Part 1

Part 2

Day after day McCain puts his foot in his mouth. Has he no advisers to teach him what’s going on in the world and how to talk about things without sounding like an idiot? The weirdest part is he often repeats his supposed gaffes which makes one wonder if they really are gaffes. Perhaps he actually means to say what he does. Which is worse, a doddering old guy who can’t get his facts and words straight in a job where saying the wrong words could crash an economy or start a war, or someone who, in the latest, sounds like he doesn’t care what the war is doing to us? –Uncle Dave

  1. bobbo says:

    #29–SmartAlix–every thing you say is true, or maybe the truth is even worse? HOWEVER–Hitler was not wrong when he petted dogs on the head, and McSame is not wrong to say the safety of the troops is the most important thing, moreso than how long the USA stays in Iraq. All he has to do is realize that the troops will never be safe in Iraq then we can all hope he acts on the superior value system.

    Separate the message from the messenger and the message from the current context and you will be dealing with what was said.

  2. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


    You are manipulating what McCain said to make it mean something else. If that is what McCain meant, he should have said so. He has all this high priced talent “advising” him, maybe he could have one of them vet his speech.

  3. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #22, Lyin’ Mike

    The US belongs to this treaty organization called NATO. It was NATO that intervened in Kosovo to stop a genocide happening against the minority Muslim population.

    I understand you hate all Muslims and wish all of them dead, but normal people don’t. That is why the US is in Kosovo.

  4. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #15, Lyin’ Mike

    Day after day Keith Olbermann puts his foot in his mouth. Has he no advisers to teach him what’s going on in the world and how to talk about things without sounding like an idiot? The weirdest part is he often repeats his supposed gaffes which makes one wonder if they really are gaffes.

    First, how does Olberman put his foot in his mouth? That implies he continually makes mistakes.

    Second, if he talks like an idiot, why does he come across as so professional?

    Third, you probably answered your own question, they aren’t gaffes. It is called “honest” reporting.

    When Olberman errs, he admits it, accepts responsibility, and moves on. It doesn’t matter if it was a staffer, fill in host, or he that made the mistake.

    No one is trying to suggest Olberman is not biased. If he has made a factual error, please report it. I know that that won’t happen because you are glued to your messiah O’Really when Countdown is on.

    Olberman cares more about this country than you. He cares that men and woman are dying for the vanity of a few right wing nuts. He cares that certain people in this country are stealing billions from the public purse. He cares that so many are not getting the help we promised them before they went overseas to fight for this country.

  5. bobbo says:

    #32–Gawd==I don’t know what McSame meant. All I can do is apply dictionary meanings to the words he used. We have troops all over the world for 60 years now, so time of occupation cannot be a ruling concern. What is ruling? Why I think it is our troops being killed and wounded.

    McSame said killing and wounding is the relevant issue, not time of occupation. How is he wrong on that statement alone?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, bobbo,

    I’m sorry you suffer from the same problem McCain does.

    We were the army of occupation after a serious wars where the infrastructures of all three countries were destroyed. We offered stability and humanitarian aid to a defeated people. Shortly after the end of the war, world politics brought us the Cold War. We stopped being an army of occupation.

    The Cold War has kept us in Japan, Korea, and Germany up to the present. Today most of the American presence has been drastically reduced but still serve as forward bases. BUT, it has been many years since American military acted as an occupying force or left their bases armed.

    In Iraq there is no peace. We are still an occupying country where our guns are supreme and our military expect Iraqis to jump before we say “JUMP”. Currently Sunnis and Shi’ite are battling for supremacy and survival. Americans are in between.

    We destroyed the bureaucratic infrastructure and much of the civil infrastructure. The government is handcuffed because of the restrictions we placed upon the Iraqis and the politics we left them.

    Our presence is based upon building fortresses. Huge fortresses. Where only Americans and the privileged may enter for comfort and protection from the shootings and bombings. Like it or not, Bush has pre-determined our presence in Iraq for decades. (do we really need the largest American embassy to be in a country half way around the world we do so little trade with?)

    Our activities include dropping bombs on weddings, raping children, killing civilians without provocation, torturing people, throwing puppies off cliffs, and shooting wounded prisoners. Shooting first and getting answers later is the standard practice. BUT, this is excellent recruiting material for terrorists groups.

    The price is the hundreds of billions of dollars MY child will be paying for in the future. The thousands of dead Americans. The tens of thousands of wounded kept alive while missing parts. The hundred thousand Americans with emotional and mental problems caused by this invasion. The distrust of allies who no longer want to be seen as a friend of America. And bin Laden is still running lose in some cave, free.

    Japan and Germany declared war on America. Here, America declared war on Iraq for a vain Emperor and his war profiteering friends. The reason for invading were phony. The reason for staying is equally poor.

