Daily Mail – June 11, 2008:

An aspiring model who was rejected by leading model agencies for being a size 12 has beaten 200 other girls to be crowned Miss London.

Leah Green, 22, will next month compete for the Miss England title with regional finalists from across the country.

Today she told how she was rejected by several model agencies, despite being two dress sizes smaller than the average British woman. Her experiences follow the debate over the trend for size-zero models – equivalent to a British size four.

“I have tried to get into modelling,” she said. “But I have been turned away as I’m apparently too big to be a regular model. I’ve been told I’m too fat and I need to lose weight. One agent told me I would have to work hard to achieve the gaunt look he was after.

“If you have to be the size of Victoria Beckham or Girls Aloud to even get a look in, then it just isn’t for me.”

One of the agencies that rejected Miss Green, of Primrose Hill, North London, over her size was Models 1. Only a plus-size agency showed any interest.

Editor’s note: Apparently, some DU readers are not aware of the fact that the fashion industry is not run by heterosexual men, but by gay men. They’re the ones deciding which girls become models. And it would follow that if heterosexual men made those decisions, more voluptuous women would be chosen. Because, let’s face it, most hetero guys like their women to look like women, not like prepubescent boys. I thought everyone knew that. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  1. Michael says:

    What does this have to do with being gay?

  2. DarkJesus says:

    That’s just bloody ridiculous. She’s hot!

  3. bobbo says:

    I missed it. Whats the gay connection?

    Those emaciated models don’t look like young boys to me==more like unhuman stick figures?

    Or is it a perverse sense of humor? We don’t like em, so we’ll fix it so the straights won’t either?

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    The link does not work.

  5. SN says:

    I fixed the link, thanks guys!

  6. Noel says:

    Perhaps the link to homosexuality is that (female) models should be chosen by people who attracted to ladies.

  7. Personality says:

    Some people didn’t know that gays run fashion?!?!

    Are you living in a F’n cave?

  8. QB says:

    Michael and Bobbo, you just made my day. Here’s a hint, try saying “Fabulous” 10 times today and keep a straight face.

  9. DaveR says:

    I think that it’s ridiculous that this girl can’t get a job modeling.

    However, to be clear, the author, SN, is saying that the cause is because all people in the fashion industry are would-be child molesters who lust after “pre-pubescent boys.” I don’t work in the fashion industry, but I’m guessing that isn’t true. Then on top of that the author is saying that not only are people in the fashion industry child molesters, but ALL gay guys ideas of a good time are laying down with a kid who hasn’t hit puberty. What kind of filth trash is this? I realize that the author is trying to make humor through hyperbole, but calling a whole class of people child molesters is crossing a line. I just lost a lot of respect for this blog.

  10. Gigwave says:

    Gay fashion designers be damned. The skinnier the model, the more copies of the rag are sold. Straight women are to blame. Self-hating, normal sized women. Who else would buy that trash?

  11. zeph says:

    Speaking as a gay man, I think she’s surprisingly beautiful. We do see all too many reminders of Auschwitz in the fashion business. It’s nice to see someone who isn’t desperately in need of a hamburger, for once.

    Don’t blame your psychotic fashion trends on us, sweetheart.

  12. QB says:

    DaveR, you really are stretching on this – in no way was SN implying anything about child molestation.

    Lighten up, it was a little joke, no?

  13. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body and I think she’s beautiful. What does that mean?

  14. bobbo says:

    #13–ML==that means you would love her for the person she is inside, while real men would love her just for her looks. oink, oink.

  15. Bob West says:

    As a Gay man, I too think most female fashion models are way to thin and look dangerously anorexic. It’s just the current trend and it’s lasted to long. To me Isabella Rossellini looks great. But I grew up when Marilyn Monroe was in, today young people would say she’s fat. It’s all rather sad.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    #10 Gigwave makes a good point. I’ve heard where the model on a cover of a magazine makes all the difference. If a model sells a lot of copies, she gets hired for more jobs and visa-versa. This is where the whole supermodel thing got started.

