites. All are welcome, naked or not, while cameras without permission and sexual behavior are forbidden.

The beach is on public land that isn’t visible from the highway. The state — which has no laws banning public nudity — advises visitors with a sign at a trail head leading to the beach that warns “be advised, you may encounter nude bathers.”

But some Westmore residents want to be able to use the beach without having to worry they or their kids will confront a naked person. They’re pushing the town to pass an anti-nudity ordinance

Tony Strange said, “All we’re looking for, you know, is no nudity on the public beach,” he said. “You want to be naked in private, fine. … I just don’t want you to prance around like a puffed up chicken in front of my kids and think it’s OK.”

The fracking nude beach was there when you moved in, Tony.

There are two kinds of incomers. Those who find a lovely place, move in and don’t change a thing. And those who find a lovely place, move in – and try to turn it into their own private Disneyland.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    #30, Bobbo, The Law puts you in jail and imposes monetary penalties on you according to some statute; Equity tells a sugar beet processor that he can’t continue to process beets in the same manner because it isn’t fair to the others around him who have to smell it. Two different concepts.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    #32, 30, to put more succinctly, Equity exists in the absence of The Law.

  3. QB says:

    I’ve been on a more than a few nude beaches. Let me assure the residents of Southwest Cove, it doesn’t promote sexual activity.

  4. MikeN says:

    #32, bobbo mentioned that the neighbors complaining of smell came later.

  5. RBG says:

    20 MS., 31 JimR Otherwise, you wouldn’t think twice about your brain surgeon showing up naked with scalpel in hand?

    You know, there wouldn’t be any nude beaches if these people could just find some way to relieve their pent-up tensions in the privacy of their own locked bathrooms.


  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Bobbo,

    The law is the will of the people. If enough people believe something is wrong or needs changing then they reflect that will with a law. (Civics, 101)

    Over the past 40 years many laws and regulations have come about to prevent and control pollution. Very few industrial practices have been exempted from these rules because of “grandfathering”. Many factories have had to radically change their methods or even close in order to conform with water, air, noise, hazardous chemicals, flammable liquids, and safety regulations.

    Why this specific plant was forced to close I can’t answer since I have no idea which plant you are referring to. While most industrial facilities are covered, most agricultural farms are not.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #26 – It is sad that you think humans are ugly and cultural values should be homogenized.

  8. bobbo says:

    #32–Sea Lawyer==I still don’t see any difference. You stink up the place and someone files a LAWSUIT against you and THE COURT says you have to stop doing that, and if you don’t, the COPS come out and arrest you.

    Now, how does this so called “equity” of yours change any of the above?

    Amusing to me so I’ll say it again, that the most intelligent and educated of the posters here evidence a refusal to modify their thinking, even when it doesn’t make any difference at all, and gee, that brings us to:

    #38–OFTLO–of course a certain few humans are beautiful but you have your politically correct blinders on if you think very many are. Most are fat and out of shape due to a sedentary life, like sitting at the beach? Water too polluted and cold to swim in and so forth? Intellectually flabby as well, as your post shows.

    Cultural values are homogenized to a great degree–its the very definition of a culture. Now, their is variability on some issues within a culture. I don’t know why my attitude cannot be part of that variability or do you find variability only in conformity with your esthetic nihilism?

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #39 – #38–OFTLO–of course a certain few humans are beautiful but you have your politically correct blinders on if you think very many are.

    How did being politically correct get into this… Dude… You jumped the shark on that.

    All living things are intrinsically beautiful. Men, women, the elderly, children, cats, crayfish… Life, as a state of being, has with it a beauty that is defined by qualities far greater that whether or not you are sexually attracted to it…

    …and don’t be so naive as to think that at the core, it isn’t sexual attraction (and one taught to you by others) that isn’t driving your standard of beauty. …and also don’t be so naive as to not realize that it is merely “your” standard.

    Cultural values are homogenized to a great degree–its the very definition of a culture.

    Back your bullshit up. Corporations and oppressive governments homogenize. Cultures, by their very nature, diversify.

    I don’t know why my attitude cannot be part of that variability or do you find variability only in conformity with your esthetic nihilism?

    esthetic nihilism? You just make shit up. If you want to to talk like a professor, be a professor. You just sound like a beret wearing, clove smoking junior grade Marxist handing out political tracts at subway depots…

    And it’s aesthetic, not esthetic… And that’s just one of many clues that you just make shit up.

  10. smartalix says:


    The Dauntless was a dive bomber.

  11. RBG says:

    For a brief moment, I thought I’d caught someone mis-IDing a Harvard trainer, a US T-something, but my bad.


  12. Rick Cain says:

    What about the children!


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