Inspiring to see how our soldiers are protecting us and making friends with the Iraqi people.

  1. Smartalix says:

    Are there still people who will call me anti-American (or worse) if I say this is shameful behavior that only increases the number of people there that hate us?

  2. Sea Lawyer says:

    They’re only sheep, and sheep are tasty, so most people probably don’t care.

    More puppies please.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    And the mercenaries do their part in winning hearts and minds.

  4. chad says:

    Hmm, on the side of the road in a flock of sheep strikes me as a good hiding place…wolves in sheeps clothing perhaps…well a flash bang is better than a stream of .50 cals

  5. Satan says:

    Smartalix, why do you hate America? 🙂

    I’m with you. Generally, being an asshole doesn’t make a person very many friends.

  6. jim h says:

    YouTube lets the public see the shabby, shameful reality behind grand and glorious operations like the occupation of Iraq.

  7. BillM says:

    Yup…we Americans really suck. Now if it was a video of a Freedom fighter blowing up a market in the city, it wouldn’t be worthy of mentioning on this blog.

  8. The Warden says:

    I agree. We should use one example of stupidity by our military to stereotype them all!

    But then again, you also really really care about them and that’s why you want them home so you can then send them on a peace keeping mission to Darfur.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #7 – BillM

    Does Al-Qaeda terrorist attacks make it okay for Americans to shoot and throw grenades at civilians? Is this part of some game? What’s the score?

  10. Satan says:


    I can’t speak for anyone else here, but I don’t think Americans (as a whole) suck. I do not, however, appreciate assholes abroad (who are American) making Americans as a whole appear to suck.

    And don’t think I’m not appalled by the assholes on the other side (“freedom fighters” blowing up a market), either.

  11. Satan says:


    I believe there has been more than one example to go on….

  12. Seth says:

    I’d say those guys are pretty stupid and should have been punished for that. Nothing too harsh but a company grade article 15 would do.

    I feel these guys are the minority though. A video of some soldiers talking with some local nationals and shaking hands doesn’t make for a very interesting YouTube video although it’s much more common than people throwing flash grenades at sheep.

    I would also like to point out what places like Iraq does to people. A person whom would have never harmed anyone in their life becomes a different person when under those types of stresses. I’m not condoning actions like these but some people are not cut out for the stresses of a 12-18 month deployment where seeing people get injured or killed is part of the daily grind.

  13. Geoffrey says:

    Typical Obama elitist propaganda.

  14. newglenn says:

    There is a human being walking just in front of the sheep.

  15. Brian says:

    Sounds similar to the guys who threw a puppy off a cliff there.

    Granted most of our troops are hard working and good folks, but idiots like this make us all look bad.

  16. Steve says:

    “They hate us for our freedom.” Now I get it.

  17. gregallen says:

    Arabs are going to murderously hate Americans for DECADES after this horrid Bush administration is gone.

    And, yet, somehow, the conservatives will blame liberals for inevitable blow-back of the mess they made.

  18. zzzzz says:

    typical Americans don’t know how to behave in other countries.

    They all think they get a phone call have rights like in america when they goto jail.. LOL!

  19. redpawGraphics says:

    Can we really know those are americans that did this?.

  20. JPV says:

    Look on the bright side. 1/4 of the guys in that Hummmer will be nothing but so much ground beef within the year.

  21. JPV says:

    chad said

    Hmm, on the side of the road in a flock of sheep strikes me as a good hiding place…wolves in sheeps clothing perhaps…well a flash bang is better than a stream of .50 cals

    Yeah, you can tell by their snickering and laughing how seriously they felt threatened.

  22. JPV says:

    BillM said

    Yup…we Americans really suck. Now if it was a video of a Freedom fighter blowing up a market in the city, it wouldn’t be worthy of mentioning on this blog.

    Yeah, it’s not like we invaded their country, overthrew their government and destroyed their infrastructure because our leaders lied about weapons that they didn’t have.

    Stupid asshole…

  23. JPV says:

    redpawGraphics said

    Can we really know those are americans that did this?.

    Yeah, you have American soldiers raping and murdering 15 year old girls, tossing puppies into the desert and torturing prisoners… but this is a stretch?

    On top of that, who else would be traveling around in a convoy of military vehicles tossing grenades around, for fun?

    Get a brain already…

  24. comhcinc says:

    it isn’t even funny. i mean if you are going to be a big jackass at least do something funny.

  25. 142nd Infantry says:

    I’m not sure about this clip, Discharghing a weapon or grenade, (or flashbang in this case) on an unarmed civillian and his flock would lead to SERIOUS reprocussions for the soldier. My only guesses are, it was the commanding officer (yeah, some are stupid as hell), there was no commanding officer present (never give grunts a vehicle by themselves), or it might have been mercs.(blackwater and the like) Having been in the military, I will say, all the crap you see about the troops being great heroes and wonderful people is bogus. Most of those guys on the ground are half retarded and half insane. There are a few who are real patriots, but most “wanna kill me some towelheads!”. Or they are there for the benefits and couldn’t think of any other way to get into college.

  26. lou says:

    400 more years of funny vids from Irac with Johnny french fry.

  27. Thor says:

    It is so sad to see this. These are not soldiers. Soldiers code of conduct has nothing to this. This juvenile delinquents that would be in jail at home already if they were not in Iraq. Clips like this is so counterproductive to the great work real soldiers do. Makes me want to cry! Please – get this guys to a trial and get them punished – severely. For the sake of us all – and freedom.

  28. jescott418 says:

    Don’t think I support this. It certainly does nothing to help us with PR in Iraq. But these soldiers are simply over worked and stressed out!
    Some have found very wrong ways of releasing this frustration.
    Maybe John McCain should go over and have a talk with them.

  29. UNKN says:

    Murder and rape happen all over the world every day. So a guy tossed a flash bang of sorts at some sheep. Well, if you REALLY care about this, investigate and try to find out who it might have been and get them taken to court or something. Don’t come on here and spout “I hate America” because some idiot did this. You will never see me say something like “I hate all Arabs” because of what happened at 9/11 or any other kind of terroristic activities that have been perpetrated by someone of Arab nationality.

    This isn’t me condoning what happened, that guy has some problems and needs his ass put in a sling, but lay off the hate America crap. We have our problems but there are plenty of other places that are far worse than we are.

  30. Michael says:

    At least they didn’t throw one over a cliff.


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