I advise pancake makeup! Always a winner!
The Associated Press: Gore endorses Obama and promises to help him

Al Gore announced his endorsement of Barack Obama Monday and promised to help the Democrat achieve what eluded him — the presidency.

“I present to you the next president of the United States, Barack Obama” Gore said in a brief introduction of Obama at a Detroit fundraiser. He planned a later appearance with Obama at a 20,000-person rally at the Joe Louis Arena.

In a letter to be e-mailed to Obama supporters, the former vice president and Nobel Prize winner wrote, “From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected president of the United States.”

  1. KwadGuy says:

    #32 Pedro said: “”what Gore said was “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”””

    Well, you know what they say about struggling against quicksand? This claim by Gore, while not as baldfacedly stupid as the paraphrase attributed to him, is still, at best, silly.

    But that said, the overreach of the statement is probably more the result of Gore’s mediocre impromptu speaking skills than anything else.

    If you want a very good discussion of what Gore actually said placed in context, see this link:


  2. #32 – pedro,

    So, you knew the quote and deliberately misquoted him? That makes no sense. Now read the snopes page I linked to above and learn about the meanings of words so that you can see that “took the initiative in creating the internet” may be bad wording, but is in no way a claim to be its inventor.

    #33 – MikeN,

    Does anyone think his work actually had anything to do with creating the internet?

    Yes. But only those who know a little about the history of the early internet. Do you know more than Vint Cerf? Do you know who Vint Cerf was? Do you know your ass from your elbow?

    You too should read the damn snopes page. It happens, he played a big part in getting the internet off the ground as well as for popularizing it.

    I was going to post some quotes from snopes, but they clearly don’t want me to do so and have disabled copying their text.

    So, please read the snopes page. It explains how Vint Cerf, who is often referred to as the father of the internet, credits Al Gore with policies and promotions that did indeed help get the internet off the ground.

    It also explains how in 2005, Al Gore was given a Webby award for lifetime achievement for three decades of contributions.

  3. #37 – pedro,

    In post #27, you said, ‘I for one, recognize him also as the inventor of the internet’

    That was what I was calling a misquote. No one ever claimed Al Gore invented the internet.

    So, pedro, tell me exactly why you think that you know so much more about the early internet history than Vint Cerf. Vint thinks Gore deserves a lot of credit for the creation of the internet.

    Why do you think you know more than he does?

    Click through the damn links already. For anyone else that is clicking through to the wikipedia link for Vint Cerf above and the snopes page I cited in post #28, you really are making a colossal ass of yourself.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #39 – Kuzco

    >>Don’t make me explain it again.

    You didn’t really explain it the first time. You just dishonestly passed off some late-night-comedian punch lines about Gore, taken out of context, as being somehow of value.

    And even if one accepts the ludicrous proposition that Gore claimed he “invented the internet”, that wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar screen compared to the gibberish that has emanated from the White House for the past 7 years.

    To paraphrase Jeremiah Wright… “God damn the Supreme Court”. They’re the ones who allowed the Chimperor and his apocolyptic horsemen to steal America for their own gratification.

    The horror.

  5. zzzzz says:

    I totally thought he was going to endorse McCain!


  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #42 – ‘dro

    >>it’s good that you find solace into the fact that
    >>the ones you support may not be the worst of the
    >>pack, they’re just second worst.

    And just whom do you support, Kuzco? You’re always bitching and moaning about how bad everyone is. Do you have a positive suggestion, or are you just going to eat your gun because it’s all so hopeless?

  7. pedro,

    Like a neutered dog, you just don’t get it. Gore never ever made any claim about inventing the internet.

    You can say it as many times as you want and it still will be patently false. So, perhaps your own claims about global warming are equal to your own claims about Gore’s internet claim.

    Perhaps I’m not arguing with you the way I argue with adults because you have not proven yourself to act and think like an adult.

  8. MikeN says:

    Yeah, Mr.Cerf get’s asked in the middle of a campaign after everyone was attacking Gore, so he gives some support. Big deal.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:


    When you’re in a hole, you can stop digging.

    You said it and Gore didn’t.

    Gore worked helping set up the internet. You didn’t.

    effen moran, just don’t know when to quit.

  10. JFetch says:

    Why is this news? He would have endorsed whoever won the nomination. It would only be news if he endorsed a non democrat.

  11. #47 – JFetch,

    Why is this news? He would have endorsed whoever won the nomination. It would only be news if he endorsed a non democrat.

    Actually, you have somewhat of a point. However, at this point in his career, he would likely endorse whoever has the better environmental plan. Of course, that’s a Democrap. However, if McCain’s plan were not an environmental disaster waiting impatiently to happen, but were instead a strong plan promising 80% reductions in CO2 over 1990 levels by 2050, as required by the science, and if Obama’s were not, then perhaps that would cause Gore to switch tickets.

    Of course, that didn’t happen because McBush plans to emit 50-75% more than the maximum allowed by science to avert catastrophe, making it a damn near guaranteed disaster.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #49, ‘dro,

    You are making Lyin’ Mike look good by comparison.

    You have been repeatedly corrected yet still insist you are right. That is the sign of immaturity; to deny something when caught red handed.

  13. MikeN says:

    Scott, keep dreaming. Gore would have found an excuse to bash McCain’s plan, and said that Obama had the better plan. That’s how politics works.

  14. #52 – MikeN,

    Scott, keep dreaming. Gore would have found an excuse to bash McCain’s plan, and said that Obama had the better plan. That’s how politics works.

    You’re half right. I was dreaming. The way Repugnican politics works is that no repug steps too far out of line. McBush couldn’t possibly introduce a real plan to prevent global warming. His plan allows for twice the amount of CO2 that the science states is the maximum we can emit and avert catastrophe. Of course, people like McBush don’t give even one rat buttock about science, let alone a whole rat’s ass.


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