    There are several foreign bases that America has occupied for over 100 years. Have you ever heard of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba? Or the Panama Canal? How about Subic Bay and Clark Field? Maybe we could argue over even having forward bases.

    Iraq is in the wrong location to protect the Arabian Sea and Straights of Hormuz, Israel, and Arab countries, or any Indian Ocean trade routes. There are no good natural harbors in Iraq and what there is is needed for the oil transports. There are no good, safe, ground transportation corridors from a decent nearby harbor. This means all supply would have to come by air or via a dangerous route. Air transport diminishes the amount and size of replacement materials. In a time of crises this bottleneck could be extremely deadly and very vulnerable.

  7. Li says:

    Fusion’s summary is very good in my opinion. The situation in Iraq is nothing like that in Germany or Japan after the war, and McCain’s insistence that it is insane.


    Anybody who builds their career by trying to convince an audience how bad everybody else is is not somebody pragmatic, normal people will follow.

    While I would agree about the pragmatic part, I only wish that people wouldn’t follow along. At least Olbermann isn’t killing anyone.

  8. Li says:

    Fusion’s summary is very good in my opinion. The situation in Iraq is nothing like that in Germany or Japan after the war, and McCain’s insistence that it is is crazy. I’ve had enough of crazy leadership.


    Anybody who builds their career by trying to convince an audience how bad everybody else is is not somebody pragmatic, normal people will follow.

    While I would agree about the pragmatic part, I only wish that people wouldn’t follow along. At least Olbermann isn’t killing anyone.

  9. Li says:

    Oops, double post, delete the first one, eh?

  10. bobbo says:

    #36–MrFusion==good review, I agree. We shouldn’t have invaded to begin with and that was abundantly obvious at the time.

    “Still”, you fail to come to grips with what McSame ACTUALLY SAID!!!

    People don’t care about our occupation save and except for the troops being killed, and too pitifully few about the cost of occupation. So–the fact that Iraq is dissimilar to other occupations is politically irrelevant.

    And thats why what McSame said is true. Stupid and shortsighted, but true.

    So you good folks really can’t separate these different discrete issues?? Cracks me up.

  11. MikeN says:

    #33, just because NATO authorizes something, that doesn’t mean it has UN authoirzation or a vote of Congress. As for NATO, at the time of the first expansion into Eastern Europe, Russia was led to believe they had a veto over NATO operations, another Clinton lie(but hey nobody died).

    And of course my point was that leftists are willing to justify that occupation, so you’ve proved my point.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:


    Once again you demonstrate how idiotic you can be.

    McBush said we could be there for 100 years. Well that would only be reasonable if there was a reason to be there. As I pointed out, there are several reasons why not but the most serious is the supply problem.

    McBush also said we don’t mind as long as there are no casualties. Well there are. There is a civil war WE caused but can’t stop. The country was invaded by Turkey and we helped. Iraqis want better relations with Iran and we won’t let them. We encourage al Quada terrorists to come from other countries when the Iraqis wish they could disappear.

    People don’t care about our occupation save and except for the troops being killed, and too pitifully few about the cost of occupation.

    Over 60% of Americans want us out of Iraq. I think that means Americans do care. Maybe you and your bottle of cheap wine don’t care, but that is your problem.

    So–the fact that Iraq is dissimilar to other occupations is politically irrelevant.

    This is your stupidest point yet. No Americans are in imminent danger in Germany, Japan, or Korea at the moment. Nor is there much danger in most other foreign postings. Nor are Americans walking down their main streets wearing body armor and backed up by helicopter gun ships. THAT is what makes this dissimilar and politically charged. Only the stupid can’t see the problem.

    And thats why what McSame said is true. Stupid and shortsighted, but true.

    Only in McBush’s senile mind and your cheap wine soaked mind could that make sense. It won’t matter if tomorrow morning you wake up and decide to get religion to cure your hangover, you will still be wrong. As will McBush.

  13. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #41, Lyin’ Mike,

    just because NATO authorizes something, that doesn’t mean it has UN authoirzation

    Try considering UN Resolutions 1160 (1998) of 31 March 1998, 1199 (1998) of 23 September 1998, 1203 (1998) of 24 October 1998 and 1239 (1999) of 14 May 1999,

    As for NATO, at the time of the first expansion into Eastern Europe, Russia was led to believe they had a veto over NATO operations, another Clinton lie(but hey nobody died).

    I don’t recall any Russian veto. Is this another one of your bullshit inventions?

    And of course my point was that leftists are willing to justify that occupation, so you’ve proved my point.

    Let’s get the facts straight. The Serbs were massacring the Muslim population. Like an asshole, you would have preferred the world to stand by and allow the killing to continue.

    Fuck you’re a sick one.


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