The psycho killer to-be with the smoking gun |
Draw a gun, draw a life sentence. What could be fairer?
Teacher files charges vs. kid over gun sketch
A Taunton teacher is pressing criminal charges against a 10-year-old student after she caught the fifth-grader drawing a menacing picture that depicts him, a gun and a figure of her with a “bullet whole” in her head.
But the boy’s furious mother said she plans to fight the charge in court and believes Taunton police and her son’s teacher at the Mulcahey Middle School overreacted to the drawing.
“Bringing charges against a 10-year-old? I’m irate. It’s caused a lot of turmoil to my son,” said Angela Smithson, who has enlisted the help of the American Civil Liberties Union to fight the charge.
The teacher, Karen Boudreau, 44, filed a police report Wednesday after she yanked away from Cullen Smithson a drawing that depicted a girl named “Kailey” as well as a figure named “Mrs. Boudreau,” both with the words “bullet whole” next to them. A stick figure named “ME” is shown next to a gun, according to the report.
Cullen will receive a summons to court to determine if there is enough evidence to proceed with criminal charges, police said.
Boudreau believed Cullen was angry with her because she forced him to redo math work, according to the report.
The article has a poll asking if schools are going overboard in this kind of thing. I know how I’m voting.
And in other school wackiness, one “communist system” school no longer permits anyone to be a valedictorian.
“hole”, Unc.
[Can you say sic, Mustard? – ed.]
The teacher is 100% correct. Do you remember Kayla Roland shot by a six year old classmate?
That’s what the court system is for.
I missed it. Filing a police report is fine, but what is this “charge?”
I am also unfamiliar with a summons being issued based on reports? One is charged or not. One is not invited to the police station to see if charges can be developed.
This would be fun to follow?
I’d charge the teacher with failure to use a learning moment regarding the spelling of “whole” and make Mustard attend the same class.
#5 Bobster
Heh heh heh.
I would be so dead in this hyper sensitive age!
In my last year of junior high I would make little wood cutouts of a person, write ‘teechur’ on them and tie a noose around it’s neck. I left them on bulletin boards, doorknobs, etc. The joke was obvious, no one called the cops on me or had me locked up for psyc evaluation.
I later found out that many of them ended up being used as hall passes.
Normally, I say zero tolerance is overreacting, like when someone gets suspended for having a nail clipper. In this case I think a healthy dose of fear will be good for this kid, although thanks to his mom’s excuses he’s probably proud of what he’s done. Looking at the picture I doubt him missing school is really going to effect society. I don’t think this is the guy who was going to cure cancer. In school suspension would probably be more effective.
Suspension for drawing a cartoon? By the way, it’s “affect” society, dear.
I’d rather see the teacher suspended for hysterical overreaction, and for not being able to get her little charges to spell four-letter words.
Didn’t this stuff usually end up with a parent teacher meeting where the parent would go home and beat some sense into their child or take away their tv privs for a year. Why does everything have to involve the authorities and courts these days. Does the teacher see dollar signs here for mental suffering of some sort? Why is personal interaction being litigated out of society. Why can’t people deal with each other without a government or legal representative.
I have been retained to represent Mr. Smithson in this matter. It is obvious to the most casual observer that Killer Cullen, as he now wants to be referred, has demonstrated an artistic depiction of his chosen profession, Gangsta Rapper. This drawing is nothing more than an expression of the angst felt by Killer brought on by the strict will of ‘The Man’. His freedom of expression is being trod on by the heavy boot oppression. Killer views this incident as validation for his feelings of violence and anger toward those that would force math and cooties upon him. Killer is just keeping it real for the homies. Peace out.
#11: That wouldn’t work today with most parents as they blindly take position that their dear child is perfect and any problem is due to the others.
It is spoiled child of rotten parents and the court case should be a waking-up slap in a face for both parent and the child (and hopefully wider group of such people).
I don’t see any evidence of teacher wanting money. Case is needed as rules greatly restrict what the teacher is allowed to do about this issue. Again, just decade or so back teacher and school would have much better options but the PC crowd have erased those.
Shit man, I’m glad I got out of school before the systems went totally insane.
I would have been expelled from at least 14 different schools by the time I was in the 3rd grade. HAH
Everyone who thinks that the teacher is in the right are a bunch of spineless morons who deserve to live through their meaningless lives and remain stupid ignorant serfs. You turn your girls into fat man-like cows and you turn your boys into effeminate homosexuals and wonder why things go wrong? You American’s are screwed up anyways, thats why we kicked you out of our countries. You are a melting pot of rejects and outcasts.
#16, KA3,
Ya, so what is your point?
I think your post would be a little more meaningful if you didn’t resort to name calling.
You big fat poopyhead.
Everyone seems a tad judgmental. Is there really enough information here to make assumptions about who is right or wrong? For all we know the teacher could have just unjustly given him a detention, or maybe he is a psycho. I would be careful of my glass house if I were you
P.S. #10-Pedro,
Either word is correct you grammar Nazi. If you are going to correct someone at least make sure you are right.
