I surely live in a wondrous time of astounding discoveries. This true visionary has changed my life.

49-years old Zaporozhye` townsman Nikolay Dolgorukiy refused food and eats the Sunlight by eyes since the 25th of August, 2003
Sunlight and energy of space. Nikolay says, that such «dish» stimulates more than coffee, beloved in past: now Nikolay wants to fly, sing and laugh. And the most important thing is that he doesn`t feel any hunger!
Dolgorukiy began the experiment of the research of the possibilities of own organism in the morning 25 in august 2003. He went out in the yard and applied to his own organs with the order, which hardly made them glad.

— I said aloud by the not objectionable voice 3 times: «We pass to cosmic energy and liquid nutrition!- relates Nikolay. — Organs hear everything excellently, because the brain is a God for them. They heard the order, they felt that they don’t get habitual food, and they began to change little by little.
Nikolay thined at 7 kg during almost 1000 days of sun-diet. Oderweight, heart- and stomach-aches disappeared, which didn’t let rest him before.

The first Ukrainian who is living on sunlight, energy of space and liquid nutrition feels like he is 30 in his own 49 years. However, all who knows Nikolay says that he looks younger outwardly.

Why didn’t American doctors tell us we can lose weight this way? Are they paid by Jenny Craig not to? And then there’s this revelation:

Russian scientists consider that a New race of humans who do not eat anything, a New race or even a new species is born.

It has been estimated that there up to 8-10 thousand individuals on Earth who eat the energy of the Sun. And they can help us see where the human evolution is going. Man is not turning into an insect with a small body and a huge head: he is becoming similar to… a plant.

  1. bobbo says:

    The key must be that liquid nutrition? I tried a liquid meal once per day. Still boring.

  2. Personality says:

    So is he really skinny and tan?

  3. Noam Sane says:

    I hear he shits light bulbs.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Does he recommend the Sun-Lite, the all natural Organic Sun, or the pre-packaged Sun with MSG? I’m on a diet and would like to know this before I go out today.

  5. chuck says:

    So the “liquid nutrition” – what is that? A mix of vodka and slim-fast ?

  6. Mr. Anon says:

    I knew a guy who could get energy from lights.
    He was bipolar, and suffering from bipolar disorder.

    He would make a triangle using his hands, hold his hands in front of a light bulb in the ceiling, and breather heavily a few times then hold his breath for a minute or so.

    He was nuts.

  7. Floyd says:

    Self-Darwinian selection if he keeps this up.

  8. Dr. Dabbles says:

    Ok, so, he claims to eat nothing but sunlight and liquid nitrogen right? Let’s lock him in a room with windows so he can see the sun, and a bottle of liquid nitrogen. Just to put his claim to the test.

    It really annoys me when BS rags like this publish “scientists say…” quotes. Really? Scientists? Which ones? The crazy ones, or ones with actual degrees that have published actual papers to actual peer-reviewed journals?

  9. Brandon Bachman says:

    What would this “Liquid nutrition” be?

    I know plants can get energy from the sun and water. And a bit of Miracle-Gro doesn’t hurt either. But I don’t believe humans are becoming more like plants. It’s whatever that is in the liquid keeping him alive.

  10. TREETOP says:

    I also know someone on a liquid diet. He’s spent the last 12 weeks with a tube into his nose “eating” canned liquid food (I use that word “food” but it resembles light green pea soup in a bag)
    This is not living. This is hell. He wants food so bad he’d kill for a corndog right now.
    ANYTHING solid would be an improvement according to him.

  11. Seraph says:

    He craps rainbows

  12. Jopa says:

    If he “eats” too much sunlight – does he gain weight?

    By the pictures he posted of himself, this guy is going to die from skin cancer… I mean, this dude is baked!

  13. jlm says:

    we need more people on this “diet”, minus the liquid part.

  14. david says:

    This story suggests melanin might be analogous to chlorophyl in plants and provide human a certain degree of “solar power”:



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