“My finest moment”

Asked if he planned to pen his own book after leaving office in January, Bush said it was a possibility.

“I’m going to think about that, yes — writing a book,” Bush said in an interview with Britain’s Observer newspaper.

Bush’s predecessor Bill Clinton wrote a best-selling book after leaving office that chronicled his life as well as his eight years in the White House. He has made more than $23 million from his memoir “My Life”.

Bush also said he never saw the award-winning network television show “The West Wing” about a fictitious U.S. president, preferring instead to watch sports and read books.

“I seriously don’t watch TV. You know, I watch sports, but I’d much rather read books. And I do. I read a lot,” he said according to a transcript released by the White House.

Wonder who he’ll choose to ghost write it for him? Has Jay Leno ever done comic books?

  1. MikeN says:

    Oh no, he never watched TheWestWing. How horrible! If he had, he’d have known that English as the official language was just a silly little issue to get headlines.

  2. keaneo says:

    So, uh, we can presume you were a regular? Or did some right-wing floozy tell you this on her website?

  3. Lou Minatti says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  4. keaneo says:

    Not to detract from Bush’s pronouncements this week – about his victory in Iraq, God’s love for America First and how Europe and the rest of world now understands why they now have more love for the United States.

    What a dolt!

  5. moss says:

    Yup, #3 – absolutely right. Geeks should have opinions about nothing but capacitors. Yup. You may now return to your momma’s basement.

    Or have a Bud Lite and go back to watching Nascar on your SD CRT.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    I’m sure this book will be of the coloring type.

  7. Chris Mac says:

    Curious George goes to Iraq.

  8. eyeofthetiger says:

    I’d be a nickel he would never read it. I bittorented Clinton’s book. I figured I gave him enough with cocaine sales in the 80’s.

  9. Awake says:

    If Bush’s thoughts were put on paper the way that he really thinks:

    Sadly, most of the world would believe this is an actual speech, based on Bush’s actions.

  10. Jeff says:

    Why the hell do you do that? I used to like X-men when I was younger. It was bad enough that Mr. Lucas destroyed memories of my childhood, but now this…

  11. James Hill says:

    You hacks are losing your edge, and in an election year no less.

    The correct answer is…

    “You actually have to ‘write’ a coloring book?”

  12. moss says:

    Why James – here’s one of your favorite coloring book pages – and it has “writing” at the bottom.


  13. gregallen says:

    If he had bothered to read his Dad’s memoir he would have known there were different kinds of Muslims in Iraq.

    It is stunning how ignorant this man was of the country he was so hellbent on invading.

    Stunning and criminal.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    Oh man, I’d hate to be the ghost writer on THAT project. Imagine trying to make sense out of the gibberish that guy spouts?

    The ghost writer should get a 90:10 cut of any profits.

  15. writer says:

    Bush “Crayon! I mean right on, awesome.” Once his vocabulary gets gooder, he can lie even easier.
    I sure hope, if he writes it, the only sky he can see is from a high barred window.

  16. Pickle Monster says:

    Some comic (I forget which one) gave an amusing remark regarding Ronald Reagan building his library after leaving office:

    “Why would anyone spend 30 million dollars on a shelf?”

  17. framitz says:

    I’m not sure Bush CAN read. It was at my daughter’s elementary school where he was photographed holding a children’s book upside down pretending to pay attention and read along.

    The frigging fool obviously has the mentality of a 10 year old.

  18. SparkyOne says:

    Most 10 year old children are pretty sharp and are on the right hand side of the bell in your comparison. You might consider an apology to those aged 10

  19. Steve S says:

    Maybe a pop-up book?

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – Awake

    Nice video! 😀 Here’s another one.

  21. gregallen says:

    Well, it’s about time an ex-administration officials writes SOMETHING nice about Bush & Co.

    Seriously… think about it. Are there ANY flattering books by those in the administration? I can’t think of a single one, but there might be.

    Every time a critical book gets published, the administration smears the author and acts like the book is some sort of aberration.

  22. OvenMaster says:

    Any book he writes is going to have the pages end up being the most expensive toilet paper on record.

  23. GetSmart says:

    I just finished a book almost 500 pages long.
    Man, that was a lot of coloring.

  24. MikeN says:

    Oh no gregallen, that’s just for the books that the liberal media puts on the front page.

  25. MikeN says:

    Well it appears form the post that y’all fell for Bush’s dummy routine, just like he wanted. Go back to his first run for office, and you’ll realize that it was an act.

  26. Jurjen says:

    Bush says he reads lots of books? I never noticed.

  27. The Warden says:

    Or to really show of how smart he really is, he could just write blog postings bashing himself like you do!

    I just made reservations for you at BJ’s. It’s under Bitterman, party of one.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Well it appears form the post that y’all fell
    >>for Bush’s dummy routine, just like he wanted.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! That’s the funniest thing you’ve ever said, Lyin’ Mike! Are you a professional comedian?

    >>Go back to his first run for office, and
    >>you’ll realize that it was an act.

    What, Pappy didn’t really have friends on the Supreme Court and a son who was governor of Florida? You mean Dumbya actually won the election fair and square, using his razor-sharp intellect and superior qualifications?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! That’s the funnier than the funniest thing you’ve ever said, Lyin’ Mike!

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Lyin’ Mike,

    Well it appears form the post that y’all fell for Bush’s dummy routine, just like he wanted.

    Yes, you have a point. That stuff about being a “uniter” was bullshit. Then the crap about being from outside Wahington fooled a lot of people. Especially when his V-P is a former Congressman and Cabinet Member as were most of his top people.

    Yup. We fell for the first of so many lies. Now, were they lies or did Bush really believe them from the best intelligence available?

  30. bobbo says:

    It matters little what Bush started out believing. Simple observable truth is that the USA faced, and is still facing, some major challenges and BushCo did nothing to address any of them except thru incompetent tax policy to make them worse.

    The key quality of a leader is to identify issues and address them. THEN when an approach is not working, TRY SOMETHING ELSE. The problem with the religious frame of mind, that Bush/McSame abundantly demonstrate, is that facts aren’t that relevant==and so we have the faultering USA we have today.

    Religion STINKS because it promotes fanciful thinking, meaning conclusionary thinking without the need for review and correction. and that’s true whether or not god exists. Dopes.


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