“You talkin’ to me?”

Michael Reagan, radio talk show host and son of late president Ronald Reagan, could be investigated by the FBI after he called for the execution of Mark Dice, anti-war activist and founder of media watchdog group The Resistance, on the air. On the June 10th edition of his nationally syndicated Radio America show,

Reagan called Dice and others in the “9/11 Truth” movement “traitors” after learning that they were sending letters, declassified documents and DVDs to troops in Iraq that they say point to government involvement in the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001. The effort is part of The Resistance’s “Operation Inform the Soldiers.” “I don’t want the soldiers who are risking their lives in Iraq to be used as pawns in the creation of the New World Order,” Dice said in a recent press release. “I personally know U.S. Marines who believe 9/11 was an inside job, and they tell me that many Marines suspect that this is the case but are afraid to speak up out of fear of punishment.” “We ought to find the people who are doing this,” Reagan said, “take ‘em out, and shoot ‘em. Really. Just find the people who are sending those letters…to demoralize our troops…they are traitors to this country…and shoot them. You have a problem with that? Deal with it. But anybody who would do that doesn’t deserve to live. You call them traitors–that’s what they are–and you shoot ‘em dead. I’ll pay for the bullet.”

“How about you take Mark Dice out,” Reagan continued, “and put him in the middle of the firing range? Tie him to a post, don’t blindfold him, and let it rip and have some fun with Mark Dice.” “Now we know where the Ron Paul supporters went,” quipped a co-host. On Sunday, Dice announced on his website that he received a personal apology from Reagan and will appear on Reagan’s show to receive an on-air apology Monday, June 16th, at 3:30pm Pacific.

So if Imus can be fired for his remarks, why should this idiot be able to keep his job? I would think the FCC, as well as the FBI, would have something to say about this. You can listen to his remarks here.

Found By Ian Warner

  1. Eric says:

    Because being a racist is appalling and dangerous. Calling for the execution of someone you have differing political opinions with is just politics. After all, even Hillary made a not so subtle call for the assassination of Obama less than a month ago, so, as they say, “It’s just politics.”

  2. sam says:

    Well 9/11 was more than an inside job. J

  3. Ian says:

    Michael Reagan called for the murder, without any qualifying statements, of Mark Dice and 9-11 activists and offered to pay for the ammunition in front of 4 million listeners. He did this 4 or 5 times, and this is coming from a guy who allegedly gets his talking points from the White House.

    This is dangerous and beyond the limits of free speech. What he did is a crime, publicly soliciting murder in front of 4 million people.

    It is a punishable offense under California’s Penal Code § 422, which states:

    Punishment for (Terrorist) Threats Any person who willfully threatens to commit a crime which will result in death or great bodily injury to another person with the specific intent that the statement made verbally in writing or by means of an electronic communication device is to be taken as a threat even if there is no intent of actually carrying it out which on its face and under the circumstances in which it is made is so unequivocal unconditional immediate and specific as to convey to the person threatened a gravity of purpose and an immediate prospect of execution of the threat and thereby causes that person reasonably to be in sustained fear for his or her own safety or for his or her immediate family’s safety shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed one year or by imprisonment in the state prison.

    We can’t let the Neocon’s set the precedent to openly call for murder of those who politically disagree with their viewpoint. This is America. We have the 1st amendment!

    File a complaint with the FCC or Call Radio America and complain. For instructions, see Mark Dice’s website:


  4. Ian says:

    Here is another video in which Michael Reagan says he wants to put a grenade up an Arab baby’s ass and blow him up because he is named. Hezbollah. Yes, he is our former presidents son-I know hard to believe:

    Approximately 50 seconds in if you don’t want to watch the beginning:


    Let’s get this guy of the air. He needs to be fired.

  5. Shin says:

    Typical neocon rhetoric..and you can see from 1 and 2 above who their audience is. Brain dead retards one and all. If only people would wake up and apply Reagan logic to the right instead of listening to it spew from them, it would be a nicer world to live in.

  6. JimD says:


  7. gregallen says:

    Micheal Reagan is a few clowns short of a circus.

    Have you heard the guy?

    How can somebody SO OBVIOUSLY DUMB keep an audience all these years?

  8. Bill says:

    Disgusting but…..
    Earlier post tells of student indirectly threatening his teacher. Most of the posts seem to think the teacher over reacted and some say she should be fired.

    This fool, Reagan, indirectly threatens wackos of the other political persuasion and he should lose his job and go to jail?

    Different standards for different folks.

  9. brucemlloyd says:

    America’s first amendment, freedom of stupidity is alive and well in the United States of Ignorance.

  10. bobbo says:

    #8–Bill==is your moronic post indicative of your general insight? How can you “almost” expressly state the error of your stupidity, yet still post as you do?

    The clue: “a student” vs political talk show host Reagan. Do you think of these people as folks and therefore “equal” or do you think a 10 year old in school for the purpose of learning might be different than an adult directing a broadcast radio show for the purpose of informing the public?

    Just folks?

    Maybe, like YOU and some dipshit.

  11. JPV says:

    Nice of you guys to catch up to the rest of the Internet by finally posting this week old story.

  12. James Hill says:

    And further, using the label “Neo Con” is out of date. Get out of your hole guys.

  13. McCullough says:

    #11. If I had seen this anywhere in the Mainstream, it would have been. So, what does that tell you?

