1. Cinaedh says:

    I detected no socially redeeming qualities whatsoever in that video, Gasparrini.


  2. Improbus says:

    Now, that is eye candy!

  3. Dallas says:

    I didn’t quite get it.

  4. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I’ve always had great appreciation for superior ball-handling skills. Sports are good, too.

  5. Noel says:

    Those news uniforms could really spice up an otherwise tedious sport.

  6. Mr. Catshit says:


    Thank you

  7. iMan says:

    Socket to me

  8. Magnus Patris says:

    Soccer still sucks.

  9. Les says:

    But futbol doesn’t!

  10. James Hill says:

    See? There’s a future for women’s sports.

  11. DL Beard says:

    I’m suddenly exhibiting improved cognition and creativity. 😉

  12. gregallen says:

    I told you soccer was for girls. (and girly men)

  13. apeguero says:

    Was that produced by Microsoft’s Marketing team?

  14. FirstTimeCaller says:


    But who cares?

  15. MattB5 says:

    #15 No, they were real. Fake ones don’t bounce like that.

    But either way, who cares? 😉

  16. Me says:

    #13 Good thing no one listens to you

  17. hhopper says:

    Nice Samsung TV.

  18. Miguel says:

    Lovely Video! GO PORTUGAL!

  19. clancys daddy says:

    I guess I could learn to appreciate soccer

  20. Miguel says:

    #20 Only when played by ladies like that. Currently it’s only 22 sweaty guys running after a ball for 90 minutes… 😛


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