Part 1

Part 2

Day after day McCain puts his foot in his mouth. Has he no advisers to teach him what’s going on in the world and how to talk about things without sounding like an idiot? The weirdest part is he often repeats his supposed gaffes which makes one wonder if they really are gaffes. Perhaps he actually means to say what he does. Which is worse, a doddering old guy who can’t get his facts and words straight in a job where saying the wrong words could crash an economy or start a war, or someone who, in the latest, sounds like he doesn’t care what the war is doing to us? –Uncle Dave

  1. Joel says:

    This site is a political battleground for some of the most ignorant opinions I’ve had the displeasure of reading.

    It’s sad, I used to come here for cool, off-beat pieces. Now it’s just politico hacks spouting their worthless opinions.

  2. Mr. Catshit says:

    #1, Joel,

    Although all are welcome at DU, no one forced you to visit or comment. As I was waiting for this window to open I was wondering how long before the Right Wing Nut Evangelical Republican Radio-head Shut-in crowd would take to post some inane comment. You didn’t disappoint.

    Of course, the regular wing nuts will be along shortly to suggest that Obama is ….

    McCain is not Presidential material. PERIOD

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    McBush is irrelevant. Unless Obama picks Ted Haggard as his VP or something, he’s the next POTUS. McBush doesn’t have a chance.

  4. roemun says:

    Are we expected to take seriously the ranting from the left when they put the loopy Olbermann forth as their spokesdude? McCain is old, and perhaps heading inexorably into senility. Regardless and sadly, he is still the best choice for POTUS. And as whacky as he seems to be, his loopy quotient will never match Herr Olbermann, and the rest of the fascist lefties over @ MSNBC.

  5. Joel says:

    I’m a “wing nut”? Thanks for proving my point.

  6. vwotdd says:

    Regardless of political leanings – if you put Olbermann up as your voice, you lose the ear of most. Anybody who builds their career by trying to convince an audience how bad everybody else is (worst person, and his tone in general) is not somebody pragmatic, normal people will follow. BTW, his private company name is “Keith Olbermann’s Media Empire”. His head is (far) bigger than his supposed credentials…..

  7. FlyByNight says:

    # 5

    Don’t let Mr. Catshit get to you. Everyone knows that he’s the perfect example of an abortion gone wrong.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>his loopy quotient will never match Herr Olbermann

    Herr Olbermann isn’t running for POTUS. McBush is.

    And Herr Olbermann is just saying what everybody knows anyway, that McBush is a flip-flopping Daffy Duck who would be better suited as honorary president of his local PTA.

    There’s nothing to be gained by a third term, and an awful lot to lose.

  9. Jeff says:

    The problem is that Mr. Olbermann is a show piece. He bases his routine after the movie Network. It is just a game. Sure, he probably believes in the majority of what he is saying, but not in the context of the delivery.

    I am not sure if you can say the same of Hannity and Limbaugh, though you could reach the same conclusion about O’Reilly (another bit actor).

    I happened to actually like watching the show… he is a bit off, but again… at least he isn’t pandering to mob mentality to resonate his message.

  10. danijel says:

    Ultimately, you’re either for the war or against it. As for McCain, it seems he is too weak to make any impact. It seems he is just a tool for the same kind of politics that’s been done since 9/11. So in the end, you can either agree with it, or not. It looks like most of the world disagrees…

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Day after day xxxxxx puts his foot in his mouth. Has he no advisers to teach him what’s going on in the world and how to talk about things without sounding like an idiot?

    The article would make sense if the xxxxxx is replaced with the name Olbermann.

  12. bobbo says:

    Gee, this is post #11 and no one has yet responded to the OP. How does that happen?

    Anywhay, McCain is right from a Commander in Chief perspective and only wrong in view of how the left wing media will misquote him.

    A perfect mismatch. There should be html markup so those responding to the substance could be in black, while those responding to the political factors could be in red? Maybe add in Blue for all the off-topic, irrelevant, and slanted BS posing as insight?

    I’d like to order a gallon of blue ink for my own posts please.

  13. James Hill says:

    [edit: comments guide]

  14. keaneo says:

    So, #12 – you couldn’t bother to watch the video(s) – which are, after all, lengthy to prove the point there isn’t misquoting used as foundation for the rant.

    You’re becoming as dull and lazy as the few remaining Republikans.

  15. MikeN says:

    Day after day Keith Olbermann puts his foot in his mouth. Has he no advisers to teach him what’s going on in the world and how to talk about things without sounding like an idiot? The weirdest part is he often repeats his supposed gaffes which makes one wonder if they really are gaffes. Perhaps he actually means to say what he does. Which is worse, a doddering old guy who can’t get his facts and words straight in a job where saying the wrong words could crash an economy or start a war, or someone who, in the latest, sounds like he doesn’t care what the anti-war movement is doing to us? –Uncle Dave

  16. bobbo says:

    #14–keaneo==I’m missing your point just a bit. My post doesn’t go to whether or not Olberman misquoted McCain==only that the liberal media in general will do it as I have seen repeatedly on tv the last 24 hrs.

    As to Olberman, I didn’t see any misquoting, in fact there is extensive review over a few years of accurate quoting. Then Olberman just upbraids McCain for not having a definitive plan set in concrete, which Obama has not suggested either.

    No commander in chief can be overly concerned about the death of a few troops. Freedom requires blood to survive does it not?

    So concerned, but not overly concerned to our greater detriment is the proper role of a Commander, not the same for an emotional appeal of a commentator.

    Editor==please order a gallon of Blue for my good friend keano. Looks like he needs it more than I do for the moment?

