Inspiring to see how our soldiers are protecting us and making friends with the Iraqi people.
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Yeah, between the puppy story and the sheep grenade post, this site really supports the troops.
To think these clowns get their salary and toys with my tax dollars and then come home as war heroes.
Thank goodness for Youtube. You will never see these small indicators of what really takes place over there from the Dick and Bush controlled television media.
>>Yeah, between the puppy story and the sheep
>>grenade post, this site really supports the
Looks to me, Mikey, as though the troops are shooting themselves in the feet.
I mean, come on. Who the fuck throws puppies off cliffs and flash-bangs sheep? Sheesh.
Could it possibly be that this is just an isolated incident of assholes behaving as such? Why the far-reaching, high handed attempt at commentary on the military and the war based on something as stupid as this, or puppy being thrown off a cliff? There are human lives at stake in this conflict, and believe it or not most Iraqis are happy to see the American troops coming. If you doubt this, some basic Google research can back me up.
Don’t try to use such an example of stupid behavior to condemn the troops and the war. It makes you sound incredibly naive and ridiculous. While it makes for a good watch for gawkers (the same people that slow down to look at a wreck), it isn’t indicative of our troop behavior on the whole. Gimme a break!
Oh and JPV, I’m sure you believe that Iraq was a regular paradise before the Americans came in and wrecked the whole country. Guess what? It wasn’t.
Oh brother, I know this site dispises the troops and all, but lately they have been taking it to the extreme, it almost sounds like elction time again.
Anyways, the military presence in Iraq is somewhere in the neighborhood of 120,000 people. Of those, how many crimes like these have been committed? 50-100 perhaps? By my quick math in my head, thats somewhere in the neighborhood of 0.08 – 0.1 percent causing these problems. For a group of people, that are lets face it still human, thats not that bad.
Still the people who did this and other such crimes should be punished, you can’t let the lack of discipline shown here take root, if you do you it will destroy the the military from the inside.
>>if you do you it will destroy the the
>>military from the inside.
No, fighting stupid wars for no reason will destroy (and is) destroying the military from the inside. Imagine risking your life (or losing it) to prop up Dumbya’s stupid narcissism. It’s enough to drive anyone to puppy-throwing and sheep flash-bombing. Not to mention panty-putting on prisoners’ heads.
We fucked up big time on this one.
Mister Mustard, you’re my case in point. How much of a douchetard do you have to be to comment on a video of exploding sheep with your worthless, ignorant politcal opinions?
Mister Mustard, you’re my case in point. How much of a douchetard do you have to be to comment on a video of exploding sheep with your worthless, ignorant political opinions?
So the new thing here is posting videos of stupid actions taken by a few military personnel to support your political biases?
Instead wouldn’t it be more prudent to post a two videos side-by-side like the Marne Division helping Iraqi children ( vs. flash-banging sheep and contrasting the two? Because if the former was not the exception to the rule we wouldn’t be seeing the results that we are today, courtesy of successful COIN operations, the same results that I’m assuming you refuse to acknowledge along with the rest of the “surge has failed” crowd.
#5 said “Generally, being an asshole doesn’t make a person very many friends.”
It has worked for Mister Mustard!
#38-Mister Ketchup,
Agreed. He has however taught me that if you cannot win an argument logically, quoting an entire song and insulting people is the way to get things done.
I think we should pitch in and send these replacements.
# 7,
of course that is horrible. They are the bad guys. We are supposed to be the good guys. Acting like this only perpetuates the hatred that feeds the war.
Fuck you. I served, and while that doesn’t make my opinion any smarter or more valid, it means I volunteered to protect it alongside my fellow soldiers, sailors, and airmen so those fuckhead chickenhawks could grow up all nice and safe.
I have a fond respect for the service and am extremely supportive of the troops. My criticism is directed soley at the assholes ruining things for us and making things worse for themselves and their fellows.
It is not the job of the people here to promote the war effort. This post has exposed behavior seriously detrimental to the mission. Balance is for a marketing presentation, not a political discussion. If you would like to mention the situations you descibe as examples of soldiers doing their job well, I will not disagree. However, the debate in this threadis about these actions and their impact on the war effort.
If you were an Iraqi, how many good deeds along the lines of what you describe would we have to perform to balance the actions of the soldiers in this situation?
>> UNKN said, on June 13th, 2008 at 4:08 am
>> Don’t come on here and spout “I hate America” because some idiot did this.
I’m against this war because I love America.
At this point, the only reason anyone SUPPORTS this war is because they love the GOP more than they love America.
>>It has worked for Mister Mustard!
Aw, c’mon Ketchy. Give me a hug!!
>> UNKN said,
>> Murder and rape happen all over the world every day. So a guy tossed a flash bang of sorts at some sheep.
Those sheep are probably THE TOTAL income of that man and his extended family .. and maybe the whole village. Those sheep are he difference between barely living and starving to death.
… and then some American a-hole tosses a grenade at them.
You think that sheep herder and his village are now more likely to support the insurgency?
It reminds me of high school but these bullies have guns. Not only do I completely disagree with the actions these morons have committed on innocent animals that can’t defend themselves, it’s almost equally as disgusting they would video tape it.
The sheep didn’t seem to upset WHY THE HELL ARE YOU.
That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read.