“My finest moment”

Asked if he planned to pen his own book after leaving office in January, Bush said it was a possibility.

“I’m going to think about that, yes — writing a book,” Bush said in an interview with Britain’s Observer newspaper.

Bush’s predecessor Bill Clinton wrote a best-selling book after leaving office that chronicled his life as well as his eight years in the White House. He has made more than $23 million from his memoir “My Life”.

Bush also said he never saw the award-winning network television show “The West Wing” about a fictitious U.S. president, preferring instead to watch sports and read books.

“I seriously don’t watch TV. You know, I watch sports, but I’d much rather read books. And I do. I read a lot,” he said according to a transcript released by the White House.

Wonder who he’ll choose to ghost write it for him? Has Jay Leno ever done comic books?

  1. MikeN says:

    #28, You’re really showing yourself to be Bush’s inferior intellectually. The Supreme Court had nothing to do with his first run for office, which was not in 2000. So try again.

    Let me help you out. His first run was not the 1998 Texas Governor’s race or the 1994 governor’s race.

    You have to go way back to a run for Congress in the 70s, which he lost when his opponent called him an egghead who was out of touch with the district.

    Funny how liberals who realize that Bush is faking it with the ranch and the cowboy boots, couldn’t figure out the whole picture.

  2. JimD says:

    “Why I Ran and Hid on 9/11” with Co-Author Prick Cheney !!!

    “How to Make BILLIONS IN NO-BID FEDERAL CONTRACTS” with Co-Author Prick Cheney !!!

    “How to STEAL ELECTIONS” with Co-Author Prick Cheney and the President of DIEBOLD Corporation !!!

    “How to Attack a Country That Hadn’t Attacked America and DRIVE UP THE PRICE OF OIL” with Co-Author Prick Cheney and the President of Mobil/EXXON!!!

    Some titles that would be BEST SELLERS, but won’t be appearing in bookstores anytime soon !!!


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