“A Taunton teacher is pressing criminal charges against a 10-year-old student after she caught the fifth-grader drawing”
As a teacher I think that teacher AND principal should be fired at a minimum.
Regardless of how severely threatening it must have been for this poor teacher, you don’t incriminate a 10-year-old! Get him help if he needs it. Talk with his parents. But jeezus, don’t bring in the police for a crappy picture! What is wrong with this country? Everyone is so quick to press charges and get a lawyer, that they don’t check to see if there is even a reason to, or a better approach to the problem. Teachers like her are the reason our kids get no education these days. Every time I read a story like this, which is frighteningly often, I just want to slap the piss out of the dumbies involved (i.e. – the teacher). If I was that boy’s parent I would have a hard time not assaulting the stupid teacher.
This is an outrage. The only way I can see to resolve instances like this is to put a noose around the kids neck and let the teacher pull on the rope. That is the only way he can be truely punished and the teacher get her satisfaction. HANG ‘EM–HANG ‘EM—HANG ‘EM
…and we would never ask “why didn’t anybody do something to prevent this” had the kid actually gone columbine, right?
#11 thats what my parents would have done with me. But I don’t see where the Teacher gets off filing a police report. Its just nuts.
Sorry Pedro, I directed my comment at the wrong person. I meant to direct it at #9-Zeph.
Send the kid to Gitmo… some time in the sun would straighten him out.
Didn’t ronald’s kid just talk about having people killed for going against what the government want to do? That guy should be in jail and this kid should be in summer school or at least summer art class.
Americans as soooooo stupid now. I’m soooo glan I’m not one of youalll.
I teach and if this student was in my class and he did this I would be in trouble if I did not report it. Because of law in my state I would run the risk of being potently liable if this student showed up the next day with a gun and killed someone. You have got to understand that students bringing weapons to school is a common situation nowadays in America. The kids that bring the weapons have no moral anchorage, no dads, no idea that education is important and they are full of hate and violence. I don’t blame them personally because there is no absolute right and wrong in our society any more. These kids have never heard of honoring their father and mother and they have no since of shame. They just do what they think is right or what feels good at the time to them. One class I was teaching did not even know whom Noah form Bible was. They had no clue. One of my Marxist friends quoted some Greek philosopher to try and tell me that adolescents have always been out of control since ancient times. This is crap because I know that we had a riflery club at our school only fifty years ago and no one died. My things have changed.
#32, Android,
One class I was teaching did not even know whom Noah form Bible was.
I would expect a teacher to be not only capable, but to write a paragraph. And what the fuck does “Noah form the Bible” have to do with anything.
I am much more concerned that someone with your English skills is teaching a classroom of children.
One of my Marxist friends quoted some Greek philosopher to try and tell me that adolescents have always been out of control since ancient times. This is crap because I know that we had a riflery club at our school only fifty years ago and no one died.
Proof of what I just wrote. Your use of the descriptive “Marxist” to repeat what a Greek Philosopher said two and a half millennium ago. As if a political tag changes what was said.
“The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress.”
Plato (occasionally attributed to Socrates)
Another keeper line,
The kids that bring the weapons have no moral anchorage, no dads, no idea that education is important and they are full of hate and violence.
And I suppose that you reinforce those concepts. When you were a kid they could do “riflery” but today YOU would call the police for just drawing a picture. And you blame the kids?
I sure hope you are just pretending to be a teacher. You sure make a piss poor example if you were.
I think this kid should be punished somehow. This is not normal behavior. The teacher probably knew the mother and suspected nothing would get done about this type of behavior even if she knew about it. Look at how the mom reacted. It is not normal to draw a picture of you killing your teacher when you are ten years old. It isn’t fair to expect teachers to do parenting and teach subject matter to the kids at the same time.
Criminal charges? There won’t be any. That is what judges are for. A judge will decide that this kid did not break any law, except the “golden rule.”
However, the fear of god will be put into that little kid for a long time when they haul him to court. He will learn that what he did is REALLY WRONG, notwithstanding how his mother coddles him through the situation. I bet that he doesn’t draw these nasty pictures anymore!
He will pee his pants and hopefully learn something! Teachers are not for target practice, even if it’s just art work.
And the teacher can sleep tonight because of it. plus they probably saved this little kid a bunch of trouble down the line when he has more capacity to carry out his little evil thoughts.
The teacher should be glad the student opted to let out his feelings of aggression in artwork, rather than an actual physical act of violence. Often, expressing negative emotions through art can be benifical – to deal with these emotions, and sometimes it can also warn others that there is a problem. Better than just continue keeping it all just bottle up more and more… until something really bad happens.
The only people benefiting from this incident are the lawyers!
So many people terrorized by the bad art of a ten-year-old. Fear the children!
You remember Columbine, although it happened years ago, because what happened there was so rare. Try to have at least a little sense of perspective.