According to several news reports, Sony is working to create a new controller for its next-gen gaming platform, PlayStation 3. The big surprise (or maybe not so big) is that the new controller seems inspired by the already famous Wiimote.

The gaming site reported that the new controller will have the ability to “break apart” in two units, each with its own accelerometer…

Kotaku has quoted an unnamed source, who said that the controller will include two or four units, which can be attached to the hands and feet in order to move a character’s body. As you can imagine Sony denied commenting on the rumors.

Two months ago there were some rumors that Microsoft is also working to develop a Wii-like controller for its Xbox 360.

According to the rumors, the new controller, code-named Newton (Newton!), will have a design similar to the Wii remote, it will include a four face buttons, an analog stick, a microphone and even a gyroscope sensor that can detect tilt and motion…

According to the latest figures released by the NPD Group, Nintendo Wii has sold 675,100 units compared to 186,600 Xbox 360s and 208,700 PlayStation 3s.

Golly gosh. The aggressive and timely response from Nintendo’s competitors simply makes my head spin.

  1. keaneo says:

    What no gamer-techie-weiner-whiners taking sides on earthshaking question about controllers?

    Must be off watching golf or something equally sexy.

  2. ECA says:

    its to easy…
    I had a Mercury switched controller for my C64..

  3. mattalex says:

    Right, because the Wii split controller was such a great idea. The only thing useful about the Wii controller is the accelerometer, and the PS3 controller already has one.

    The only reason the Wii is outselling the competition is because it’s cheap, and Nintendo is artificially inflating demand by forcing scarcity. It’s a great strategy for selling consoles, but it’s not helping them as much with selling the actual games.

    If you look at the games, the ones that are still making the most money are the ones made for Xbox and Playstation. People are buying the Wii for Wii Sports, and that comes with it for free.

    It’s no surprise that this person’s source is “unnamed”. I wouldn’t want my name attached to this rumor either.

  4. Esteban says:

    #4, To paraphrase what you’re saying:

    “The Wii is only selling well because it offers a well-marketed, well-distributed product that people want at a reasonable price. Other than that, it’s a piece of junk.”

  5. Crypto256 says:

    What a rip off. The Wii is nice but they have maybe 3 or 4 games worth playing. I’ve given up on console games and I have become a PC gamer due to the piss stained swampland of console games that exist today. Console games used to be top notch, but it all became TOO mainstream and we’re entering another age of the “Atari.” The console market is flooded is piss poor games and I’m not buying them. Another collapse similar to what happened to the Atari is on the way. The one and only reason I want a PS3 is for Metal Gear Solid 4; My favorite game series of all time. Grand Theft Auto 4 will be released on the PC later this year so I’m not worried about that. Meh….I’ll stick with real gaming, which exists 99% on the PC.

  6. TomB says:

    This article was about what again?

    All I know is I want to get at her controller 🙂

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    Here’s another reason why the Wii is better than the PS3 + the 360


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