Two children in Spain have been admitted to a mental health institution to be treated for addiction to their mobile phones.

The children, aged 12 and 13, were sent to the clinic by their parents, who said they could not carry out normal activities without their handsets.

They were doing badly at school and lying to relatives in order to get money to spend on their phones…

The children had owned their phones for 18 months, and their parents had made little effort to restrict their use before noticing how serious their dependence had become…

They now have been learning to cope without their phones for three months.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So they say.

  1. gregallen says:

    I’m definitely not letting my kid talk on the cell phone for hours on end until the whole brain tumor risk is cleared up.

  2. becagle says:

    I wonder how many adults would also have the same problem?

  3. Dallas says:

    Already troubling to see most women on the street driving and suffering with a cellphone attached to their head.

    Now this. The children, for crying out loud.

  4. Daniel says:

    How about you be a parent and step in before it gets to that point? I wasn’t allowed to talk on the phone like that when I was a kid, much less a cell phone.

  5. deowll says:

    Parents who act like parents are a big help. One issue is that some kids will steal phones to keep talking and if you check text messaging what you read indicates that perverts don’t need the internet or at least computers any more if they ever did. Cell phones work just fine.

    Of course if a teenager is the kind of kid that likes texting with a foul mouthed individual that says things they shouldn’t….Then maybe birds of a feather are just flocking together.

  6. pat says:

    “Two children in Spain have been admitted to a mental health institution to be treated for addiction to their mobile phones.”

    Nice $ scam.

  7. Bob West says:

    I have a pay as you go cell phone. I use it about twice a week for no more then 4 minutes, if that. When I see young people on cell phones I wonder who or how the pay for them. It seems some people can’t function without being connected, no time to be with your own thoughts.

  8. McCullough says:

    Most parents delude themselves into thinking a kid has to have a phone for his safety. Give me a break, its about status. Poor little snowflake will just be ostracized if he/she doesn’t have what every other little brat has…..

    damn enablers

  9. Geetha Salhotra says:

    Cell phones are not only addictive they interfere with body’s energies. esp when I am treating my patients for the so called incurable disorders.
    Healer Geetha Salhotra
    M.D. consulting Acupuncturist


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