A Dvorak Uncensored Exclusive
McCain Should Choose Hillary as VP

The logic behind this idea is a sure winner. If Hillary wants to make history, then she should jump to the Republican Party and take her supporters with her. This, in fact, is the dream ticket people talk about. Here is the logic:

McCain groupies have already hinted that McCain might choose a Democrat as Joe Lieberman was even mentioned, so this is a possibility.

Hillary was raised a Republican so it is not completely crazy.

McCain could more easily rein in Bill Clinton, who has been hanging out with Republican George HW Bush anyway.

Mixed party President/VP has historical precedent.

McCain is getting older and she would be a better back-up for him than for Obama.

Obama will not choose her.

Her policy notions and McCain’s are similar.

This way she shows Bill and the rest of the world that she is her own woman.

Becomes an historical moment of the highest order.

Makes nothing but sense when you think about it.

  1. Billy Bob says:

    Is it April 1st already?

  2. bobbo says:

    I’m reminded of a criticism of the Main Steam Media and why the American Public is so poorly served, electing bozo after bozo.

    As this posting and thread demonstrates, seems we are more interested in the horse race than we are the issues.

    – or, maybe a dog race?

  3. framitz says:

    You’re joking right John…

    John… John…

  4. Hey, this way Hillary can kill McCain just like she put the hit on Vincent Foster and become president! I totally see this as doable in her eyes.

  5. chris says:

    I love it. I’ve never voted for a republican before. Voting a straight line republican ticket this time is going to be hard, but I’m going to do it. This would make the hard medicine easier to swallow.

    Hillary in ’12!

  6. Thinker says:

    oh, my. I think you just really made things interesting John. I’d still vote for McCain, with a smirk (cause I was voting for Hillary) but I like your logic!

  7. Interesting notion, but they are both still part of the traditional Rep/Dem Cons/Lib school of politics. Which hasn’t worked out so well lately. We’re still: at war; cutting taxes while we’re at war; talking about healthcare; and doing nothing to shore up the weakest economy in my adult life (I’m 55). Maybe we need a change?!

  8. #39 the actual term is Neo-Liberal

  9. hhopper says:

    This is just so ridiculous… it just might work.

  10. I would say that this is the dumbest idea I have ever read had it not gotten me to click on the link to this blog.

    You win.

    It’s sort of like when I was a kid and imagined there being an Alien v. Predator movie. Or a Freddy v. Jason flick. But studios weren’t THAT desperate. They still had SOME original ideas. Then a decade passed and look at what we got. Freddy v. Jason. Two Alien v. Predator movies.

    Give it some time. This might one day become plausible.

  11. Dorondo says:

    Jack Weinberg is credited with saying “Don’t trust anybody over 30” and I’m relatively sure that goes double for Dvorak. Come think of it I can no longer trust myself. It’s Dvorak’s trade to stir the pot so hat’s off.

    It’s safe to say that Hillary really wants the VP position if only to be able to use the “Hillicopter” again. There is an old adage that “Politics makes strange bedfellows” and with the history being made in the presidential race I’d say possible but not probable.

  12. Uncle Patso says:

    Did you mean “rein in Bill Clinton” ?

    (Good luck with that…)

  13. James Hill says:

    Did this thread get mentioned on a podcast? There’s a oddly high number of crap responses in this thread.

  14. James Hill spewed, “There’s a oddly high number of crap responses in this thread.”

    Including yours asswipe.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, Ketchup,

    C’mon Mr. K. That is insulting to all the other asswipes out there.

  16. Mister Ketchup says:

    #48 – Yes, I guess that comparative was pretty demeaning to all other asswipes.

  17. John S says:

    #39 HamiltonWallace said, “…they are both still part of the traditional Rep/Dem Cons/Lib school of politics.”. What he wrote was that the Republican party is considered conservative and Democratic party is considered Liberal. Two parties and the sectors of the political spectrum to which they are considered to reside. John C Dvorak’s response to Mr. Wallace “#39 the actual term is Neo-Liberal”. The same Mr. Dvorak who has been reading and writing his entire adult life. I understood Mr. Wallace to be saying that the choices being presented are still the same choices being represented to Americans since the Repulican and Democratic parties became the only two parties one could vote for. Perhaps Mr. Dvorak is too easily confused to be writing anything more than grocery lists.

    John S

  18. Yakety-Yak says:

    I would vote for that ticket. In a minute.

    They would both be ‘Mavericks’ then. People are sick of the status-quo. Women will turn out in full force for a McCain-Hillary ticket. Yes!

  19. vert22 says:

    I like it!

    The ultimate twist in this electtion!
    They would win!

  20. Bev says:

    I think McCain/Clinton ticket is a great idea. I’m a Republican who was going to vote for Hillary. And, this would be absolutely a great dream ticket as far as I am concerned.


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