Daily Mail – June 11, 2008:

An aspiring model who was rejected by leading model agencies for being a size 12 has beaten 200 other girls to be crowned Miss London.

Leah Green, 22, will next month compete for the Miss England title with regional finalists from across the country.

Today she told how she was rejected by several model agencies, despite being two dress sizes smaller than the average British woman. Her experiences follow the debate over the trend for size-zero models – equivalent to a British size four.

“I have tried to get into modelling,” she said. “But I have been turned away as I’m apparently too big to be a regular model. I’ve been told I’m too fat and I need to lose weight. One agent told me I would have to work hard to achieve the gaunt look he was after.

“If you have to be the size of Victoria Beckham or Girls Aloud to even get a look in, then it just isn’t for me.”

One of the agencies that rejected Miss Green, of Primrose Hill, North London, over her size was Models 1. Only a plus-size agency showed any interest.

Editor’s note: Apparently, some DU readers are not aware of the fact that the fashion industry is not run by heterosexual men, but by gay men. They’re the ones deciding which girls become models. And it would follow that if heterosexual men made those decisions, more voluptuous women would be chosen. Because, let’s face it, most hetero guys like their women to look like women, not like prepubescent boys. I thought everyone knew that. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  1. Noone in Particular says:

    One of the reasons stick figures are preferred is because it’s easy to build interchangeable clothes for them – they are all the same shape. Add curves, and the clothes have to curve where the model curves, pretty much requiring the clothes to be designed for individual models. That makes it harder not just on a technical level, but logistical also – the models must be matched to outfits in advance and if one is unavailable the day(s) of the show, her clothes might not look perfect on someone else.

    It is probably impossible to find a set of ladies who are all 36-26-36, and have identical leg and torso lengths. Half dead sticks are easy to find.

  2. Dr Dodd says:

    The first observation from this little experiment is that it appears a lot of gay men visit DU who seemingly can’t wait to come out of the closet.

    The second is all have very thin skins and seem to be looking for reasons to be offended.

    Given what we know, perhaps another word should be adopted because the word “gay” is at the very least false advertising.

  3. bobbo says:

    #33–Dr Dodd==Do you think if the article said Vetinarians were ruining the Fashion Industry that 3-4 Vetinarians might chime in? And you really can’t count Monster’s Lawyer–he/she/it is just confused or likes womens clothing?

    Further Dr Dubious, where do you find the thin skin? I see nothing but good humor===post # and line please to save what little credibility you might have? (hypothetically speaking?)

    It would be “Fabulous” if you could do that for us?=====///////=====Nope, can’t say it. Sounds too gay!!!!!!!!!

  4. QB says:

    I think most women are glad gay men design clothes. If straight men were doing it then women would be wearing nothing but low cut t-shirts and tight skimpy shorts.

    Now I’ll go back to fantasizing about Nigella Lawson. Mmmmmmmm, welsh cakes…..

  5. Dr Dodd says:

    #34 bobbo

    The article was on the mark using the statement,

    “most hetero guys like their women to look like women, not like prepubescent boys.”

    As you requested, the grand prize winners are #12, 16, 20, 25 — 10 & 28 get a dishonorable mention for lashing out at SN for stating the truth.

  6. bobbo says:

    #36–DrD==#12 says he likes the looks of Miss London and as a gay person he says they aren’t responsible and we should look elsewhere.

    Other folks gay, straight, and bent have posted that its straight women that drive the magazine sales.

    I don’t see anything but reasonable rational behavior going on.

    Someone self identifies as gay and YOU go into a tizzy. Course, I have to admit, you are in a tizzy in most of your posting. You don’t sound very gay in your own outlook Dr D.

  7. Dr Dodd says:

    #37 bobbo

    “Someone self identifies as gay and YOU go into a tizzy.”

    A simple and rational observation doesn’t equal a tizzy.

  8. bobbo says:

    #38–Dr D==how do you explain making a completely baseless statement, and when challenged on it, you amplify it? I think it is fair to call that a tizzy. I only looked at #12, and found nothing thin skinned. Lets go to #16. Ok==his statement sounds completely hetero in its attitude. The only thing identifying the statement made as gay, is his own declaration. So, if #16 is “thin skineed” it is ONLY because he is gay.

    You are right, thats not a tizzy==its something else completely.

    Give it a shot==what word, phrase, idea in Post #16 is at all thin skinned, or not called for, or deviant, or whatever you want to think of it?

  9. Dr Dodd says:

    #39 bobbo

    What are you talking about? Your logic is that of the chronic masturbator. You should get out more my hairy palmed friend.

  10. chris says:

    So true. Models tend to be pretty fugly. Also, why are fashion show clothes totally useless as actual clothing?

  11. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Dr. D #40 – You’re giving us chronic self abusers a bad rap.

  12. bobbo says:

    #40–Dr D== repeat: “Give it a shot==what word, phrase, idea in Post #16 is at all thin skinned, or not called for, or deviant, or whatever you want to think of it?”

    Go ahead–or I’ll just have to continue thinking of you what I already think of you. Save yourself man, reject the Dark Side!!! L u k e . . . .

  13. Dr Dodd says:

    #43 bobbo

    You’ve been pumping too much plastic. Do us all a favor and go into your closet and get that doll you have hidden there. You know the one with the globe for a head.

    Stick a pin in it, then take it outside and burn it. Take a shower, get dressed and go find you a real woman. The generosity of women is a wonderful thing so maybe, just maybe you’ll find one.

    You still here?

    Go now before it’s too late!

  14. AtomBomb says:

    I love the spin on this article. When did this become a Fox News Blog? Now people are just making these articles say things they aren’t even remotely about. I am glad to see so many old fat guys stop playing Dungeons and Dragons and come out for some good ole gay bashin.

  15. bobbo says:

    #44–Dr D. tsk, tsk. Weak.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    “And it would follow that if heterosexual men made those decisions, more voluptuous women would be chosen. Because, let’s face it, most hetero guys like their women to look like women, not like prepubescent boys.”

    Now that’s full of BS. In the end they’re all MEN. What do the majority of Hetero men want? Sexy, young women. What do the majority of the gay men want? Sexy, young men.


  17. dodgema says:

    Nobody bothered to mention that in the UK … a size 12 is actually a size 10 US … boy, she’s some chubby lady … NOT!!!


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