Marilyn Monroe’s maid a suicide clue /
“Marilyn Monroe: Murder – by Consent” (2007 Trafford Publishing $19.99) is a new 238-page paperbook book just released by Los Angeles clinical psychologist Dr. Jack Hattem, which is a factual account of what he describes as the real circumstances behind the Aug. 5, 1962, death of Marilyn Monroe.

This fascinating book explains why she died, how she died and how her significant others were directly responsible for her death.

OK, here is a nice long interview with Dr. Jack Hattam who wrote the latest (and hopefully last) on the death of Marilyn Monroe. A collectible. I intend to do as many of these sorts of interviews as I can sneak into the work day.

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. becagle says:

    Can’t we just let the poor woman rest in peace?

  2. That was the idea. Oh, and I don’t think she actually “cares.” Do you really think she does? How does that work?

  3. Landseer says:

    I agree…let it go already, man. I’m surprised PerveBoy didn’t use a ‘sexier’ photo too.

  4. becagle says:

    John, I was refering to the guys book, not you’re post.

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Hattam’s discussion of his early study of the 20 couples involving personality pairings that resulted in suicide is interesting, and makes me wonder if that might have been the case with Howard K. Stern & Anna Nicole Smith as well.

    I know, I know, it’s almost sacrilegious to even mention a pretender like Anna Nicole in the same vicinity of a discussion of Marilyn Monroe, the original.

  6. brendal says:

    Mars in Pisces…never easy…isn’t it her birthday? I know she was a Gemini…

  7. RCopeh says:

    Cripes, yet another ‘personality type’ to watch out for; No, I’m not depressed, I’m just stuck in a lift with someone who has a ‘Suicide Provoker’ personality type.

    We’d better start screening for these as well before they start demanding rights to practice their suicide provokation in public.

  8. chuck says:

    She’s still dead, right?
    This interview didn’t change that, did it?

    Oh, and of course, the mandatory “what has this got to do with ‘tech'” comment ?

  9. peter_m says:

    This has to do with tech only that it was mentioned in the “No Agenda” pod-cast. I think it’s cool that John C Dvorak followed up on it. The reason why I think it;s still relevent is that:
    1) its part of history
    2) it’s part of pop-history
    3) Suicides are no joke. Anything we can learn about the topic should be researched and discussed.

    Which brings me to my question. Has anyone found the paper, book or research that Dr. Jack Hattam has published on that personality disorder????


  10. McCullough says:

    Funny how no one is commenting on the alleged involvement of RFK which is I think, the interesting aspect to the story.

  11. peter_m says:

    #10, Between all the books and all the merchandising we’ve been desensitized to it… not allot of people would give the story any real attention to pickup on the actual details. It’s more of a polite “oh, isn’t that nice” reaction to anything published regarding a public figure that died a lifetime ago. Sad!

  12. BubbaRay says:

    One thing I’d like to see- the transcripts from the FBI / CIA wiretaps. Dr. Hattam didn’t mention whether or not any are included in his book or whether they even exist. Interesting side story about J. Edgar.

    Times were sure different. If Clinton had been president before 1964, there’s little doubt the press would have been discreet about the Lewinsky story.

  13. jkgleason1 says:

    I’ve read the book. YOu get it on amazon and there are FBI docs in the back. What is scary to me is that the government was tracking her while whe lay there dying. They have record of her on the phone with DiMaggio telling him everything. I can’t believe they let her die. How big is Big Brother! Freaks me out.

  14. John Paradox says:

    brendal said
    Mars in Pisces…never easy…isn’t it her birthday? I know she was a Gemini…

    June 1.. same date (not year) as mine.


  15. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, come on…

    It’s been known for years that her arguments with both RFK and Peter Lawford, (both of whom told her that they were no longer interested in her and that she was a washed-up has-been Hollywood tramp that no one would want), put her into a deep depression causing her to end her life.

    And as for her psychiatrist and maid? Just two people trying their best to help her retain some dignity in death.

    Too bad Dr. Hattam doesn’t feel the same way.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    As an afterthought, this whole conspiracy theory of Hattam just doesn’t work.

    RFK and Lawford working together with Monroe’s psychiatrist and MAID to kill her?

    What we are really saying is that RFK was willing to murder to keep his secret and her personal psychiatrist and maid would willingly be complicit in killing her. Why would they do this? Money? That cannot be it, because for the rest of their lives they were under scrutiny and if any large sums of money suddenly appeared…

    Not to mention, if they were involved with RFK, one of them would have spoken up for money and fame sometime in their lives. At least a deathbed confession.

    So, let’s take off the big tin hat. Marilyn was just a lost soul being used by everyone around her for their own benefit.

    Time to let her rest.

  17. SJP says:

    #14 JP – [sung with a sultry voice] Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you Mr. JP, Happy Birthday to you.

  18. Rich says:

    You misspelled the author’s name in the headline. It is Hattem with an ‘e’.
    His website is


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