“You talkin’ to me?”

Michael Reagan, radio talk show host and son of late president Ronald Reagan, could be investigated by the FBI after he called for the execution of Mark Dice, anti-war activist and founder of media watchdog group The Resistance, on the air. On the June 10th edition of his nationally syndicated Radio America show,

Reagan called Dice and others in the “9/11 Truth” movement “traitors” after learning that they were sending letters, declassified documents and DVDs to troops in Iraq that they say point to government involvement in the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. The effort is part of The Resistance’s “Operation Inform the Soldiers.” “I don’t want the soldiers who are risking their lives in Iraq to be used as pawns in the creation of the New World Order,” Dice said in a recent press release. “I personally know U.S. Marines who believe 9/11 was an inside job, and they tell me that many Marines suspect that this is the case but are afraid to speak up out of fear of punishment.” “We ought to find the people who are doing this,” Reagan said, “take ‘em out, and shoot ‘em. Really. Just find the people who are sending those letters…to demoralize our troops…they are traitors to this country…and shoot them. You have a problem with that? Deal with it. But anybody who would do that doesn’t deserve to live. You call them traitors–that’s what they are–and you shoot ‘em dead. I’ll pay for the bullet.”

“How about you take Mark Dice out,” Reagan continued, “and put him in the middle of the firing range? Tie him to a post, don’t blindfold him, and let it rip and have some fun with Mark Dice.” “Now we know where the Ron Paul supporters went,” quipped a co-host. On Sunday, Dice announced on his website that he received a personal apology from Reagan and will appear on Reagan’s show to receive an on-air apology Monday, June 16th, at 3:30pm Pacific.

So if Imus can be fired for his remarks, why should this idiot be able to keep his job? I would think the FCC, as well as the FBI, would have something to say about this. You can listen to his remarks here.

Found By Ian Warner

  1. Future Sounds of America says:

    Yeah, I’d say leave him alone. He’s a joke, like Rush and Drudge and the rest. No smart people take them seriously. These clowns are considered to be in the same league as WWF wrestling…entertaining for sure, but not ‘real’. They’re not journalist and should be listened to like Art Bell…lots of fun some times, but just for a laugh. They say these crazy things to get ratings (which is the whole point)…you have to get your half brain dead listeners so pumped up they keep tuned in through the next 10 minutes commercials.

    Now on the other hand, if ANYONE has ANY clip of a ‘liberal’ NPR radio host blathering into a mike and calling for someone’s death PLEASE feel free to post the link. Anyone? Waiting…anyone?

  2. Traaxx says:

    You shoot traitors, unless you’re a NAZI/Commie support the 5th Globalist column. Most leftist are traitor to their people and country, that’s a Commie/NAZI/Leftist is someone who’s allegiance lies with the Internationalist Soviet/Globalist governing bodies, not with the Republic or Nation or with even their common man. That’s why all the little NAZIs talk about the masses and what’s good for all the heard.

    Cowards, Traitors and suicidal, they parrot what they think is popular and what sounds good to the ears of a fool a worshiper of man.

  3. Traaxx says:

    And by the way, M.Reagan isn’t a Neo-Con. He’s a nationalist and possibly a conservative. You know the opposite of NAZI/Commis/Lefist/Liberal/Progmissive/Judgemental bigots that feel M.Reagan isn’t entitled to an a belief that a traitor should be dealt with as such. You’ve had so meany of your little commie buddies call the killing of all conservatives and you just blow it off, shows what happens when cowards are threatened. You really should concentrate on the Muslims. By definition they are anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-women’s rights and anti-liberal. But showing your ignorance you seek to support them instead. Stupid, that’s beyond stupid it’s suicidal, which sounds about right for a bunch of little judgemental NAZIs.

  4. Improbus says:


    [start sarcasm]

    Your logic and reasoning are breathtaking.

    [end sarcasm]

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Lyin’ Mike,

    As for talk show hosts, Bill Maher has said stuff like this too.

    Still telling lies. Maybe you actually have a link to something Mahar, whom I don’t really care for, said.

    But I won’t wait for it. You enjoy lying, trolling, confabulating, inventing, and the other typical neo-con bullshit.

  6. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #34, Improbus,

    Yes, I noticed that too. His post just took my breath away. Then I realized I had a peanut caught in my throat from laughing while I snacked. Lesson learned; don’t snack on peanuts while reading a traax track.

    I’m glad my wife knows the Heimlich manuever. I would have hated to die with his post open in front of me.

  7. Mister Mustard says:


    >>You shoot traitors, unless you’re a
    >>NAZI/Commie support the 5th Globalist column.

    So. Let me see if I understand. You’re calling for the execution of the Vice President, Karl Rove, Scooter-Pie Libby and many others of the extreme right wingnut persuasion?

    >>You’ve had so meany of your little commie
    >>buddies call [for] the killing of all
    >>conservatives and you just blow it off

    Wtf? Are you just practicing your typing, or are you delusional to think that you’re actually referring to us “commies” calling for someone to be killed?

    Man, you’re goofy!