    Since most of these magazines are bought by women, I tend to believe that the truly successful models can be attractive but not too attractive. Women don’t want the competition in their for their husbands to ogle.

    Imagine Playboy bunnies gracing the cover of COSMOPOLITAN. Men would love it but women wouldn’t even touch the magazine.

    So I don’t think it’s a gay man issue, but a woman comfort issue.

  17. BdgBill says:

    Boo hoo, the hopes of another pudgy dreamer have been dashed.

    Maybe she should aspire to a job that involves more than standing around wearing ugly clothes.

    Are we really supposed to feel sorry for someone who wants such a stupid job? Ugh, and she’s a pageant contestant to boot.

    Here is a short transcript of Ms. Green’s inner monolouge: “Do you think I’m pretty? Am I more pretty than her? I’m pretty. Does this make me look fat? Do you think she is more pretty than me?”

    Loop until marriage or rehab.

  18. Josh Miller says:

    Because, let’s face it, most hetero guys like their women to look like women, not like prepubescent boys.

    Heh, I never thought of it that way but it makes a lot of sense.

  19. Dallas says:

    This article was a swing and a miss.

    The Gay stereotypical joke at the end was not enough to salvage it. Sorry. I’ll read it again to see if I missed anything.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Boo hoo, the hopes of another
    >>pudgy dreamer have been dashed.

    You think that girl is pudgy?? Jeez. You must love Amy Winehouse, and the corpse of Karen Carpenter. I’ll bet stick figures in cartoons give you an erection, probably lasting longer than 4 hours.

  21. Noel says:

    I don’t understand the fashion industry. Not only are the models creepy, but when was the last time you saw someone wearing these clothes in public. What is the point of designing and showing off clothes that cost many thousands of dollars that are never to be worn by anyone other than overpaid dim wits. It is like an industry that takes place in a fantasy land beside the real world.

  22. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Noel #21 – Whatta you mean? Gay guys wear that stuff all the time. I think. Oh, that’s right, cross dressers aren’t gay. Whatever, it’s all so confusing.

  23. Ron Larson says:

    My mom always told me that the fashion industry is ruled by gay men who hate women. That is why they place ridiculous expectations on them, design torturous shoes and clothes, and them look like circus freaks.

  24. AtomBomb says:

    I don’t see the gay link either. If SN was trying to be funny he failed. Being a gay reader of this blog I am a little disappointed. However, I can take a joke, haha, point at Mary. Just so you know most gays I know are just as obsessed about boobs as any hetero. They just make sure their ladies show it off big or little.

  25. peter_m says:

    #1 LOL, just read the editorial comment at the top. It’s not homophobia or gay bashing, just a theory.

    I never looked at it this way but I guess he has a point, gay men might be subconsciously or consciously looking for women that look like boys… I was always confused as to why I found all the models too skinny… I guess I have a theory now.

  26. Bono says:

    I thought this was a very funny post, SN! Loved the Seinfeldesq disclaimer at the end!

  27. RogerDucky says:

    No. The real reason is because clothes looks better on a hanger or clothes rack than they do on people.

    If the person modeling the clothing is too attractive — while everything looks great on her, nobody pays attention to the clothes.

    If, on the other hand, you have a clothes rack-looking person display the clothing, then everyone pays attention to the clothes because they look good. But, the designers can’t possibly use actual clothes racks, since that implies that the clothing can’t be worn by humans and look halfway decent.

    Hence, the super-thin models are hired.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mr. Dvorak, I hope you have a long talk with
    >>the editor of this piece and dress him down

    Jeez, lighten up, Knob! Not even dyed-in-the-wool pole smokers are that offended. Sheesh.

  29. Jeff says:

    The fashion industry is not controlled by the gays, but rather the grays… as in aliens. If you don’t believe me do a Google search. Just make sure you are good and drunk first.


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