• XM-Sirius deal on track to go through now that the FCC is on board.
  • AP wants to set guidelines for bloggers. Unsure exactly what the guidelines should be though.
  • Apple will do anything to not use Flash. I wonder why.
  • I went to see the new teraflop GPU from AMD. Nice product.
  • NetGear and Cisco about to start a price war.
  • Cisco says Internet video will swamp the net.
  • TOP story: IBM may make DB2 open source.

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  1. JimD says:

    Both XM and Sirius have shown that NOBODY WANTS PAY RADIO !!! Together they will show that NOBODY WANTS EVEN MORE PAY RADIO !!!

    Didn’t Apple and M$ try to KILL ADOBE WITH THEIR OWN FONT TECHNOLOGY TO GET OUT OF PAYING ROYALTIES TO ADOBE ? Didn’t they make the President of Adobe cry ? Well now if Apple wants Flash, Jobs will CERTAINLY BE FORCED TO KISS A$$ ALL AROUND THE ADOBE BOARD ROOM, AND PAY A PRETTY PENNY !!! So, you can see that Apple is desperately seeking something else !!!

    Didn’t IBM already have a version of DB2 for Linux ? Will, time to TURN IT LOOSE ON THE OPEN SAUCE GUYS AND LET ‘EM RIP !!!

  2. Mister Ketchup says:

    #1 – I happen to like Sirius and have it in all my cars and house. Just because you won’t pay for it doesn’t mean EVERYBODY DOESN’T WANT IT YOU DICKLESS TWIT!

  3. James Hill says:

    I get satellite radio as part of my DIRECTV SUBSCRIPTION, and they get a portion of my MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION FEE in turn. This represents a STREAM OF INCOME that should KEEP THEM IN BUSINESS for YEARS TO COME.

  4. chuck says:

    I just WANT TO RANT!!!!! And SHOUT and SCREAM IN ***ALL CAPS!!!*** WOO HOO!!!

  5. Jägermeister says:

    John – Can’t you guys tweak the reply function so that all posts get ECA formatting à la the posts above?

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    #5 Jäg

    I THINK that would be GREAT if AT LEAST 50% of the WORDS in every REPLY were IN all CAPS! Particularly ONES that WOULD not BE emphasized IN speaking if READING the REPLY aloud!

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    And IN ANOTHER instance of CONDIMENTAL SOLIDARITY, I agree WITH my tomato-BASED compadre. I think plenty OF people are WILLING TO pay for satellite RADIO. I don’t HAVE it now, BUT MY next car WILL have IT. (Assuming I BUY another CAR, and don’t GO completely GREEN using alternatives). I DON’T listen TO the RADIO that MUCH at HOME, so it PROBABLY would be WORTH it for ME to GET home-BASED satellite RADIO, but IN THE car, YES.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    I mostly listen to internet radio (I do support the sites that are commercial free… after all, bandwidth doesn’t come free). Normal radio tends to be too washed. “We play your favorites!” they say… Well, play “Animal” by “W.A.S.P.”… “oops, can’t do that… regulations.”

    #6 – Mister Mustard

    You never knew the impact ECA had on people… until now. 😀

  9. The Man says:

    #1 Adobe said we will do anything to put flash on the iphone, Steve said flash is to bloated and slow. So I don’t think steve will be doing any @$$ kissing anytime soon.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    Many have tRIED, but NOBODY.. can IMITATe (darned caps) The real ECA.

    On topic, I doubt that without the merger either would survive. It’s a nice feature for GA airplanes.

    I’ll not repeat my answer to the moran who asked, “Hey– why can’t we get DirecTV in this bird?”

  11. David says:

    It seems Apple is trying to introduce their own web multimedia platform in SproutCore while locking Adobe and all other competitors out. If Microsoft can be investigated for bundling a browser with an OS, there has got to be some anti-trust implications here.

  12. Jeff Self says:


    SproutCore is opensource. Apple is doing this to prevent Adobe and Microsoft from having control of RIA’s on the web.

  13. chuck says:


  14. Improbus says:

    Well, this TWIT will not pay for digital radio. Sirius came as an option when I bought my car nearly three years ago but I declined the service. I refuse to pay an extra fee on top of my car payment. I am quite satisfied listening to my local FREE public radio station and my 6-disc-jukebox-mp3-playing 6.1 channel car stereo.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:


    And I thought the guys at Apple were just behaving like pricks.

  16. JimD says:

    #16 – Yeah !!! I refuse to buy any gadget that comes with A SMALL MONTHLY-FEE !!! Those fees add up and GET BIGGER AND BIGGER as time goes on !!! Just say NO to “Small Monthly Fees” !!!

  17. George says:

    DB2 is a very powerful tool. If it goes open source, it would be of major significance and for the benefit of all.


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