  8. MikeN says:

    There was an assassination attempt on Dick Cheney. Some liberals were regretting the attempt failed. From the show,’The bomb was wasted’ BM’THat’s a funny joke’ When asked if he was also regretting the failed attempt ‘I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.’

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #38, Lyin’ Mike,

    I know you won’t reply, but where the fuck did you come up with that garbage???

  10. soundwash says:

    only issue i see here is maybe have Reagan switch to decaf for his show.

    i just see another media guy trying to get more copy, as it were. -if his listeners act on those words, well then thats just sad.

    i’m sure one could find a heap of similar dribble spilled from many other personalities in the past. it’s just talk.

    charging him with a crime would just set yet another foolish precedent and undermine whats left of our constitution.

    -might as way break out the un-words and thought-police now and get it over with if your going to spin this out of control…



  11. Future Sounds of America says:

    #35 – My point exactly. Bill Maher (like Rush, OReilly, Drudge and Reagan) is a comedian. Don’t listen to them for serious news or reality, just laughs and fun. Rush cracks me up sometimes. I don’t take him any more seriously than a comic book, just fluff fun and silly made up nonsense, but fun to listen to sometimes. If you want “news”, listen to NPR, Christian Science Monitor, BBC, etc. These ‘talk show hosts’ are just buffoons.

  12. bobbo says:

    #39–Fusion==Bill Maher did say just what Mike says.

    Big difference though in Reagan encouraging the initiation of violence and Maher simply recognizing the effects of similar violence.

    but why let such subtleties interfere with a vacuous counterpoint?

  13. Jim says:

    i hate to say this… but as much as i am not the biggest believer of the 9/11 inside job theory, you do not tell someone as a national radio show host to kill the messenger literally. you can argue the point, you can disprove the point. but you don’t commit a felony by openly soliciting first degree murder of said messenger (in this case that’s Mr Dice) like Mr Reagan did.

    i would also suggest that Mr Dice hire a bodyguard, get a flak jacket, and send Mr Reagan the bill for his personal safety. then if Mr Reagan didn’t pay for the personal security, you take him to court and sue him for the cost saying that Mr Reagan solicited to hire someone to murder me on the air in front of a national audience and I needed to secure additional security in the possibility that someone would actually take his advice. and if i am correct, please say so if i am wrong, he could then either say he apologizes and have to pay 250+k per affiliate for the fcc fine as well as the protection and legal fees that would result; or not take the comment back and then be held over for a felony trial using the sworn evidence from the civil trial against him.

    after all, in a civil trial, you are not allowed to say you won’t testify. you have to testify in a deposition, and you do have to testify in court.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    Bill Maher never called for (nor offered to pay for the bullets used in) the assassination of Heart Attack Cheney.

    On his COMEDY show called POLITICALLY INCORRECT, he made some of what he considered to be COMIC remarks about the suicide bomber in Afghanistan that blew himself up outside the Bunker where Cheney was hidey-holing himself up.

    That’s a far cry from a self-proclaimed “serious journalist” (gak) calling a priori for the execution of an American citizen.

    And even though the two events aren’t comparable at all, Bill Maher was FIRED for his remarks.

    Are “liberals” the only ones who get punished for making unpopular remarks?

    Hmm, Lyin’ Mike? Huh? Huh?

    And you’ve got to admit, Lyin’ Mike, Bill Maher was right. If Heart Attack Cheney weren’t shoveling coal into the War Train, a lot of people would be alive (and in one piece) than there are now.

  15. MikeN says:

    Bill Maher was fired for those remarks? When was this? I must have missed it, or perhaps you are talking about when ABC took him off as the ratings dropped, using the excuse of the very mild statement that we’ve been the cowards for the way we’ve been fighting terrorists.

    If you want to parse and say it’s not the same thing go ahead, but two people rarely say the exact same thing. Maher was clearly coming down on the side of successful assassination.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Maher was clearly coming down on the side
    >>of successful assassination.

    No, Lyin’ Mike, Maher was responding to posters on HuffPo who were “coming down on the side” that they were disappointed that the assassination didn’t work. Nobody was encouraging (much less offering to pay for) a future assassination.

  17. MikeN says:

    Hmm,most people would consider that a small encouragement

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Lyin’ Mike,

    In #38 you claimed there was an assassination attempt on Cheney. You haven’t responded.

    The incident in Texas, well he had the gun and shot the other guy.

    In Afghanistan he was ¼ mile away, in a war zone, from a suicide bomber that didn’t even know Cheney was there. (Remember, his presence was a secret)


  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bill Mahar was fired by ABC for criticizing how we fight terrorists. We drop bombs from 30,000 feet on them.

    For his career he has been a comedian first and commentator second. The armpits of the world, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Savage, and the ilk are commentators first and comedians by accident.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Hmm,most people would consider that a
    >>small encouragement

    Pretty fucking small indeed, Lyin’ Mike. “Encouraging” suicide bombers to suicide bomb some guy who was hidden in an underground bunker, and had already gone home at the time of the encouragement?

    Jeez. You’re in a deeper hole then Bobbo digs. In the name of everything holy, STOP DIGGING!!


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