A Dvorak Uncensored Exclusive
McCain Should Choose Hillary as VP

The logic behind this idea is a sure winner. If Hillary wants to make history, then she should jump to the Republican Party and take her supporters with her. This, in fact, is the dream ticket people talk about. Here is the logic:

McCain groupies have already hinted that McCain might choose a Democrat as Joe Lieberman was even mentioned, so this is a possibility.

Hillary was raised a Republican so it is not completely crazy.

McCain could more easily rein in Bill Clinton, who has been hanging out with Republican George HW Bush anyway.

Mixed party President/VP has historical precedent.

McCain is getting older and she would be a better back-up for him than for Obama.

Obama will not choose her.

Her policy notions and McCain’s are similar.

This way she shows Bill and the rest of the world that she is her own woman.

Becomes an historical moment of the highest order.

Makes nothing but sense when you think about it.

  1. Jeff says:

    Not a chance in hell. It might be a “wet dream” of the Drudge-report crowd, however. They seem to have an utter fascination with the Clinton’s. This is probably because they are more interesting than the drunk that we have in office now or that creepy morningstar standing over his shoulder.

  2. DieFundie says:

    ROFL. Lieberman is a what now?

    It makes no sense, they’re very far apart on many core issues.

  3. Dallas says:

    John, I think you need to start your weekend early.

    They are both good candidates but not together. It’s not like chocolate and peanut butter together but rather pork flavored ice cream. It won’t work.

  4. julieb says:

    One fatal flaw is this notion.

    Republicans absolutely hate Hillary.

  5. James Hill says:

    Those would be the same Limbaugh Republicans that are saying they won’t vote for McCain anyway.

    Personally, I think this is an interesting idea, but Hillary would have to do something to shit all over the left to make the right buy it… and that’s not going to happen.

  6. wyll says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  7. danijel says:

    Honestly John, would you vote for such a ticket? Do you know anyone who would?

  8. wyll says:

    Keep drinking the kool-aid John.

    There is no choice between Lieberman and Clinton. I’m sure he’d accept. his political views change with the hour of the day to suit the situation. Hillary on the other hand is very much a Democrat and the Republican party she knew as a child died many years ago. It was fatally wounded by the then Nixon administration. Many of whom served under Bush 2. Come to think of it, the same people have just shot the Republican party in the head AGAIN!

    Throw enough ridiculous things out there and one of them will hit.

    Too funny

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    Would you want Hillary as your VP? You’d have to bring back the royal food taster so as not to meet with an early demise.

  10. No way!! Not after that speech of hers giving her support to Obama. However, she might be just what the religious right would need to get them to vote McBush. She’s more religious than both of the others.

    Hillary’s Prayer — from Mother Jones.

  11. gear says:

    So does Hillary give up her principals and support base when she joins McCain’s prolife ticket or does McCain give up his principals and support base when he changes his stance on the issue of abortion?

  12. Improbus says:

    Lieberman? Isn’t he the Senator from our 51st state, Israel? I think he would be a great VP for McCain. As for Hillary, McCain should not choose her for the same reason Obama shouldn’t, i.e., eventually she would literally or metaphorically put a knife in their back.

  13. Breetai says:

    I like it!

    But I wear a tinfoil hat and think the Corporate Oligarchy fixes elections. Been 12 years since I voted….

  14. MikeN says:

    Lieberman is a Democrat. He even has a committee chairmanship in the Senate, which is reserved for the majority party.

  15. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


  16. Widgethead says:

    Cripes, cripes and more cripes. This is about as looney as anything I have ever read in my life.

  17. Jeff says:

    Why not just kick Little Mac off the ticket and let Hillary have it for herself.

  18. Pmitchell says:

    wow looks like the marching orders have been faxed out to all the liberal lefties from move on and the DNC

    Attack McCain on all fronts no matter how ridiculous the story

  19. [Duplicate comment deleted. Original post fixed. – ed.]

  20. Rabble Rouser says:

    WTF — Hillary campaigned for Goldwater in her youth. McAncient could actually win if she was his VP. Of course he would have to hire a food taster.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Ok, everyone. Now for the other point of view.

    Hillary would go for it. She has always wanted to be Pres and she is seeing her chance slipping away. Does anyone seriously believe she will be able to make a comeback after loosing this campaign? I’m sure she is reading the writing on the wall and would jump at the chance to cheat political death.

    “I’ll bring Democratic core values to the White House!”, she will say. And people will follow.

    As for the Republicans, our Man-Hands pundit Ann Coulter has repeatedly said that she would vote for Hillary over McCain. Even Rush-boy thinks McCain is left of Hillary. And don’t you know they will endorse this pair in a hurry to make up for their mistake of not having endorsed Romney soon enough.

    The one sure thing which would crash this party are their conflicting ego’s. You couldn’t fit their ego’s together in the White House, or an Olympic stadium for that matter.

  22. KwadGuy says:

    This is good for a chuckle and nothing more. If you wanted to entirely destroy the Republican party, this would be the way to do it. With this ticket, you would absolutely ensure the Obama win. Sure, there are a few undecideds who’d go with this ticked, but Republicans would leave in droves. Obama’s lockstep uber liberal ideas may be unappealing to most Republicans, but Hillary would be the “the only way I’d vote for Obama is…” kick in the pants they’d require to support him.

  23. sinn fein says:

    T’ain’t no way, no how…besides, Mitt already has his stuff and family packed n’ loaded for Number One Observatory Circle.

  24. gregallen says:

    Why not?

    I remember about a decade when the conservatives obsessed on Hillary Clinton as the embodiment of evil liberalism.

    Now Rush Limbaugh is encouraging his listeners to vote for her.

    The cons are so self-destructing.

  25. Stu says:

    I’ve been saying this exact thing and everyone thinks I’m crazy.

    I’ve been praying for McCain to pick a woman veep, because he would capture some of Clinton’s following.

    And the Clintons are moderates, relative to Obama.

    You want to talk about ending politics as usual and reaching across the isle? This would prove that McCain’s serious about it.

  26. Sea Lawyer says:

    “Mixed party President/VP has historical precedent.”

    Yeah, and it’s the reason why we have the 12th Amendment. More trouble than it’s worth.

  27. Rich says:

    And on the other side: OBAMA/CRIST.

  28. KwadGuy says:

    Is there anything in the constitution that says the same person can’t run on multiple tickets? Maybe Hillary can be VP for both Obama and McCain. Then both men can stop worrying about the VP strategizing. Of course, the heads of the Hillary Army might just start exploding at the dissonance.

  29. vulgrin says:

    Then we could rename the Republican Party the “Donner Party” because they would be eating each other alive.


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