Huffington Post – June 15, 2008:

When the Republicans choose their candidate on September 4th, there is a very real chance that they could throw the election into an unexpected chaos as they pull a genuine September Surprise.

I think there is every reason to believe John McCain won’t be the nominee. Ok, let me say that again. McCain will not be the Republican candidate in November.

By August, they’ll have done something to try and pick away at Obama’s popularity. They’ll emphasis race, or whatever they can to get him to appear less than perfect. Then, they’ll bring out of the woodwork a surprise candidate who can shift the story fast. With just two months before the election — the new candidate will have little time to be ‘vetted’ but will be shiny and new, and will get a lot of media attention as Obama’s newness will have become — by then — tarnished or at least no longer the surprise that it has been as he unseated Hillary.

  1. Calin says:

    Ok, I hear people laugh all the time when Fox News makes predictions about what the Democratic party will do. They rail and rant, going on and on about how that right-wing shill of a news station can’t know what the DNC will do.

    Now, the Huffington Post is supposedly a good source of GOP strategies?

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    What?! Isn’t April Fools over already?

  3. SN says:

    1. “Now, the Huffington Post is supposedly a good source of GOP strategies?”

    I know, it’s great isn’t it? To me the only difference between the Huffington Post and the Onion is that most people realize the Onion is a joke.

  4. HMeyers says:

    This is a weird year because depending on how things turn out:

    1. Someone with questionable health could win the election if Obama gets FUD’d enough combined with racism.

    2. Someone whose candidacy that has to combat racism could win the election if the other candidates health is too poor.

    2 unconventional candidates in the same year.

    Certainly unusual.

    Last year I was thinking McCain would be too old to be a serious candidate for 2008.

    Really the winner-take-all primaries in the Republican party allowed McCain to quickly win despite really only getting 33-38% of the vote in most of the states he “won”.

    Strange year.

  5. HMeyers says:

    Btw … how is McCain going to avoid debates during the election season?

    When the debates come this year, McCain’s difficulty to recall facts and really what I would describe as a “lack of mastery” of the details of various subjects is going to be painful to watch.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #5 HMeyers

    >>what I would describe as a “lack of mastery”
    >>of the details of various subjects is going to
    >>be painful to watch.

    Yes, it will. I wonder if it will be as painful as watching Dumbya gibber like a chimp during his debates. Or even during his speeches; jeez, somebody else wrote the stuff for the guy, and he still comes off sounding like an imbecile.

    Maybe McCain could get one a them thar “rectangular objects” to put under his jacket, like Dumbya did during the debates. That’s going to go down as one of the biggest mysteries of Dumbya’s reign: What the heck was that thing?

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    Republicans have to either admit their “process” failed them or bite the bullet and accept McBush. A lot of Republican voters will be even more upset if the whole primary exercise is tossed. Since they already have a credibility problem with much of the electorate, I think they will just bite the bullet and go with the primary process they have.

    I wouldn’t worry about the race card. Those who won’t vote for Obama today, won’t be voting for him in November. If race is not a factor today, it won’t be a factor then either. The bigots also run the risk of looking like even larger bigots and alienating the voters.

  8. gquaglia says:

    I never thought McCain was a very strong candidate. The GOP could have done better, but I guess they have taken a page from the Dems play book of old and put a turkey on the ticket.

  9. HMeyers says:

    > What the heck was that thing?

    Ah, the mystery hump. We shall never know.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ah, the mystery hump. We shall never know.

    Maybe he’ll ‘fess up in his “memoirs”. I just hope that if they come out as an audio book, they hire someone who can speak English to read it. It’s painful enough to watch Dumbya try to get the words out at a press conference. Imagine how awful if he read several hundred pages aloud? I’d rather be waterboarded at Gitmo.

  11. McCullough says:

    Jeb Bush is waiting in the wings.

  12. chuck says:

    And the September Surprise is… Hillary switches to the GOP, McCain gets dropped to VP position.

    Clinton/McCain ’08

  13. MikeN says:

    Well Hillary has already won more votes in the Democratic primary. Maybe she can win the general election and have Obama become president anyway.

  14. MikeN says:

    Will the Dems dump Obama for someone who can win against McCain? Like Hillary, the preferred choice of Democrats?

  15. JimD says:

    The Repukes would have to nominate RAPLH NADER to even have the SLIMMEST CHANCE to make a DENT IN THE OBAMA BANDWAGON !!! And that simply won’t happen !!! So, it’s GOODBYE, SO LONG, AND ***DROP DEAD*** REPUKES AND MAY YOU ALL ***BURN IN HELL*** FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY !!!

