They should get a Clio Award for this one.

Thanks, K B

  1. smeata says:

    i like the penguin, it looks like its actually trying to glide

  2. JPV says:

    Yeah, it’s not like those birds would have been terrified or anything.

  3. iBird says:

    One bad landing, and that bird is toast.

  4. Shin says:


    Talk about transference. Don’t you mean that you would have been terrified? I don’t have a great grasp of bird psychology, and maybe you do, but…the penguin was doing nothing differently than it would have done in the ocean, and you can see that from it’s use of it’s wings..not terrified at all I would say. I doubt the chicken was having any thoughts at all outside of “where is my next meal”. It certainly would not have been “afraid” of heights. Fear denotes some kind of understanding of the consequences of an action. Sorry, but not something chickens are renowned for. No more fear flying like that then being picked up and transported in someones arms. Now..if it were let go and was falling to it’s death..I suspect some sort of flight or fight response might be triggered….a few yards from the speedily onrushing ground anyway….same as it would likely try and avoid a club swinging at it…^_^

  5. Liam says:

    LOL, the pengiun was loving it.

  6. fxbushman says:

    Chickens CAN fly. That’s because they have wings. (Duh!) It’s true that they can’t fly far or high but like many ground birds can get up into the air to escape predators. People who keep chickens outdoors often clip their wings just to make sure they stay in their pens.

  7. pwright2 says:

    Would be nice if the entries contained enough data so that we could hunt for the videos after youtube takes them down.


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