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The Associated Press: Gore endorses Obama and promises to help him
“I present to you the next president of the United States, Barack Obama” Gore said in a brief introduction of Obama at a Detroit fundraiser. He planned a later appearance with Obama at a 20,000-person rally at the Joe Louis Arena.
In a letter to be e-mailed to Obama supporters, the former vice president and Nobel Prize winner wrote, “From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States.”
The speculation today of whether or not this is a VP bid was downright scary. Gore’s mouthpieces declared, “NO,” but you (John) may be right. This could be a bad thing for Sen. Obama.
I’ll be interested to see what the
usual gang of idiotspundits have to say tomorrow.And now he’s going to have to open source environmental protection is a non-gender sort of way.
Couldn’t he have done this sooner, when Obama really needed the endorsement?
This makes my head turn. Obama knows that Gore is popular with the Democrats, but is he going to swing any republicans or independents to vote for Obama?
I don’t think so. In fact, I believe this will probably create a backlash.
By the way, we are now in the “waiting to blink” stage of the elections. Who is going to declare their VP first?
It’s better for the other guy to declare first so you can change your choice if needs be.
Exactly how is it bad to get the endorsement of someone who won a bid for president? OK, even if you
have your head up your assdon’t believe Diebold behaved as promised and delivered the presidency to W, you must admit that Gore won the popular vote. So, how can this endorsement fail to help Obama?“Al Gore announced his endorsement of Barack Obama Monday and promised to help the Democrat achieve what eluded him — the presidency.”
Al Gore did win the presidency
How is this a setback? It’s looking like the Dems are gettin solid for the Nov run, no news there.
My question is what’s with the picture? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. “Hey JD, look what I done with photoshop. He looks like a girl now!”
Please .\
The best advice AL Gore can give Obama is to take up the campaign to save the world by banning the gasoline engine. Gore needs to make Obama pledge that his first act in office will be to ban anything that burns gasoline.
It’s a setback because GOre endorsed Howard Dean.
and what about tipper and the pmrc..
jeb bush would be an equal choice
Pfffftttt. Much ado about nothing.
Bush/Cheney have no intention of ever leaving office…
screw that..the blog has been all over this idea for some time..
One of main reasons Al Gore isn’t going to help Obama is because of what Al has done since he left office.
To those who already are solidly to the left, Al gore is “Singing to the Choir”, while those who are the central and leaning-to-the-right undecided are going to wonder just how far left and Obama/Gore ticket is going to be.
Obama siding with Al’s “An Inconvenient Truth” “carbon tax credit” “global warming” worldview isn’t going to make any new converts.
You see, the current job of the VP Candidate is to bring over voters to his Presidential running mate.
Al Gore won’t do that.
(PS. Don’t get me wrong, Al Gore would have been the best choice for President out there. And in fact, if the Dems had initially put up a Gore/Obama ticket, the election would have been a shoe-in given Gore’s experience and Obama’s “I’m not one of them” cool factor. Specially with the disenfranchised Hillary voters. But that’s not what we have with an Obama/Gore ticket. The Hillary voters would want Gore calling the shots and not playing second string.)
11 & 12
It’s too scary to post this under my normal name. You’ve got it partly right but may have missed that we are already a closed society. Legally, it’s a done deal. It’s the Mussolini 10 step plan in action for the Nth time.
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps
Obama will choose Gore as the Environmental Czar, special advisor to the President. Gore doesn’t want a Cabinet post, unless it’s to revamp the EPA to focus on carbon emissions. Not that it matters because big oil will drag the country where they want it.
This sure is a surprise. Now that Obama is going to be the nominee, I surely expected the Dems to start endorsing McCain.
It’s no secret that Gore hates B(H)illary, so it wasn’t as if he was gonna hold out his endorsement in the hopes she’d create a stink at the convention.
This seems as close to non news as I can imagine.
#17 KwadGuy. That right! I forgot how much Gore hates Bill, now that I recall how Gore blamed Bill for loosing his Presidential bid (and rightfully so, given that Bill’s promiscuity tarnished Al’s prospects).
Even if Al Gore is only partially correct in his warning of global warming, are you unable to understand the impact of profound environmental change on this planet?
Did anyone actually watch this? Cause I did, and I thought Gore did a bang-up job.
>>Did anyone actually watch this? Cause I
>>did, and I thought Gore did a bang-up job.
Gore usually does a bang-up job. But hey, it’s more fun to ignore the facts, PhotoShop him up like a Punch ‘n’ Judy clown, and criticize him because he’s put on some weight.
That generally goes over well with the lowest-common-denominator set.
This news makes me as happy as a Canadian can possibly be.
Incredible how the 24HR TV Show was this predictive.
Amazing !!
300+ Million people in the US and you guys stick with repeat POTUS’ (good & bad). Seems to me there’s got to be better choices from such a deep pool.
Ben & Jerry’s has 31 flavors and yet, you get to pick from two (sometimes repeat) candidates.
My suggestion; make an effort and have a fricken’ look around!!!
Remember, November’s outcome has GLOBAL implications.
Again, A friendly but nervous neighbor.
PS. Also posted in the “Bush planning a 3rd term?” thread.
#6 – If you can claim that Al Gore won the presidency, then Hillary Clinton is equally justified to claim she won the nomination.
Al Gore understood the rules for getting elected president. He just didn’t like the outcome.
Hillary Clinton (or her campaign manager) didn’t understand the DNC rules for winning the nomination – until it was too late.
/T. said,
“300+ Million people in the US and you guys stick with repeat POTUS’ (good & bad).”
Agreed. No one should vote for McCain or Obama if for no other reason, they have each been picked by a power infrastructure that expects a return on its investment. When will the American public wake up and realize that they are being manipulated for monetary gain. The Republican and Democratic parties are no different than any other modern short-sighted company. Maximize short term profits for its investors. Borrow (or tax) vast sums of money to fund a for-profit war machine or to create endless new bureaucracies. Don’t worry about how the American public will pay for it. That will be a problem for someone else to deal with down the road after we have made our money.
>>Al Gore understood the rules for
>>getting elected president.
Naw, NOBODY understood them. I think most of America was totally in the dark as to just how far the Repug hacks would to to win, from “scrubbing” the Florida voter list to getting Pappy Bush’s pals on the Supreme Court to shut down a recount.
The 2000 U.S. elections will truly be an event that will live on in infamy.
The beginning of the end of the dream that was America.
#27 – pedro,
I think you’re beating a dead horse. That myth was debunked ages ago.
He never said it.
Snopes. Use it whenever something sounds that dain bramaged.
Take that, Hillary! nyah-nyah!!
“I for one, recognize him also as the inventor of the internet, so his global warming thing must be true”
As a previous poster said, this continues to be big stuff among the lowest-common-denominator crowd.
“I for one, recognize him also as the inventor of the internet, so his global warming thing must be true”
As a form of introduction, “pedro’s” sentence is valid. He’s announcing “I’m susceptible to any bullshit because I don’t know how to use Google”
Yeah, that Gore was such a genius, he had no idea what he did with regards to the Internet. Does anyone think his work actually had anything to do with creating the internet? Please no quotes form the middle of a campaign from tech guys wanting to make Gore look good.