That’s the rumor around the political circuit. She joined his campaign a while back. Now, she’s being touted as the talent who will bring Hillary supporters to McCain.
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Fiorina, 53, joined the Republican senator’s presidential campaign this spring…While the new gig is her first in politics, her name already has been tossed around as a possible vice presidential running mate. McCain has said he’s not as strong on economics as he is on national security, so he needs accomplished business leaders, like Fiorina, advising him…
“She almost destroyed one of the nation’s great corporate treasures — she made a mess of HP, she made it an extraordinarily unpleasant place to work,” said Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a professor at the Yale School of Management and longtime critic of Fiorina’s. “She represents sizzle over steak and style over substance — that would damage the integrity and credibility of the McCain campaign…”
Some say Fiorina may have simply been out of her element at HP, as someone whose focus on marketing and branding made her an odd fit in HP’s hardcore techie culture.She drew snickers from some longtime HPers for the company’s decision in 2004 to sell HP-branded iPods. The idea was to liven up the company’s staid image, but HP abandoned the initiative the following year.
“My leadership at HP has been completely validated by the results HP posted the day after I was fired until today,” Fiorina said in a recent interview. “Leadership is about making tough choices, and I think I recognize that in others. That’s what attracts me to John McCain — he’s a leader.”
Some folks would say HP’s latest results are exactly because she’s not there anymore.
Best known as an advocate of outsourcing, her policy of snooping on staff and journalists doesn’t inspire confidence in her understanding of civil liberties, either.
I think this is a very good possibility.
McCain needs a minority candidate and someone with some edge. Carly is a good choice.
Please, The company she headed couldn’t even make a decent pc.
I don’t think that she is a minority.
In this country you’re a minority if you’re not a white male.
Wait, we’re talking about Forina. Nevermind.
She is just the kind of poor choice for VP that I would expect from McCain. Is it just me or is he throwing this election on purpose? He seems to be doing everything in his power to screw the pooch.
The Compaq takeover was a senseless deal that made a few people at the top richer at the expense of shareholders and employees. So she’d be the perfect choice to manage our Iraq acquisition.
Creepy? I don’t know. For a member of the Red Hat club, she’s kind of hot.
Carly, the ex-CEO ??? Just what the Repukes need, More CEOs closing factories and laying off workers !!! She DESTROYED A FINE COMPANY – HP, and took her Golden Parachute !!! Leave her in the Wilderness, America DOESN’T NEED ANOTHER GREEDY CEO SCREWING UP THE COUNTRY !!!
[Stop the screaming, Jim, stop the screaming! – ed.]
From iPaq to Iraq?
Is she the one that was paranoid about leaks from the board of directors and ordered a PI to steal the phone records of news reporters?
ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha…
I lol’d when I read that. Good one!!
#4 . Let’s just call her an “under represented minority” for this contest. K?
There have been 43 consecutive white, caucasian males running this place where nearly 1/2 the population is a woman.
13-> That’s because we know the secret to controlling women — Chocolate!
I did some work at Compaq after she became CEO and right before the HP merger. Nobody there cared for her. She had her picture up in the Lobby of every building on the Compaq campus – you know – like a dictator or something. She is the poster child for making wealth for the elites while sacrificing the welfare of the working joe. She’s the perfect running mate for McSame – she’s absolute poison.
#8 – A+ on the red hat comment.
Well, if you were trying to capture the mood of corporate America in a VP candidate, Carly would be a good choice. If McCain wanted to demonstrate a little patriotism in his VP, he’d steer clear of this cow for good. I’d rather he went with Hillary.
He could do worse. He could also do a hell of a lot better.
#15, Adam,
Fiorina never worked for Compaq. That would have had to be after the merger.
This lady is toxic for John McCain. She could care less about any American worker, and she failed at HP. If he picks her, I wouldn’t even consider John McCain for President of the United States.