Over the past two weeks, McCain’s rapid fire, acrobatic flip-flops have produced whiplash, at least for voters. 10 times since the beginning of June, McCain has retreated from, upended or just forgotten positions he once claimed as his own. On Social Security, balancing the budget, defense spending, domestic surveillance and a host of other issues so far this month, McCain’s “Straight Talk Express” did a U-turn on the road to the White House.
1. Social Security Privatization. John McCain has apparently learned the lesson that the more President Bush spoke about his Social Security privatization scheme, the less popular it became. On Friday, Mr. Straight Talk proclaimed at a New Hampshire event, “I’m not for, quote, privatizing Social Security. I never have been. I never will be.” Sadly, McCain and his advisers like ousted HP CEO Carly Fiorina are on record declaring fidelity to the idea of diverting Social Security dollars into private accounts. On November 18, 2004, for example, McCain announced, “Without privatization, I don’t see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits.” And in March 2003, McCain backed his President, declaring, “As part of Social Security reform, I believe that private savings accounts are a part of it – along the lines that President Bush proposed.” As they say, let’s go to the videotape.
The graphic is for all the “wheres the tech?” whiners. The other eye-opening flip-flops reside here.
#67, I never said he wrongly called Bush a chickenhawk, I criticized his motive for doing so.
“Not the one you provided, but the one you are using:Someone who engages in war without any valid geo-political rational at all?”
When was I using that definition? I was asking a question based upon his definition; the “justified or not” doesn’t alter that other than it adds another condition to consider before answering. Using Mustard’s narrow definition, is a draft dodging president only a chickenhawk if he wages an unjustified war, or is he also one if he send the troops off to war against an actual threat?
Christ, now you are going to make me want to parse every word before I hit submit. It’s just a blog, not a dissertation.
#69–SeaLawyer, maybe we aren’t on the same wavelength?
From what I can tell, there is no parsing going on, YOU simply said Clinton was a not a chickenshawk when he totally fits the definition you posted.
No dissertation.
Chickenhawk: Chickenhawk (also chicken hawk and chicken-hawk; sometimes designated after a person’s name by [c.h.]) is a political epithet used in the United States to criticize a politician, bureaucrat, or commentator who strongly supports a war or other military action, but has never personally been in a war, especially if that person actively avoided military service when of draft age.
Bill Clinton is not a chickenhawk. He doesn’t (and didn’t) “strongly support a war”. Being an unwilling entrant into an armed conflict is not the same thing as lying, cheating, and stealing to start your very own trophy war.
Obama is not a chickenhawk (see Bill Clinton entry for explanation).
Chelsea Clinton is not a chickenhawk (see above).
On the other hand, Dumbya is clearly the epitome of a chickenhawk, but in the letter and the spirit of the definition.
His craven avoidance of combat duty during the Viet Nam war, coupled with his mindless insistence on unilaterally invoading Iraq with OPC (other people’s children) makes him a poster child for chickenhawkdom.
Deal with it, Bush babies.
#71–Mustard==congrats. I think you found the nub. Thanks.
#70, When did I say that? Now you’re just putting wording into my mouth — I don’t think I would be so dim as to post a definition and then contradict it in the very next sentence. I asked him if he would consider Clinton to be one, which I confess was only added for my own desire to glean what I suspected was partisan motive, and not especially relevant otherwise.
#71, “Being an unwilling entrant into an armed conflict…”
I’m pretty sure we were one of the “lead dogs” in the whole Kosovo thing.
Since we are keen to post Wikipedia articles:
Sorry about the hijacking.
#54, Lyin’ Mike,
#52, if you said I’m not wearing a tie because I think it represents conformity to dull society, and then you wear a tie the next die, …
Or maybe he could be attending a funeral.
Barack would have been about 28 at the start of the Gulf War, and eligible.
And attending school. What were Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity’s excuses?
#79 – Señor Mierda del Gato
Rush had a sore boom-dee-ay. That’s why they call him “Anal Cyst”.
Or is it because he actualy IS an anal cyst?
McCain has somewhere between little and no chance of ever being elected President.