Denver police are stocking up on guns that fire a pepper spray-like substance instead of bullets – a less-lethal weapon used to disperse crowds – in advance of the Democratic National Convention.

The department recently ordered 88 Mark IV launchers and projectiles at a cost “in the low six figures,” the company that makes the weapons stated in a news release Monday. The request was for delivery in advance of the DNC, according to Louisville- based Security With Advanced Technology Inc.

The convention, scheduled for Aug. 25 to 28 at the Pepsi Center, is expected to draw thousands of protesters to sites throughout Denver. The city received a $50 million federal grant for security. A senior adviser to Mayor John Hickenlooper has said the city plans to spend up to half that amount on equipment, with the rest going to pay officers. But the city has refused to disclose how it is spending the money, prompting the American Civil Liberties Union last month to file a civil lawsuit.

And to make things even more “exciting”!

Black Hawk helicopters buzzed downtown Denver and other neighborhoods Monday evening in a training exercise to prepare for a possible terrorist attack. The flights had people all over town calling authorities to find out what was going on. “It’s nothing more than Special Operations Command training with local authorities,” said Lt. Nathan Potter, with Special Operations Command, which has authority over special forces from all branches of the military. Potter would not say which branch of the military was flying the choppers over Denver.

The training has nothing to do with preparations for the Democratic National Convention, which will be held in Denver in August, Potter said. “It’s routine preparation for the global war on terrorism,” he said.
Several Black Hawk helicopters were seen flying low near Coors Field during a home game of the Colorado Rockies.

I am uncertain as to what the protests will be about, but as long as this is for my protection, I’m all for it!

  1. Ben says:

    Can anyone say Materials Safety Data Sheets? If they spray a chemical out, then you have the right to see a MSDS before it is used on you. Just make a request in writing.

    Who is going to be protesting at the DNC? Republicans? Hillary supporters? Or Klingons from the World Science Fiction Convention a few hotels over?

  2. lou says:

    Don’t tase me bro

  3. GigG says:

    When they give the crown… I mean nomination to Hillary there might be some pissed of folks.

  4. Ah_Yea says:


    I can’t wait for the show to begin!

  5. pjakubo86 says:

    This is the scariest quote I’ve read in a while: “It’s nothing more than Special Operations Command training with local authorities.”


  6. JFetch says:

    Who’s going to cause trouble at the Democratic convention? The Republican convention will be the one with protesters lined up around the building.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    My son works as a security guard for one of the companies in downtown Denver. He has seen a large influx of protesters (based on their age and attire) who are scouting the streets and photographing the locations of all the security cameras in the city.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, Benson,

    Riiiiiiight !!!

  9. Law Dawg says:

    The people who would protest the DNC are not there to protest the party. They are anti-government. Anarchists.

    Hey Misanthropic Scott, recreate68 isn’t going to be stupid enough to mention the violence they are going to instill upon the DNC. The name alone says it all.

    The helicopters are for anti-terrorist reasons. Yes, there is a threat.


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