Yahoo has agreed to a deal with Google which will see Yahoo use the search engine giant’s advertising technology.

Under the agreement, Google ads will appear alongside some Yahoo search results in the US and Canada.

The announcement came after Yahoo said it had failed to persuade Microsoft to renew its bid to buy all of the internet company.

Recent talks concluded after Yahoo rejected a Microsoft proposal to buy just its online search business.

The partnership will initially last for three years, but could last up to 10 if Yahoo decides to renew.

This is called putting your toe in the water. Or putting your something-or-other into something-or-other. Something like that.

  1. sinn fein says:

    YAHgOOgle! Microbucks worst nightmare is hatching this very moment. BE AFRAID BILLY, BE VERY AFRAID!

  2. lou says:

    Now Ballmer can get back to fixing Vista.

  3. turk123 says:

    Now I remember why I sold all my Microsoft stock years ago. . .

  4. Shin says:

    Interesting responses. Yahoo screws it’s stockholders, but Microsoft is the bad guy for not screwing theirs and paying X billion more than Yahoo is worth. Wow, the Mcfanboys get up early in the morning…^_^

  5. Mark Derail says:

    The beginning of the end for a once great company.

    Once Google Gears starts roaring, I predict Google will buy out subdivisions of Yahoo, like Mail.

    Yahoo will eventually because just a brand, and a tiny company.

    Similar to the domain.

  6. Alex H says:

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