  14. Mister Ketchup says:

    #12 – And get back in yours!

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    What’s the new word James? Dumbass? Dipweed? Sh!thead?

  16. James Hill says:

    #14, #15 – I’d say “Icons”, as your continued worship indicates the right hold a high importance in your lives.

  17. #15 dorkwaddle or clumdoodle. Then there’s farkpickle and tardtard. Not to mention Crenoogle and plumdongle.

    Of all the commenters I’m the one who has actually done Michael Reagans show.

  18. No education here says:

    So Mikhail Raygun is a buffoon, is that a news alert? Asking people to actually kill someone when you’re too afraid to do it yourself is much like some terrorist guys out there. Penalty box for him is jail, with no parole until the ones in other jails get theirs. Like that’ll happen. Is your country getting stupider by the hour or what? It sure sounds like it.

  19. RSweeney says:

    Let’s imagine that a US citizen in the US Civil War was writing US soldiers telling them that Jeff Davis was right and that Lincoln had no basis to deny the secessionists their freedom and hinting that maybe they should drop their guns and join General Lee.

    Would Lincoln have allowed this? Would you “liberals” of the time support this attempt to undermine the war?

  20. Colonel Panic says:

    If Lincoln had blatantly lied about the reasons for going to war, the answer would be yes. Anything else would be considered traitorous.

    You see, now that we know that it was all lies, and idiots like you still support the war, based on that lie, then I consider YOU the traitor.

  21. HMeyers says:

    Michael Savage is rather intense and not very intellectual in his thinking, unlike how some of the other successful conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh sometimes are.

    I think he has anger management issues, personally.

    His show should be on at midnight or 1 am at the same time the UFO experts have their shows.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    I also believe that Reagen went far, far overboard on this. It is also apparent that a double standard does exist. We know that “take ‘em out, and shoot ‘em” is far worse than “nappy headed hos”. The only reason this isn’t getting more airplay is because Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson don’t care about Mark Dice.

    But we are entirely missing the real point here.

    Where is the line between freedom of speech and treason? What does it take to cross the line, and what do we do about it?

    When does Mark Dice stop being Charlie Rose and become Tokyo Rose?

    The answer? Let’s look…

    Definition of Treason:
    Violation of allegiance toward one’s country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one’s country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

    Definition of Sedition:
    Crime of creating a revolt, disturbance, or violence against lawful authority with the intent to cause its overthrow or destruction.
    (Britannica Concise Encyclopedia)

    Mark Dice is not committing treason but is dangerously close to sedition. He is actively engaged in subverting our troops with (at best) questionable information. If he ever admits or if anyone he associates with confesses that he knew that what he was sending may not be the entire truth, then he has committed sedition.

    Now, would that make him an enemy combatant?

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>You call them traitors–that’s what they are–and
    >>you shoot ‘em dead. I’ll pay for the bullet.

    Whoa, he’s advocating the execution of traitors? Does that mean “outers” of people responsible for the security of our nation, like Valerie Plame? War profiteers?

    Big Mike seems to be walking on fairly dangerous ground if he’s calling for the murder of our highest “elected” officials!! Yikes!

  24. Billy Bob says:

    Why should either Mr. Dice’s or Mr. Reagan’s free speech rights need to be abridged? Dice has his conspiracy campaign, and Reagan thinks he should be shot for it. Everyone has an opinion whose public expression should be protected. Everybody here seems to be for free speech as long as the other side is being censored.

  25. grog says:

    some asshole said something outrageous to help his ratings?

    gee, how strange.

    i didn’t even know dude had a radio show.

  26. MikeN says:

    Well if that’s all Reagan said, then I don’t see an issue here. What’s wrong with offering to pay for the bullet for the execution of traitors? Doesn’t that sort of stuff get posted on this blog every few days(wrt Bush, Cheney, et al)?

    As for talk show hosts, Bill Maher has said stuff like this too.

  27. gregallen says:

    >> 9 brucemlloyd
    >> America’s first amendment, freedom of stupidity is alive and well in the United States of Ignorance.

    But some Americans LIKE to remain dumb. Others like to understand the issues.

    Liberals Read More than Conservatives

    Liberals are more avid readers than conservatives, a new AP-Ipsos poll has discovered. Thirty-four percent of conservatives said they hadn’t read a book in a year, compared with 22% of liberals. A publishing exec and former congressman said that while liberals “can’t say anything in less than paragraphs,” conservatives gravitate to slick, pithy sound-bites.

    “The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple slogans,” Schroeder theorized; ironically, the AP points out, Karl Rove is known for his voracious literary appetite. A White House spokesman chalked up the “loquaciousness of liberals” to “obfuscation.”


  28. Matt Garrett says:

    And Conservatives give MORE than Liberals to charities. What’s your point?

  29. Matt Garrett says:

    Clearly gregallen wants to make the statement that if you’re conservative, you’re stupid and uneducated. I submit that if you’re liberal, you’re arrogant and elitist.

    Only difference is, I’ll come right out and say it.

  30. The Warden says:

    Many of you libtards don’t even listen to him yet you are having a hissy fit over this. He’s a radio talk show host and that’s it. He’s not making policy. The only thing I wanna know is why John has so many lefty blogger/posters on here? No liberal talk show host or person has ever openly threatened anyone before or is that ok because they are trashing conservatives?


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