  16. KwadGuy says:

    This is dumber than the suggestion Friday on this board that McCain would pick Hillary as his running mate. Unless McCain suffers a heart attack before the convention or a smoking gun materializes from his past, he’ll be the nominee. He wasn’t the first choice of many in the party, but he won the primaries and they will rally around him. The Republicans have a lot of problems at this point, but one that they don’t share with the Democrats is that they aren’t recount/chad crazy. The game is over, the winner (of the primaries) has been chosen, time to get on with things.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, James,

    You know, there isn’t a lot of great fiction on the web. However, the Huffington Post is making up for it.

    There are tons of fiction on the web. Just try any right wing site. Hell, just read some of Lyin’ Mike’s crap here at DU.

  18. RBG says:

    “They’ll emphasis race, or whatever they can to get him to appear less than perfect.”

    Yeah, probably race. I think this item is the ultimate Democrat wet dream.


  19. grog says:

    # 13 MikeN said, on June 16th, 2008 at 7:44 am

    Well Hillary has already won more votes in the Democratic primary. Maybe she can win the general election and have Obama become president anyway.

    sure, if you run uncontested in two states in direct violation of your own party’s rules, and you count those votes, i suppose you can make claims like that.

    or you could just accept the fact that if obama also broke the rules and ran in FLA and MI, tha that hillary would have gotten crushed.

  20. grog says:

    oh, and if hillary ran for the democrats, the republican could run a lead brick and still win the white house because not one single self-respecting republican would ever vote for hillary, and she proved that she was unable to unify her own party behind her.

    do the math — she’s a freakin loser.

  21. grog says:

    as for an october surprise, this is simple bet hedging

    any weirdness and the huffpost claims they called it.

    simple, cynical, and stupid.

  22. Jim says:

    Ron Paul makes them both look like fools…

  23. Adam says:

    Listen, I love Hillary, but she didn’t win more votes than Barack. It’s an often repeated “fact” that is only true with the following mental acrobatics:

    Discount every single caucus state including the Texas caucus
    Count Michigan and Florida
    Give Obama Zero votes in Michigan

    Anyone who says that Hillary earned more votes is being misleading at best and dishonest at worst.

  24. MikeN says:

    No,Hillary has won more than one of the counts. The caucus votes show that Hillary won more votes. The primary results are more representative, and in states with both, she did better in the primaries than the caucuses.
    Plus, she was the favorite of Democrats, while Obama won because of votes from non-Democrats.

  25. Adam says:


    I didn’t make any assertions about how many measures by which Obama won. I merely pointed out the one way you get Clinton to have more votes than Obama. By “more representative,” do you mean “more favorable to Clinton”? Clinton ran a great campaign – in many ways I was sad to see it end. But, the talking point that she won more votes is just that: a talking point – and a very contrived one at that.


  26. Adam says:

    #21/grog: I did the math, Clinton did everything she needed to win, except actually win. She seems to do better than Obama in many places, in fact. Her path to the White House was just as real as Obama’s. I have to say that only a fool would underestimate Hillary Clinton.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Lyin’ Mike,

    No,Hillary has won more than one of the counts.

    Perhaps you could post a link to a reputable site stating Clinton won more votes than Obama.

    But as usual, you will just ignore this and keep writing how Clinton won.

  28. grog says:

    damn, with all these democrats clinging like dingleberries to hillary’s smacked ass, mccain might actually win.

    yay team?

    dude, she started with the best name recognition possible, the blessing of the party leadership, loads of cash, and tons of other great advantages.

    if she was truly the better candidate she would have trounced obama.
    she didn’t.
    she lost.
    move on.

    she can run again in 2012, she’s got a lot to offer, now is not her time.

    even she is endorsing obama.

  29. grog says:

    damn, with all these democrats clinging like dingleberries to hillary’s smacked ass, mccain might actually win.

    yay team?

    dude, she started with the best name recognition possible, the blessing of the party leadership, loads of cash, and tons of other great advantages.

    if she was truly the better candidate she would have trounced obama.
    she didn’t.
    she lost.
    move on.
    she can run again in 2012, she’s got a lot to offer, now is not her time.

    even she is endorsing obama.

  30. chuck says:

    #30: “damn, with all these democrats clinging like dingleberries to hillary’s smacked ass, mccain might actually win.”

    What a wonderful image!

    Although I prefer the image of Hillary as the dingleberry clinging to the democrat’s ass.

    McCain is the dingleberry clinging to the republican elephant’s ass.


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