  17. Jeff says:

    Which do you think is worse MikeN? I don’t really think they even relate. One is an actor on the world stage, the other on a network. On a wider note, what pundit does not sound like an idiot?

  18. Rabble Rouser says:

    Anyone who actually saw all of this stuff, and listened to Olbermann’s Special Comment will know that this was a wonderfully presented piece. It will make McAncient worry… A LOT!

  19. smartalix says:

    It’s interesting that nobody questions the stupid shit McCain is saying. The messenger is not the message. Olbermannn may be everything the critics here say, but that does not change the deeply disturbing philosophy expressed in McCain’s statements.

    To hear McCain compare our Cold-War military presence overseas with this morass in Iraq betrays a fundemental lack of interest in the real issues of the situation.

    By his own statement, he feels that if our soldiers weren’t dying there the American public wouldn’t be against the war. That is just plain stupid. What about our image in the region? What about the ridiculous cost, waste, graft, and insanity going on in the Iraqi occupation? What about Iraqi civilian casualties? His answer betrays an arrogance that is only rivaled by his lack of comprehension of the details of the situation.

    Nw, if anyone wants to discuss that point in an intelligent manner, I will be more than happy to do so. But Olbermann is not the issue, McCain is. He is the man running for POTUSA.

  20. bobbo says:

    #19–SmartAlix==what did McCain say other than “if our soldiers aren’t being killed, then it wouldn’t matter how long they stay, just like in Korea, Japan, Germany etc?”

    That is a huge “if” but an if nonetheless? So what McSame should be questioned on is how long it will take to get to if.

    It does seem the surge is working with the evidence being the reduced death/injury toll. I wonder if that is because a true status quo is being reached or if it is because USA is paying all sides not to fight. I guess that will take a while to become clear?

    So==to me the only question is how available will the oil supplies of Iraq ever be to repay our fiasco and/or does our presence there really stabilize our access to oil even with rising prices, or does it not do that at all?

    It will be nice when we are energy independent in 30-40 years so that all such geo-political questions will be based on national security rather than need for energy.

  21. smartalix says:


    It is a very far cry from comparing the postwar European and Asian occupations with the situation going on in Iraq today.

    McCain did not say “if Iraq were as stable as Germany or Japan nobody would complain”, or “if this were a peacful occupation nobody would complain”, he said that if there were no casualties nobody would be complaining.

    Considering his support of the war and his feeling that the situation there is stable and the warring factions are interchangeable, I can only draw the conclusion that he means nobody would complain about the war as it is currently being prosecuted if he could somehow do it without our guys and gals dying.

  22. MikeN says:

    #19, I’ve posted on this board about when will we end the occupation of Bosnia or Kosovo, which have been going on longer than the Iraq War, and did not have any UN authorization or even a vote of Congress. The response from some of the anti-war folks on this board was that people aren’t dying in Kosovo.

  23. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, while McCain is being misquoted about the 100 years in Iraq comments, I don’t think the public is too interested in having troops there for decades even in peace. Perhaps if Obama would stop misquoting, he could just beat McCain on that point.

  24. MikeN says:

    Smartalix, I think you are parsing too much. McCain is thinking that Iraq will become as peaceful as postwar Germany and Japan(which also took several years after the surrender.)

  25. smartalix says:


    You need to read your history books again. The instability in Europe and Japan is nothing like the low-grade civil war going on there. Imagine a post-war German occupation where the Prussians hated the Bavarians, and the Hessens hated them both, and all were constantly trying to kill each other as well as the occupiers with lots and lots of easily-obtained hand weapons and explosives.

    Explosives, and weapons, I may add, that we made significantly easier to obtain with our post invasion policies.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>McCain is thinking that Iraq will become as
    >>peaceful as postwar Germany and Japan

    If he’s thinking that, then he’s further into the Alzheimer’s thing than any of us knew.

    I didn’t think ANYBODY actually thought that.

  27. bobbo says:

    #25–Smartalix==you say the words but still act like you don’t know what “if” means. How could the USA be in Iraq without casualties and it not be like Germany, Japan, and Korea where there are no casualties? In other words, the populace would resent then come to profit off of our military presence and for some reason we feel the need to have troops all over the world yet not consider outselves to be an “Empire.”

    Once the passions of “the war” subside, why would the USA care what happens in Iraq any more than they do Germany, Japan, and Korea?

    You can’t separate yourself from current history when considering how the “if” could only be accomplished.

    Bad imagination, no imagination, or just overly biased?

  28. Traaxx says:

    He’s just doing his job and throwing the election to Obama. I wonder what he was promised in return for being a traitor.

  29. Smartalix says:


    The words are true. McCain is full of shit about the situation in Iraq, and has no clue about how to get out of it.

    It is is sheer fantasy to compare Iraq with occupied Europe and Japan, simple as that. I notice nobody, including you, addressed the issue of Iraqi civil war, one of the many, many significant differences in the situation. I simply don’t buy McCain’s rosy view, and he has no arguments to support real stability in Iraq in the foreseeable future.

    We now know this entire war and all this waste in lives, blood, and treasure was all a cock-and-bull story cooked up by the administration. You cannot export democracy at the point of a gun, and there is no way we can pacify the region without killing a significant number of the populace.

    Iraq is a pit of shit and snakes, and you and McCain are humming songs. This is not post-WWII world, and no amount of posturing will make that fantasy a reality. To argue otherwise is being disingenuous or stupid.

  30. livvidd says:

    My god, Something here’s gone crazy! I actually totally agree with MisterMustard. I must be getting old.


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