No video camera needed for one of these

Australian scientists have launched technology that uses video cameras to differentiate between species. They say the “cowcam” will keep unwanted animals out of remote watering and feed points in the Australian outback and allow farmers to monitor their stock from home or office.

“We use the unique side profile that every animal has and a software program similar to facial recognition technology that allows us to identify animals to a species level,” said Neal Finch, the joint inventor of the product.

“The camera can tell the difference between sheep and cattle and feral pests such as goats, horses, pigs, kangaroos, camels and emus.”

For about $9,600 you get a lane that narrows the animals down to single file so they go through one at a time in front of the camera, the computing hardware, an electronic gate, weatherproof boxes and all the solar energy apparatus to run the system.

Aren’t RFID chips and readers cheaper? Just as reliable? Hook ’em up to the electronic gate!

  1. green says:

    Dont they use this tech in Gaza and the West bank. Anything recognized as jewish gets through, the others wait on the dirt road next to the paved one and get humiliated for hours.

    Better than getting sniped from a pillbox while tending to the olive trees i suppose.

    Oh yeah this is about animals….. For now.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    The watering points are there for the cattle, so the camera would let the cattle through, but if a goat or a pig tried to get in the gate would shut against it,” he said.

    It sounds just like the airport. Let the cattle go through and block all those suspicious-looking goats and pigs.

  3. green says:

    #2 –

    the animals are the ones flying coach, the retina scanners allow real people through.

  4. MotaMan says:

    $9,600 sounds pretty cheap, I wonder how they get you to pay 3-5 times as much.


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