Over the past two weeks, McCain’s rapid fire, acrobatic flip-flops have produced whiplash, at least for voters. 10 times since the beginning of June, McCain has retreated from, upended or just forgotten positions he once claimed as his own. On Social Security, balancing the budget, defense spending, domestic surveillance and a host of other issues so far this month, McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” did a U-turn on the road to the White House.
1. Social Security Privatization. John McCain has apparently learned the lesson that the more President Bush spoke about his Social Security privatization scheme, the less popular it became. On Friday, Mr. Straight Talk proclaimed at a New Hampshire event, “I’m not for, quote, privatizing Social Security. I never have been. I never will be.” Sadly, McCain and his advisers like ousted HP CEO Carly Fiorina are on record declaring fidelity to the idea of diverting Social Security dollars into private accounts. On November 18, 2004, for example, McCain announced, “Without privatization, I don’t see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits.” And in March 2003, McCain backed his President, declaring, “As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it – along the lines that President Bush proposed.” As they say, let’s go to the videotape.
The graphic is for all the “wheres the tech?” whiners. The other eye-opening flip-flops reside here.
He flip-flops more than John Kerry!
No political comment here, but my compliments to the chef for the flip-flop graphic side dish 😉
>>He flip-flops more than John Kerry!
Hey, John Kerry is nothing compared to the all-time Flip-Flop King:
McBush is just following in his fearless leader’s footsteps.
I used to be able to read a simple schematic but it’s a skill I lost a long time ago. The one here looks like something I had to build in high school electronics class. Any idea what it is, if anything?
I respect a politician who “flip flops” from a bad position to the right one.
But McCain has flip flopped the other way… from good to bad!
I respected him until he “flip flopped” in SUPPORT of torture. How perverse and shameless is that?
“I used to be able to read a simple schematic but it’s a skill I lost a long time ago. The one here looks like something I had to build in high school electronics class. Any idea what it is, if anything?”
C’mon, anybody?
It’s a flip-flop circuit. See, it’s a joke.
>>It’s a flip-flop circuit. See, it’s a joke.
Yes, it looks like what we used to call a “multistable vibrator” (until the adult novelty industry co-opted the term), or flip-flop.
Or maybe it’s a schematic of Dumbya’s brain. That would explain a lot.
What I want to know is wtf does that text say?
#8 – ‘dro
No need for any Obamian circuitry. He doesn’t flip-flop. When presented with a cogent and compelling argument that contradicts his point of view, he may change that point of view, but he’s not helplessly flopping in the political wind like Bush and McBush.
He’s showing his acrobatic skills
#12 – ‘dro
>>just like a flip-flop
Man, you never learn, do you? Do you consider making rational, measured decisions over time as one learns more to be the same thing as Bush/ McBush’s craven reversals and re-reversals and re-re-reversals of positions just to satisfy their right wingnut core?
Mustard – The schematic of W’s brain is far less complex than the above circuit.
#14. Hop- Much like this.
I’d say that’s about right.
#17 – ‘dro
zzzzzzzzzzzzz…..snore. You hit the zenith of your time here on dvorak dot org slash blog when you proudly revealed that you know how to read Depression-era electronic schematics. Kudos, Kuzco!
Criticism of McCain flipflops from people who only a few years ago were touting military service as a requirement for political office, but are now supporting a candidate who is a chickenhawk and engages in false patriotism.
Yeah, Obama said a flag pin is a substitute for true patriotism and he won’t wear it, then started wearing it.
I laughed out loud when I saw the circuit. That was good!
I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but McCain’s flip flops won’t matter. Not one bit.
Why? Because the Rebubs have Karl Rove and the Dems do not.
Karl is already on the case reworking McCain’s image. Whatever looks like a flip flop today will become a “progressive reassesment” or some such tomorrow.
Watch out Dems! Rove has outgunned you in the past and he’s reloading.
If statements from aides count as flip-flops, then Obama is in big trouble.
Poor MikeN is reduced to making comments on Obama’s flag pin! LOL
OMG! Is Obama wearing his flag pin today? Hurry! Call Fox News!!
One would think that things like this would just make sure that the Republicans are going to win this fall. Then again, I’ve picked wrong for the past two presidential elections, it’ll probably be three.
A flip flop circuit! Good one, McCullough! True nerd humor, in its highest form.
#19 – Lyin’ Mike
>>but are now supporting a candidate who is
>>a chickenhawk
Lyin’ Mike, have you been hiding out in a bunker to avoid suicide bombers for the past 10 years, or what? Do you have any idea what a CHICKENHAWK is??
Here’s a hint: If you spend time when your fellow countrymen have been drafted and are dying like flies on the battlefield flying potted geraniums around Dixie AND (note the boolean operator) then go and start a war of your own, sending American young people off to fight and die, you’re a chickenhawk.
Hint #2: Obama is not a chickenhawk.
As to your comment about Obama’s jewelry or lack thereof, HAW! HAW HAW HAW!
When the biggest anti-Obama guy on the blog can’t come up with anything more damning than that, you know that OBAMA HAS WON.
Somebody tell Diebold.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
Just kidding. But not about Dvorak’s brand.
One thing I am not kidding about is the fact that about half of us are not fans of Barack “57 states” Obama. If dvorak.org continues to be a shill site for the Obama campaign, many of us will go elsewhere.
>>If dvorak.org continues to be a shill site for the
>>Obama campaign, many of us will go elsewhere.
Oh. Boo hoo. Boo frickety hoo. For every one of “you” who go elsewhere, many of “us” will leave your anti-Obama blog of negativity.
Zero-sum game.
Sorry to disgree, Lou. But one of the main reasons I do come to DU is precisely because it’s more than just tech. I like to delve into politics, religion, and all such that this blog has to offer.
Nerd can be more than just techno-centric dweebs!
John McCain could have a stroke the day before the election and he would still get 43%-45% of the vote because of latent racism in the USA (the generation of “whiteys” that shaped Reverend Wright’s generation do NOT trust black people — and people wonder why Reverend Wright is an angry man).
On the other hand, the country is fed up with Republicans.
Could be the most suspenseful election ever. Obama has to do flawlessly and hope McCain hurts himself often.
[Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]
Bye, Lou
Why are you still posting here? Don’t let the ICMP packet hit you on the way out.
“Why are you still posting here?”
I guess you didn’t actually read my post.
Who said this?
“That’s why I say that the combination of globalization and technology and automation all weaken the position of workers.”
1) Pat Buchanan
2) Barack Obama
3) Senator Reed Smoot