The Rev. Robert Whipkey, 53, is on trial in Weld County District Court. He was arrested last June in Frederick, about 25 miles north of Denver, after an officer said he was seen walking naked on a street at 4:35 a.m.
Even though he is a Roman Catholic priest, the judge has approved a defense motion to exclude any references to Whipkey’s profession during the trial because it has no bearing on the charge.
When he was arrested, Whipkey said he sweats profusely if he wears clothing while jogging, according to the arrest report. Police said he told them he had been running naked at the track at Frederick High School and didn’t think anyone would be around that time of day…
He also allegedly appeared nude at a summer camp for Catholic boys in 1999. A parishioner at St. Anthony’s Parish in Sterling told the Rocky Mountain News that Whipkey was naked in front of several boys but that no charges were ever filed. The parishioner said several families left the church as a result of the incident.
I can understand the comfort factor. I can also understand not being so tweaked you risk arrest over sweat.
Thanks, K B
This guy is obviously fishing for young boys/girls.
This will probably be a short trial. (Snickers)
See that collar around his neck? Lets go ahead and have it tightened until his fat little melon explode. Typical holy man scum.
The guy must have a really tiny “package”. I don’t find frolicking around outdoors (like jogging, volleyball, surfing, etc.) with the unit flopping to be all that pleasant. If the guy were just wearing a jock strap, that I could understand.
A sweaty, fat, naked priest.
Oh, make this image go away.
OMG! He also plays a character from the latest Duke Nukem franchise:
#1, 2 & 3,
Don’t you think you are being a bit presumptuous? There is no reason to think that this man was doing anything more than running naked through the streets when he didn’t think anyone else would be around.
Not all church traditions think nudity is sinful.
Go to Italy and the old churches are FULL of nude pictures and sculptures, commissioned with church money.
So, why doesn’t this priest find a nude beach and run around there? It would be legal and offend no one.
>> This guy is obviously fishing for young boys/girls.
Don’t be so sure. I think he’s probably just nuts.
Noel, your being sarcastic right? No? sheesh, whatta you need? A picture of him boning some waif?
Greg #8 – No I’m not completely sure but would you like this guy in your neighborhood if you had children going to the high school he was jogging at?
Pedophiles need to be secret and running around naked TOTALLY OUTS him!
Let’s compromise — he’s a crazy pedophile!
Greg #11 – Agreed
He is 53 years old and was just arrested once. What are the odds that he has been doing this for 30 to 40 years and they never arrested him before, because he is a respected member of the community.
Wait a minute..fishing for young boys and girls…at 4:35AM? I have no liking for people making their living off of the superstitions of others….but let’s keep things in perspective. I can certainly think of better times of day if I wanted to pick up a minor..and even then..I’m not sure, as a 53 year old overweight man, that jogging around a track naked is the best lure….but maybe the kids are different in your neighborhood?
What, no sacramental wine abuse joke???